Sunday, March 3, 2019

Opinion Piece | Proposed sewer ordinance is unfair to owners in Mt. Lebanon

Mt. Lebanon property owners need to be aware of a pending sanitary sewer ordinance that will force us into large expenditures for no beneficial reason. The ordinance, currently being considered by our commissioners, would require, before a simple plumbing permit or the sale of any property is approved, a video camera inspection of the home’s sanitary sewer by a certified NASSCO (National Association of Sewer Service Contractors) contractor.

The property owner would be forced to proceed with any repairs/​replacement dictated by the inspection. The stated purpose of this ordinance is to prevent groundwater infiltration from seeping through cracks or root penetrations into the sanitary sewers. The following key points must be noted:

• There is no law, consent order or legal mandate requiring this ordinance.

• No scientific data has been presented that proves groundwater is seeping into residential sewer laterals through cracks.

• The vast majority of Mt. Lebanon homes are older and have terra cotta clay drain piping that is subject to cracks and root penetrations at joints, making these homes almost certain to fail any inspection.

• This ordinance could cost each property owner $10,000 to $20,000, or more, for every plumbing permit or property sale.

Make no mistake, this is a big deal. If 75 percent of Mt. Lebanon’s 11,000 homes require $10,000 to $20,000 each in replacements, this ordinance will have cost property owners $80 million to $120 million for repairs for which there is currently no state or federal mandate and which have not been shown to have any beneficial effect whatsoever.

Property owners should e-mail the commission at and express their dissatisfaction. Even more important, they should attend the commission’s upcoming meetings at 8 p.m. on March 12 and March 26 in the municipal building. Speak out against this massive overreach by our elected officials.

Paul Grandy
Mt. Lebanon
This letter was also signed by Richard Bartkowski, Robert Beynon, Charles Blumenschein, Templeton Smith, Charlotte Stephenson, Thomas Stevenson and Brad Templeton.


  1. Since no comments are accepted on this blog, I thought I would take an opposing stand on this. I think this is a good thing. I found out that I had problems with my sanitary sewer. I hired a plumber who used a camera, located the break and then formed a liner. Weather was not an issue for the work to be completed. If there is a problem, the current resident should take care of it. It has to be done!

    I find it humorous that we are to contact our commissioners. I just heard that the R's don't have a candidate for Ward 3. Isn't the deadline soon? I believe it is March 12. Seems like the R's have bigger problems than something like this.

  2. I opened this post (only) up for comments.

    I really don't understand why this is a bad thing. Aren't you just saying that you would rather stick it to the buyers? It is only when you decide to sell your house or file for a plumbing permit.

    I don't get it.

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