Friday, August 31, 2012

Policy Committee Meeting Changes

The School Board Policy Committee meetings have moved to Tuesdays at 5:30 PM, instead of Wednesdays at 4:30 PM. The next meeting is scheduled for this Tuesday in the Jefferson Middle School Library.

Interestingly enough, the Policy Committee will have their first review of Policy FEG, Construction Contracts, Bidding and Awards. Uh...the Policy Committee is getting around to review this policy now? Policy FEG, Construction Contracts, Bidding and Awards was last revised April 16, 2007.

Item #5 states: Policies and procedures will be developed separately for major renovation or construction projects prior to the commencement of each project.

The first item on the agenda is Policy DJA, Purchasing Authority. This policy was last revised April 16, 2007.

Audio recordings of the policy meetings are posted here on the MTLSD website,

September 4, 2012 Agenda 
1. Policies - First Review
    A.  DJA, Purchasing Authority
    B.  FEG, Construction Contracts, Bidding and Awards
    C.  IJOA, Field Trips by School Groups

2.  Questions and Comments from Residents


  1. Sounds like somebody wants a $20,000 mahogany desk for their office.

  2. If this has anything to do with the HS project, the board approved on 4/18/2011 and then reviewed on 1/9/2012 "High School Project - Change Order Guidelines" which differ significantly from Policy FEG in its current form in a couple of respects. Wonder what revisions are being considered ?

  3. The school board figures they and the superintendent don't follow the policy anyway so why bother reviewing them. Also, the policies are intended to be vague so that there are no real teeth in them allowing the district to do as they please. I didn't make this up. There's lots of past school board members who will tell you that policies are not really followed and they need to be slanted towards the administrators and superintendent. Oh and all administrators will have mahogany desk...just wait and see or they can choose to have extra vacation days too. Did administrators really work their 4 day week over the summer? Next summer watch and see if they go to work every day.

  4. Policy chair Larry Lebo must be really "excited". Maybe there will be an opportunity to substitute foreign workers for American union workers on school projects under some massive loophole in the laws he has uncovered ?

    The Public School Code of 1949, as amended, including Sections 801, 803 and 807.1, governs the
    purchase of furniture, equipment, textbooks, school supplies and other appliances ("supplies and
    equipment") for the District, and Section 807.1 also provides that the Board may authorize the
    secretary or other executive, as purchasing agent for the District, to make purchases of less than
    $10,000. Although these School Code provisions do not address services, this policy also governs
    the purchase of services.
    It is the objective of this policy to delegate purchasing authority to the Superintendent to the extent
    allowable by law, in order to facilitate regular procurement of supplies, equipment and services,
    and to provide for Board action for purchases of $10,000 or more, and for purchases of textbooks.
    It shall be the policy of the Board that purchases of supplies, equipment and services shall be
    approved as follows:
    1. The Superintendent or designee is authorized to purchase supplies and equipment
    and services costing less than Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000)...
    ...The Administration shall report to the Board on a monthly basis all purchases not
    previously approved by the Board that are not routinely recurring and approaching an aggregate
    threshold of $20,000."

    Is the intent of revising policy DJA to allow Dr. Steinhauer more freedom in purchasing all those "inconsequential items" tha t were deducted from the high school project to keep it under the referendum cap without board discussion in public view?

    The $10,000 single item and $20,000monthly thresholds are too low to sneak things in under the radar?!

  6. He wants those $20,000 bike racks.

  7. Lets see, 12:41 PM - former Super Dr. George "Empty Suit" Wilson slipped a little over $1,000,000 in just under $10,000 each change orders under the noses of a former dead-from-the-neck-up SB during the elementary school project 2003 - 2006. He even got special mention in the PA Auditor General's audit. Jan Klein didn't even say boooo.

  8. So who is the driving force behind these changes? Peterson? Lebowitz? Klein? Certainly, Steinhauer isn't smart enough to figure this out. We know what they are up to. The SB knows what they are up to. The PA Auditor General is on to them. Yet, it continues and nothing stops them. I keep bringing things to people's attention, but the corruption continues.

  9. Always follow the money!

    What is the position of the PSBA and PSEA on school choice and vouchers.

    How about the last few votes on the school budget items. Yes to CUTS on materials, supplies and certain athletic teams and certain employees.

    Then once again a yes vote to find more ways to bring in money because things are tough for the administration due to cuts from Harrisburg (and from Washington but we won't mention that).

    Amazingly though in this tough economic climate there is always money for raises, big raises.

  10. Here's an example.
    The YSA gets a reduction in their financial contribution to the upkeep of the districts fields because there are two fewer fields.
    The students however- banned from parking on school grounds due to the loss of avaiable parking spaces (wonder if the fee will disappear after construction ends) now have to pony up $50/year to park further away from the school.

  11. Once a tax, always a tax!! Look at the Johnstown Flood Tax on gasoline. It is still included to this day.

  12. They keep looking for ways to cut stuff except in the biggest item in the budget - salaries and benefits.

  13. The Johnstown Flood tax is on wine and liquor, not gasoline.


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