Monday, January 31, 2011

Are the Commissioners qualified to decide?

A week from tomorrow could be the biggest decision ever made by the Mt. Lebanon Commissioners.  Yet, are they qualified to make decisions based on zoning issues?  There were many violations mentioned at the public hearing.  Some residents desperately called it, "minutiae."  Are we going to get a fair decision?  Joe votes the way Raja votes.  Raja is best buds with Ed and Dan.  Dave was in the Posti Gazette for BOSN.  Oh yeah.  Sounds definitely "fair" to me.  To be fair, maybe they should rely on the Zoning Hearing Board's expertise and send it their way on Feb. 8 and let them study it for a month.  What is one more month?  It is the right thing to do.

We will not have such blasphemy in Mt. Lebanon!

I happened to stumble upon this website in my travels, Northwestern C.A.R.E.S.  (Community Advocates for Reforming Excellence in our Schools.)  This Northwestern Lehigh School District in PA actually permits residents to video tape their meetings and publishes a balanced preliminary budget.  How refreshing!  Here are the community advocates' goals and purpose:

Northwestern C.A.R.E.S.

Community Advocates for Reforming Excellence in our Schools

Our Purpose and Goals

  • The people that live in the Northwestern Lehigh School District want to be informed and know what’s going on with decisions that effect academics, students, teachers, extra-curricular activities, etc. We will distribute this information.
  • To have an organization where people can get together to share ideas and thoughts about the school district’s issues that need to be corrected. Then, through an organized effort, take action to correct them.
  • The people that are paying the school district’s bills want to be informed about what exactly it is they are paying for. The way the system works everywhere else is when someone pays a bill, they get a copy of the receipt. It’s reasonable for the people that live in this community to get a copy of the receipt of the bills they are paying. We will distribute these receipts.
  • To assist individuals or groups that would like to voice their opinion or correct, change, or accomplish something within the school district. We will assist them on how to navigate the politics of the school board and the administration.
  • To attend school board and committee meetings to see and hear first hand what is going on. We will video tape meetings and webcast them to benefit the people who are unable to attend, yet have an interest in knowing what’s going on.
  • Collect information by asking for it, or by right to know, then distributing it by email or handouts.
Northwestern C.A.R.E.S., you would have a difficult time if you tried this here in Lebo!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Lebo's Confusing Budget and the PIAA's Financial Past Financial Condition

The following letter is from John Ewing, former Finance Committee Chair who is confused by this year's budget presentation on the School District's website.

Considering the confusing Budget posted on the District website, are the financial controls on sports receipts any better in Mt. Lebanon than they were for the PIAA in January 2001? Why 2001? Because that is the Report date on the PIAA and the date of the first architect's study (VEB Study) on the high school renovation. The renovation has taken a great deal of time since then. Did we have time to improve our financial controls in that time frame? Judge for yourself and remember the Superintendent is responsible for the actions of his staff. 

A report from the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee released in January 2001 had this summary about the PIAA finances:


During 1998, the Senate Special Committee on Interscholastic Athletics conducted an in-depth inquiry into the operations of the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA). Subsequent legislation, Act 2000-91 created the Pennsylvania Athletic Oversight Council and directed the LB&FC to conduct an annual “financial and management review” of the PIAA. This is our first such review.
Overall Conclusion: The PIAA has made a number of important policy, management, and operational changes in response to the Senate Special Commit- tee’s report and Act 2000-91. While these actions represent important progress, current PIAA practices continue to fall short of “best business and accounting practices” in a number of areas. In short, more re- mains to be done if a complete reform of the PIAA, as envisioned by the Senate Special Committee, is to be accomplished.

Key Findings:
PIAA Revenues and Expenditures. 2000-01, PIAA headquarters had expenditures of $4.0 million; total PIAA spending, including the 11 PIAA districts, was $8.7 million. Total revenues were $8.1 million, most of which comes from ticket sales to PIAA-sponsored games.
PIAA Financial Condition. Despite recent in- creases in school membership dues and game ticket prices, the PIAA continues to incur annual operating deficits and reductions in its net worth. The PIAA headquarters had an operating deficit of $112,000 in FY 2000-01 and has seen its net worth decline by 84 percent since FY 1996-97.
Spending Policies and Guidelines. The PIAA has not initiated a formal review of expenses and has not established specific spending guidelines or expense reimbursement policies. The PIAA also does not have written guidelines governing the staff’s use of corporate credit cards. Documentation for many of the credit card purchases we examined was missing or incomplete.
Questionable      Expenditures.     A     number  of PIAA expenditures appear questionable, especially in light of its current financial condition and general spending guidelines that apply to nonprofit organizations. These include: spending for snacks and luncheons for PIAA staff; rings, watches, blazers, and other apparel purchased for Board Members and staff; reimbursement for Board Member attendance at champion- ship events; conference and out-of-state meeting expenses; and officials’ conventions.

