Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Timmy Ticket Trickery in its infancy

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "There's something about Mary UPDATED 2X": 

It is still obvious to me that there is a " conflict of loyalty with Berks and Outreach. Who is to say that she's not IDing kids in the district with disabilities which gets sent to the to MLSB which likes to get rid of kids with disabilities including physical, and mental health disabilities. It has happened in the past. All students have a right to a free and appropriate public education. Too much corruption in regards to the disabled kids. This is why Sabol was let go. She found out and had it been investigated, then the school district would have been bankrupt. 


Funny how one submitted comment leads to exactly what I was looking for. I did a blog search for "Sable" and found this post, which I believe marks the beginning of the Cappucci, Birks, and Remely shenanigans with Timmy. OMG  They want to keep him through June 30, 2019 The contract extension was added to the agenda and was not even suggested at the previous meeting! I went back to the school board meeting summaries, to find out which school board members voted to extend Timmy's contract and found this. http://www.mtlsd.org/uploaded/SchoolBoard/Board_Summaries/September_16,_2013_Board_Meeting_Summary.pdf  (Note who was absent.) Did you read Cappucci's Board President Report? I'm sure it was purely a coincidence, but young Cappucci had just entered the job market. Did you notice Alyssa DeLuca's name? We know how that was a disaster!

Please, Mt. Lebanon, do not vote for Elaine Cappucci, Mary Birks, or Dan Remely. Too many conflicts, coincidences, untruths, false promises, and a complete lack of transparency.


  1. Familiar names from Sablegate keeping up don't they.
    Rosella is the volleyball coach now, right, and aren't Walton and Posti leaders on what may be the longest quiet phased fundraiser in history.

    The Capital Campaign was initially suppose to raise $6 million in 5 years according to goals determined to be achievable by Pursuant Ketchum.

    That appears to be another Timmy Team fail.

  2. Every Lebo teacher I know really earned their job here. Except Cappucci's kid. Now the District, the other teachers, the students and the taxpayers are stuck with him for 30 years.

  3. With KO teachers strike pending, I see an early bird contract for Lebo teachers and Dr. Steinhauer packing his bags.

  4. Dormont Patch says that the Keystone Oaks teachers could go on strike as early as Thursday.

    Isn't that what happened when Marge Sable left, 9:24 AM? You may be right! We can only hope!

  5. Will that early bird contract be voted on before or after Cappucci gets back on the board?

  6. 9:43 AM, I can't speak for 9:24 AM, but why are you assuming Cappucci will get back on the board?

  7. Call it a gut feeling based on history.
    Posti beat out Silhol.
    Wertheim, Cannon, Stephenson and Beis and you were rejected because of a well orchestrated efforts to maintain the status quo.

    While I hope the Timmy Team is soundly turned away, I don't see it happening.

  8. 10:07 AM, I never ran for school board. Also, the team, which also included Paula Bongiorno, that you mentioned was a last minute attempt to run with Jim Cannon.

  9. The other reason to suspect Cappucci's re-election...
    The sports cabal wants another million dollar turfed field and they'll be out in force supporting the Timmy Team.

  10. Yes, well aware you didn't run for SB, that doesn't negate the fact that the same people that rejected the board candidates worked to defeat your run.

    Look back at how Mark Hart, James Fraasch, and Scott Goldman were treated. They all tried to be fiscally responsible and more important transparent.

  11. Just one final thought.
    Whom do you think the powerful teachers union will its support behind?
    Reformers or a candidate with a vested interest in maintaining things as they are.

    That's why it would be interesting to hear each candidate's position on the PSERS problem. Our school board carries a lot of weight with our reps in Harrisburg.

  12. Apologies for omitting Paula Bongiorno from list. Few people have been more attentive to the going-one at Horsman Drive as Paula.

  13. The teachers love public education. I can't believe they would support self-dealing types like Cappucci who harm public education's reputation.

  14. Correction - Timmy Team

  15. Take a look at the revised contract Tim received from the Board! His raises are twice what the teachers get and his raises are guaranteed. Plus, Tim gets a guaranteed bonus. All for just meeting standards. This is insane.

  16. Don't forget his deferred compensation increases, 2:21 PM.

  17. Plus a year or two ago didn't the give Dr. S and additional week of vacation? AND a private bathroom.

    With his teaching pension and Super pension, he'll be doing pretty darn well.

  18. The position that teacher Cappucci was "GIFTED"; was never advertised! Wake up LEBO . The fix was in for teacher Cappucci and the FIX is in if the TIMMY TICKET wins for school board. LEBO CAN NOT AFFORD the TIMMT TICKET!


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