Judge Nauhaus called it "a tempest in a teapot" during the Castor hearing. He threw out the harassment charge and reduced Blaise's outrageous fines from $1100 to $1.
In my case*, Judge O'Brien ruled that personal security exemption does not apply.
Now, MTL is citing increased risks of Lyme Disease, destruction of plant life, deer excrement, and deer/vehicle collisions.
It is interesting that MTL is playing the Lyme disease card since there is a link from the PA Game Commission on the Municipality's website (http://mtlebanon.org/DocumentCenter/View/9630) stating:
- Risk of exposure to Lyme disease is correlated with abundance of acorns, mice, and chipmunks – key hosts for subadult ticks and their corresponding food source.
- Deer are a dead-end host for the Lyme disease bacteria. They do not infect ticks with the bacteria that cause Lyme disease nor do they contract the disease when an infected tick feeds on them. They play no direct role in the transmission cycle.
Licenses go on sale June 20, 2016. DEER, ARCHERY (Antlered and Antlerless) WMUs 2B, 5C and 5D:Sept. 17- Nov. 26 and Dec. 26-Jan. 28, 2017. One antlerless deer with each required antlerless license. One antlered deer per hunting license year.
I saw my former commissioner today at the post office. She is looking very well and is most likely suggesting to folks to see John in Rollier's paint department for help with choosing soothing colors for their basements. After archery season, we may be dealing with Tony and his patented, proprietary, super secret magic corn for another two months. Painting basements may be a way to beat the heat this summer.
* I'm still trying to raise money through my gofundme account and now selling key fobs at $5 each, a $7 value - according to crafting blogs. :) My tax bill is funding litigation costs related to deer. The kind people who contributed to my gofundme are paying for both sides, just like I am!
I hope the answer to your titular blog post question is NO.
ReplyDeleteTwin Hills is a beautiful, more raw/rustic park that does not need a river of blood flowing through it.
The Scott Commissioners have no reason to back down to the MTL Commissioners and their nonsensical legal moves... unlike many of the residents in MTL, Scott Township has nothing to gain from submitting to the will of the rich and powerful. No personal favors will come their way. I hope they stay strong.
Just a reminder that I am no longer taking anonymous comments.
mt lebo said that they had to permit guns in parks because the nra was going to challenge local gun restrictions but...
mary e.
Mt. Lebanon commissioners wimped out on that one. I remember that clearly, Mary E. I wonder if they are going to amend the resolution. I doubt it.