Competitive Bidding. The PIAA’s competitive bid policy is limited in scope and applies only to
certain merchandise and services. During FY 2000-01, the PIAA awarded several contracts without a competitive bid, including one for printing with a value of $149,235 and another for $59,820 for trophies.
Game Managers. The PIAA employs “game managers” to administer playoff and champion- ship events. While the PIAA has changed some game manager procedures, the managers continue to use cash gate receipts to pay expenses at many games. We also noted delays in depositing game receipts and various compliance issues in game manager reports.
Employee Performance Evaluations. The PIAA appears to have made progress in establishing a formal employee performance evaluation system. PIAA officials did not, however, provide access to documents we needed to independently verify their adherence to this process.
Various Compliance Issues. The PIAA headquarters is in conformance with accepted accounting practices, and is generally in compliance with requirements for a nonprofit organization. The PIAA, however, is not in full compliance with its Open Meetings Policy and has not issued a required annual report in more than two years.
The PIAA Board of Directors should work with the Oversight Council to resolve the question of whether the PIAA should continue to function as a corporate headquarters and 11 relatively auto mousy districts, or as a single statewide entity with consistent operating policies and procedures. The PIAA should also take further actions to stabilize the organization’s financial condition and ensure that funds are used only for necessary purposes; establish more stringent requirements for staff documentation of expenses; eliminate the practice of paying event workers in cash; prohibit Board Members from serving as game managers; and develop a PIAA-specific accounting manual. Other recommendations relate to timely deposit of game revenues, the distribution of an annual report, and sunshine compliance.

Minutiae? Really?

I was unable to attend Monday’s Commission meeting which included the public hearing for final approval of the High School Renovation as presented by the School District, but listened to it here  and here

As written in the Trib,

Before public comment began last night, Weis explained that the commission can only consider whether the conditional use meets the requirements of Mt. Lebanon's zoning and land use rules. If the commissioners turn down the application, they must cite the specific parts of the law it doesn't meet.” 
As usual, exhibit after exhibit was produced by the folks who have been studying the project, and the ones who are for the high school renovation to move forward- no matter what - only provided compliments and thank you’s.  One even went as far as calling the evidence minutiae.  The commissioners were looking for evidence.  Listening to the podcasts, I could predict what was going to be said by the proponents of the current plan.  Same old, same old. 
Give me minutiae, a.k.a., specific parts of the law it doesn’t meet, thank you.  It avoids costly, “I told you so’s.”

Monday, January 24, 2011

More on Ms. Klein's Forecast

Looking more closely at the 1.4.11 Forecast, specifically the Federal (incl stimulus funds) line that represents 2% of the Revenue, I found two articles today that Ms. Klein should read.  State tuition voucher proposal on path fraught with questions.
"This school year, the state is counting on $654.7 million in federal economic stimulus money to help foot the basic education subsidy bill.
But that money -- which accounts for about 11 percent of the basic education subsidy this school year -- is not expected to be renewed for 2011-12. The state also expects to lose millions of dollars in stimulus money for other aspects of education and other services."

The other article that Ms. Klein should read is Politicians Balance Budgets With Money for Classrooms. 
"U.S. governors and legislatures facing deficits of more than $140 billion are slashing local school budgets, cuts that may mean jammed classrooms, fewer teachers and libraries without librarians."

This is not good news at a time when the School District is asking the Commission for final approval on the High School project. 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Are we getting balanced BUDGET reporting?

The Mt. Lebanon School District has posted the 1/4/2011 Forecast on the District website.  Spoiler alert!  It isn't balanced.  Even I noticed that.  The Real Estate Tax line is flat.  I have some questions whether they should be showing anything for Gaming.  What about the Federal stimulus funds?  I thought they were going away.  Best case scenario shows an estimate of a 41.37% millage INCREASE in five years.  Come on guys!  Do we need to have Mr. Feller and Ms. Taylor show you how to do it?  They televised budget hearings and posted a balanced budget. The School District doesn't even hold Audit and Finance Committee meetings!  Keep flashing your transparency i.d. card.  It hasn't sunk in yet with the community.

