Monday, November 7, 2011

Update on the questions that went out to the candidates

Paula Bongiorno has indicated that she is sending a personal statement for publication to this blog. I have heard nothing from Joseph Wertheim or Scott Goldman. 


  1. Everybody is concerned about the candidates answering questions, to which they could answer almost anything.
    But, when a resident ask the current board "what is the HS plan you're sending out to bid?" no one is appalled or upset that they didn't give a straight answer! Instead they told him the plans are available throughout the district website. Damn if I can find them.
    We're talking about a project that will potentially cost the community over $150,000,000 when it is all said and done and no one is upset that they don't know what the money will go for.
    No-- we're attack candidates because they didn't respond to some nebulus PTA questions.
    It's really pathetic where priorities lie here in Mt. Lebanon.
    DIck Suanders

  2. OK maybe attacking is too strong a word.
    How about "critical of" specific candidates that didn't answer the PTA questions.
    I think it's great that some candidates have submitted their answers or statements here and that Elaine has made available in those made on the PTA Q&A.
    Great public service! Thanks Elaine.
    Dick Saunders

  3. "Critical of?" Just providing an update. That's all.


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