A special message from South Hills Animal Control. The attached photo was taken by a Bridgeville resident:
Well folks it is getting to be that time of year again, baby deer days!
Starting in early May through about mid June the doe deer will be giving
birth to their fawns. Females can give birth up to three fawns and usually
they give no thought as to where they preform this task. So as usual Animal Control will be on hand to help move newly born fawns to little better locations. We will NOT REMOVE fawns from the immediate area. These animals are protected by state game law.
Animal Control would like to remind residents if they are seeing deer on a regular basis in their yards to keep alert for the young being born in or around where the family dog may be out and about to do their business.
Due to coyote activity in every community in the south hills the female deer will treat your pet as a coyote threatening their young and the doe will go after your dog. So, before leaving furball out in the morning, check the area first or stay with your
pet while they do their business.
Remember, when the fawns are first born their only protection is they have no scent and they use their white dotted coats as camouflage to protect themselves from predators such as coyotes. Fawns for the first few days will lay all day in the same spot, until their mothers return in the evening hours to nurse them. If a fawn is found leave it alone, mommy is not far away and she can be a handful.
Residents that may have question can contact Animal Control through county dispatch on the non emergency number 412 279 6911 or the Pennsylvania Game Commission at
division headquarters at 724 238 9523.
Thank You
Roy Hayward, ACO