Update:11:37 a.m. The Forecast in its current form shows a 21.14% increase.  In order to balance the budget, the millage needs to be increased, resulting in a 41.37% millage increase in five years.  This is just an estimate and doesn't reflect some of the expenses which are offset by corresponding increases in State contributions (revenues).

Update: 11:29 p.m. About the Gaming...From the School District website:
Gambling Fund
Annually, the Budget Secretary for Pennsylvania certifies the amount of slots (gambling) funds available for real estate tax relief if sufficient funds are available in the fund.  The exact amount available per homeowner will vary by school district, but is estimated by the State that for Mt. Lebanon it will be $188  per eligible homeowner for 2010.  These gambling funds will be rebated through a reduction in assessment of owner-occupied homes via homestead exemptions.  Each owner-occupied home will receive the exact same tax reduction, not a percentage reduction based on the value of the home.  This reduction in taxes will be clearly noted on the tax bills.  It is important to note that the gambling monies are not guaranteed and may differ in amounts from year to year if they are approved.  Any money the District receives from gambling funds must be returned in total through this homestead exemption process.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Are we getting balanced reporting?

After reading this morning’s edition of the Posti Gazette, I mean, the Post Gazette, I am now convinced that we have a reporter who is the mouthpiece of the School District.  Reading A newsmaker you should know: Mt. Lebanon's newest school director, I did not see any mention of his fifteen minutes of fame.  After all, it did get national attention.  I am thinking about canceling my subscription.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Let's play the Lebo Shell Game

I asked a Mt. Lebanon resident in the construction business to look at the Construction Document Estimate.  Interesting findings:

"Still $113,000,000 after all the changes to reduce cost, after all the savings on asbestos, after everything.
According to Act 34 we can have a maximum NEW building construction cost of $45 million.

According to the 90% Construction Document Estimate, we are at $41,466,000.

If we exceed $45 million, then we need to have another Act 34 hearing.

Look at the high site costs. I don't believe they are included in the "new" construction even though much of those site costs ARE REQUIRED to do the new construction. Site costs are currently at $13,972,000.

The FF&E is included, but only the SOFT COSTS for FFE.  No new desks, no new furniture, no new nothing. I guess they are just going to recycle everything that is already outdated.  New school, same desks? New school, same chalkboards?

In the August 9, 2010 presentation, FFE was $2,000,000.  The new update had it at $398,000.

Also, there is only a 1% design contingency right now. 1%!

People talk about how our project can't be compared to others for sitework costs because we have asbestos.  Well, asbestos is only $3 million.  Demolition is only $1.5 million. That leaves another $10 million in site work with HALF of that being to prepare the site for new construction.

I am afraid that they are stuffing the Site Work expense column with costs that should be associated with New Construction. A $3 million swing between the two puts us at a new Act 34 hearing.  Are the architect and CM  jumbling the numbers to make it work?

Let’s compare the December 2009 95% design development estimate at $115 million.

1. Demolition was over $4 million and now it is $1.5.  Was asbestos abatement included in the demolition costs in that one?

2. The contingency was $4 million and now it is $856,000.  Did they reduce the contingency to bring down the cost? Or did they reduce the contingency because they used it?  The fact remains that it is gone. There will be nothing left for contingencies. That is a $2 million reduction in cost from Dec 2009 to Dec 2010.
3. The square footage has gone up by about 6000 sq. feet."

Very interesting.  Will we ever get straight answers from the School Board? Are we playing the Lebo Shell Game again?   

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Josephine Posti's Board Report

Last night, Josephine Posti  gave this report at the Mt. Lebanon School Board Business Meeting. I find her comments about the selection process they "chose was public, unprecedented, and postitve" were humorous since she failed to mention that two residents made the only recordings of the process.  WE chose to make it public by putting the interviews on  There was no effort of televising the interviews even though the technology was available.
Josephine Posti goes on to say that our new School Board Director is highly regarded in the legal community.  This may be true, but I just found this letter from State Representative Matt Smith in my files. Online anti-outsourcing petition letter Highmark was one of the clients listed in this link.
Josephine Posti also takes a shot at blogs.  This blog has supplied link after link of documentation. It is hard to ignore what has been viewed nationally.  How could this NOT generate dialogue?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Look at what we are missing

Mt. Lebanon will never see this type of news article. Instead, we appoint School Board Directors who show companies how to rig job interviews to hire immigrants.

“'When we shortchange our students now, we shortchange our future as a state and our viability to compete economically for jobs,' Superintendent Allison said."

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Former School Board Director Promotes Job Opportunities

The following email from James Fraasch was reprinted with his permission.

Subject: 50 Job Openings at Ansaldo-STS

I hope that you will take a moment to pass along the link below to people who you think might benefit from it.  Having had the experience just over 18 months ago of being laid off, I want to make sure that everyone looking for a job knows that we have opportunities right here in Pittsburgh.

The company I work for now, Ansaldo-STS USA,  is currently seeking applications for over 50 positions.  Many are technical positions, but some are project management and planning positions. Our business has been extremely strong for the past few years and we currently have half a billion in work backlogged. That's enough work for about five years.  There has been some recent turnover due to a reorganization but that is finished now and this company is ready to move forward.  Some of the positions offer an opportunity for international travel.  Our US office is on 2nd Ave on the other side of the Hot Metal Bridge from Southside Works. Pay is good, health care premiums are mostly paid by the company, and there is a matching 401k.  Additionally, Ansaldo offers a tremendous relocation package for those people that might be from out of town.

If any of the positions are of interest to you or anyone you know, let me know and I can deliver an introduction directly to our HR staff.

Please see this link on the company website and search for the Pittsburgh jobs.  There are 34 job descriptions but many of them are for more than one position:

Happy New Year to everyone if I haven't had the opportunity to say it to you personally yet. Let's see if we can do our part to insure that everyone who wants a job, gets a job.

Best wishes,

James Fraasch

Friday, January 14, 2011

NOW they want to keep the millage down?

Why didn't they think of this last year? Or is because it is an election year?

"'We know we want to keep the millage down, we want to have no increase, so I would work very hard with this board and with (Superintendant) Dr. (Timothy) Steinhauer to make that happen,' Klein said."

School Board Disease is spreading rapidly

President Josephine Posti would like to continue meeting with the Commission, but you guessed it, the meetings would be closed to the public.  On Tuesday, January 11, the Commission decided to send two Commissioners to meet with two members of the School Board on a quarterly basis, against Dan Miller's and Matt Kluck's votes to hold the Joint Steering Committee meeting openly. 
Josephine Posti, do you seriously think this is what the public wants?  Closed meetings?  Lack of transparency is the first symptom of School Board Disease.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Get to know our new school board director

Here are some links that were sent to me about our new school board director, Larry Lebowitz.

Updated 01/12/11 From phone calls and emails that are coming my way, I know there are many who are new to blogs.  By clicking on the word, "comments" which is immediately below this post, you have the opportunity to read comments submitted by readers.  There is also a section where you can submit your own comment.  Just make sure to include your real first and last name, so that it can be published.  If I can't verify who you are, I will not publish your comment.

Monday, January 10, 2011

And the winner is...

President Posti announced that the candidate must get five votes or it would go to the Court of Common Pleas.

First round of voting:  Robert Gardner 3 votes
                                Larry Lebowitz 3 votes
                                William Cooper 2 votes

Second round of voting:  Larry Lebowitz 5 votes
                                    Robert Gardner 3 votes

RESOLVED, That the vacancy on the Board of School Directors of the Mt. Lebanon School District occurring by reason of the resignation of James M. Fraasch shall be filled by Larry Lebowitz for the remainder of the unexpired term, which expires the first Monday of December 2011.

Updated 01/11/11 
Read more:

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Now this is transparency

Dr. Steinhauer and President Posti should take note of what our former Superintendent is doing these days.  

Wichita is opening its checkbook to improve budget transparency "Allison told members of the delegation that the district is taking steps to be more transparent with its budget transactions.
'Wichita Public Schools long has been a leader in this state on sharing budget information,' Allison said in a news release."

That's not the case here, Mr. Allison.  Budget information is highly guarded information that is withheld from residents, even at Audit and Finance Committee meetings.

Friday, January 7, 2011

15228 drops significantly in median household income

Pittsburgh Business Times reported today that 15228 was ranked as the 7th wealthiest zip code in the region according to the 2000 Book of Lists.  Ten years later,  Pittsburgh Business Times shows that they dropped to number 17 in median household income.   Upper St. Clair came in at number 3 in 2010.  15102 (Bethel Park) came in at number 18.
Aren't most of the proponents of the current high school renovation plan from 15228?

Very public process?

From President Posti's Center Court blog:

“The Board is grateful for such a large applicant pool and thankful for the time and energy that each candidate put into the process.  The process we used was unprecedented.  Rather than making the decision in executive session, which is how vacancies are normally filled and have been filled by us and other districts, we've chosen a very public process.” 

The small print reads: “This site is not affiliated with Mt. Lebanon School District and does not reflect the official position of the Mt. Lebanon School Board.”  Huh?

The agenda for January 10, 2011 has the following items listed:
IV. New Business for Board Consideration and Action
A. Appointment of Board Member: RESOLVED, That the vacancy on the Board of School
Directors of the Mt. Lebanon School District occurring by reason of the resignation of James M. Fraasch shall be filled by ___________ for the remainder of the unexpired term, which expires the first Monday of December, 2011.
V. Oath of Office Administered by Judge Randal Todd to Newly Appointed Member

I am glad that the decision is not being made in executive session.  Gee, I wish there was a “sarcasm” font.  I did file a Right To Know of all applicants’ resumes and letters of application.  My request was granted today.  It will be interesting to compare their choice with the resumes that were submitted and their interviews on the podcasts.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Will change orders run up project costs?

In today's Post-Gazette and Almanac, John Ewing submitted this letter to the editor.

ML school directors didn't rebuild homes

Mt. Lebanon school directors live in houses built in 1925, 1926, 1929, 1931, 1935, 1941, 1952 and 1955. Not one destroyed their house to build a new one -- yet the high school Building C, built in 1972, is being destroyed and replaced.
According to an architect's Act 34 testimony, tearing down Building C and replacing it will cost $40 million. The district has a debt limit it can't exceed unless the high school project is put to a referendum.
How much of that $40 million to replace Building C is a cost overrun built into the project bidding documents?
Contractors often study bidding documents carefully to bid projects at cost in order to win construction jobs. Most contractors count on change orders to make profits on building projects.
Considering the Mt. Lebanon contract cost is constrained by referendum limits, how much can contractors count on making when Building C is being destroyed and replaced instead of being remodeled?
Mt. Lebanon
The writer is a former member of the facilities committee of the Mt. Lebanon school board and also a former finance committee chairman.

Read more:

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Our Community Deserves Answers

Let's try this again, only this time, we're sticking with facts, please.  The following letter is from John Kendrick.  The information contains quotes from an email obtained through a Right To Know request.  The link to the actual email is provided in the Google document link below.  Thank you for backing up your statements with proof, John.  Very interesting reading.

Our Community Deserves Answers                                               1/5/11 2:25 PM

There is an interesting email sent on March 3, 2009 at 9:59AM from Daniel K Goff to David Reese, and various other interested parties that states (with the authors typos), “Well, it is now time ‘s _ _ t of get off of the pot!’ We need to show them that we did not lie; that we are able to do what we said we could do.”

What was Mr. Goff going to show them? Was Mr. Goff referring to the presentation that was attached to the email that David Reese sent from his Verizon email account on March 8, 2009 at 10:12PM to his Reflex Staffing account? You know, the one that contained the Draft of the Outline for the Presentation to the School Board Members?

Link to Google document

Hum… it’s an interesting document to say the least! Here are some of the highlights: (These are taken directly from the document.)


I wonder if this is the partnership that James Fraasch recently mentioned on a Blog Lebo thread? Did someone make an offer to contribute to the construction of our new school facilities? Did someone make an offer to supply money that would assist in funding the building’s operating expenses?

Why isn’t any of this in the budget for the new school project? How did we as taxpayers end up with the bill? Did our School Board walk away from a voluntary contribution? If they did, we should all be told why!

I won’t hold my breath waiting for an answer, but everyone should stay tuned because the best is yet to come!

John David Kendrick
Mt. Lebanon, PA

Interviews are over

Both evenings of interviews can now be heard on  Unfortunately, Tuesday's first interview was not picked up by my recorder.  It should also be noted that Sue Rose was not there and Dan Remely missed the first part of the meeting on Tuesday.  If the School District had been more transparent and televised the interviews, the technical difficulties that I experienced wouldn't have been an issue. 
I was quite impressed with one young man.  He is twenty years old and was the last applicant to be interviewed on Tuesday.  Another applicant, Keith O'Toole, was a school board director in another district for 12.5 years. After reviewing our February forecast and considering the teachers' contract was over 4% in wages, he identified our tax and debt level as a critical issue, both short term and long term.  Experience, fiscal responsibility, and recognizing that our taxes will go up 50% in five years may not be what the School District is looking for.  Direct links to the podcasts: 1/3/11 interviews  1/4/11 interviews

Updated 1/5/11 Josephine Posti's Center Court Blog has the list of applicants listed.  What Ms.Posti continually states is how "rather than making the decision in executive session, which is how vacancies are normally filled and have been filled by us and other districts, we've chosen a very public process."  She continues stating how this is unprecedented in our District.  The reason is because the law has changed.  What she fails to mention is, according to the PA Sunshine Law, the appointment or selection of any person to fill a vacancy in any elected office must be public.  I also noticed that the solicitor was not present either evening.  Maybe that is why President Posti is unclear about the PA Sunshine Law.  I am also confused about her description of the process being public.  There is nothing transparent about not televising or recording the interviews.  No names were printed on agendas and if I didn't ask for the one applicant's name during an interview, I would not have known his name until reading Ms. Posti's blog today.  Is that being open?  The first commenter last night started speaking about how the meeting should have been televised.   He purposely did not state his name. President Posti interrupted him and asked him to state his name "for the record."  His answer was, "What record?  There is nobody taping."  Dr. Steinhauer said there was.  I guess he was referring to my recording.

Updated 1/5/11: Ms. Shardt has withdrawn from the list of applicants.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Trying something new

The following is a letter from John Kendrick.


The resignation of James Fraasch from the Board of School Directors in Mt Lebanon is a tremendous loss to our community and to our children. The challenge that confronts our community is to find his replacement. 

Do the citizens understand the mechanisms of how the new Board member will be selected? It's simple, the existing Board will appoint his replacement. But this process may not be as simple as it appears. How can the citizens influence the process so the the voice of the people can be heard? In my opinion the answer lies in one man, Raja. 

Does our community realize that Raja is the president of the Mt Lebanon Republican Committee  ["The Machine"] - the same political organization that got the five RINO's on the Board elected? Does everyone realize that Raja, as president of the Mt Lebanon Commission, presided over the vote to grant a lease to the school district for the shared parking, thereby effectively endorsing the High School Renovation Project at an expected astronomical cost of $123MM(+)?
This unacceptable conduct needs to be addressed, and we as citizens need to contact Raja, at home and at work, by telephone, email, hell - even go to a Commission Meeting and tell Raja that we want him to find us a conservative that reflects the values of our community, like: a belief that smaller government and lower taxes are preferable; and a perspective that it's not what the Board takes from us to fund the school, but what we are willing to give to them. We want someone who will make a motion at their first meeting as a new Board member to repeal the plan to build a $123MM High School and limit the project to a $75MM renovation of the existing building.

Enough is enough! Raja presides over The Machine, and Raja needs to be responsive to the residents of our community. Let's all let him know that we want a meaningful new direction!

John David Kendrick
Mt Lebanon, PA

Funding public education

Someone sent me this link this morning:

2010 Top Stories: Funding public education
"The year was especially brutal for public school districts. Once a source of local stability, public school districts now teeter on the brink of bankruptcy."

Is this the reason for witholding the five year preliminary budget from the community?   Is this why it isn't posted on the School District website? Is this why our most fiscally responsible school board director resigned?

Let's get that shovel in the ground before the public finds out!

Oh, the irony of it all

Realizing that 963 new emails in my in-box are a bit excessive, I have spent the morning going through my email.  I found this link to Josephine Posti’s Center Court Blog, dated April 9, 2010. She writes:

What isn’t healthy is distortion, fear-mongering, lies and innuendo. This latest piece from “Concerned Citizens” is filled with each. It doesn’t promote healthy debate, is written in a conspiratorial tone and limits dialogue about important issues that affect each of us. It’s imperative that we, as elected officials, present facts, act transparently, listen respectfully and consider all facets of an issue. This piece doesn’t tell me who “Concerned Citizens” are but does tell me who they aren’t – a group committed to any of those principles.

I’m looking forward to continuing the conversation about budget and policy issues with the public and with my fellow Board members in a civil, respectful manner. I’ve seen a tremendous amount of good work done on the Board by people who didn't necessarily agree but chose to work together honestly and openly. To me, that’s who we are as a community. This isn’t.

This post prompted me to create our website.  In my previous post, I had written that was registered on April 9, 2010.  By now, President Posti knows who “Concerned Citizens” are.  We present facts and act transparently to a Board that does not listen and consider all facets of an issue.  In fact, we were accused of giving too many facts. Fortunately, the fear-mongering accusations have ceased.  We demonstrated that the community was not evenly divided as reported by then President Kubit. We started recording meetings so that the community can hear unedited meetings any time, day or night.  The Board has been referring to our recordings at meetings and in emails to us.  Are they uncomfortable?  If they act transparently, this should not bother them.  I have been recording Commission meetings with no problems.  In fact, one Commissioner even suggested where we could set up a video camera for Discussion Sessions.  To me, this is exemplifies working together honestly and openly.

Ms. Posti continues with how she looks forward to continuing the conversation about budget and policy issues with the public and with her fellow Board members in a civil, respectful manner.  At the October Audit/Finance Committee meeting, the preliminary budget was not shared with the residents.  The next Audit/Finance Committee meeting will be February 24, 2011.  Does this exemplify working together honestly and openly?  Do we have to wait that long before we see a preliminary budget?  At the November 3, 2010 Policy Committee meeting, Ms. Posti says to a resident with over forty years of experience in finance, “You understand how a TIF works, right?”   Is that an example of being respectful with the public?  In addition, references to recording the meeting were made by two School Board members at that meeting.  Again, is this how the School Board chooses to work together honestly and openly?  To me, this isn’t who we are as a community.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2010 Highlights

Where did 2010 go?  Why does it seem like the whole year was wasted trying to get a school board to be fiscally responsible and to listen to their constituents?  As on other blogs this time of year, here are the highlights of 2010.

  1. Preliminary Budget of 2/3/2010 showing a 45.3% increase in five years.
  2. Act 34 Hearing on February 22, 2010
  3. Beginning of a door-to-door petition asking to cap the high school renovation at $75 million in February 2010.
  4. March 11, 2010 Zoning Hearing Board
  5. On April 5, 2010, 3,333 petition signatures asking for the High School Renovation to be capped at $75 million, were submitted to the Mt. Lebanon School District Board Secretary to be included as part of the submission to the PA Department of Education under Act 34.
  6. was registered on April 9, 2010 and announced at the April 12, 2010 School Board meeting.
  7. On April 12, 2010, 3,333 petition signatures were also presented to the Mt. Lebanon School Board asking to cap the renovation at $75 million.
  8. On April 19, 2010, MTLSD enters an agreement with UPMC for athletic training and physician services for $154,000 for five years.
  9. On April 28, 2010, our signature count surpassed the number of votes needed to sit on the School Board.  We had 3,542 signatures asking to cap the high school renovation project at $75 million.  These signatures did not reflect district and municipal employees or contractors who were unable to sign for fear of losing their jobs.  The numbers would have been much higher in a voting booth.
  10. On April 27, 2010, The Mt. Lebanon School Board appealed a decision by the Zoning Hearing Board and the taxpayers had to pay for both sides of the legal battle.
  11. On May 24, 2010, the Budget was approved with a 10.5% increase in taxes.
  12. On June 21, 2010,  the School Board approved an average salary increase of 3 percent for administrators 2.5 percent for administrative assistants and supervisors, specialists and head custodians; 3.86 percent for custodial and maintenance employees; and 4.55 percent for secretarial and clerical employees.
  13. On August 25, 2010, the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the MTLSD and MLEA was approved.
  14. In September 2010, the Master Design Team meeting minutes of September 21, 2009 surfaced with a reference to an $8 million dollar donation that never materialized.
  15. On October 12, 2010, the Honorable Joseph M. James affirmed the Zoning Hearing Board’s earlier decision.
  16. On October 18, 2010, the School Board gave our Superintendent a 4.5% increase even though his goals weren’t met.
  17. On October 20, 2010, Josephine Posti wrote a letter to the editor of the Almanac, resorting to character assassinations against a prominent structural engineer.
  18. The first post on this blog was made on November 29, 2010.
  19. December 1, 2010, Dr. Timothy Steinhauer’s 2010-2011 goals were finally posted.
  20. On December 15, 2010, James Fraasch resigns from the School Board.

With the start of the new decade, I hope that the Mt. Lebanon School Board starts off being more transparent, becomes more fiscally responsible, considers its constituents, and most importantly, makes decisions that advance the educational outcome of the children in our community.

Happy New Year.