Monday, November 29, 2010

Does ACL surgery cause arthritis? UPMC team seeks answers

"When you have an ACL injury, your risk of arthritis increases dramatically," said Scott Tashman, director of the Biodynamics Laboratory at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
Some 200,000 people suffer ACL tears each year. Sixty to 80 percent of them will develop arthritis in their knees within 10 years, Dr. Tashman said.
"Nothing has a bigger impact on the quality of life than arthritis," said James Irrgang, director of clinical research in UPMC's department of orthopaedic surgery.
The ACL is a rubber band-like fiber that attaches to the femur in the upper leg and the tibia in the lower and stabilizes the knee.
Athletes suffer the overwhelming majority of ACL tears. For reasons that are not entirely clear, female athletes are much more likely to suffer such tears than male athletes.
Because most who play football, basketball, soccer and volleyball -- the sports in which ACL tears are most common -- do so in high school or middle school, an athlete who suffers an ACL tear could start developing arthritis in the knee before he or she is 30.

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Anonymous said...

Wonder if Dr. Tashman and his team will also be practicing at the new/renovated Lebo HS around 2012 or so, not too far from home....seems the District is preparing about 10,000 sq.ft. of space in Lower Level 1 of the proposed, brand spanking new $25 million Athletic building, a development not made known to the public by the District. The space will remain unfinished and not indicated or included in the official definition of the HS project until after the project is completed.....but then who knows. Lebo recently signed a 3-year contract with Dr. Fu's UPMC group.

The Athletic building will be first on the list of several overall building components to be completed.

Bill Lewis

john Ewing said...

Bill Are you suggesting Dr. Fu and Dr. Tashman will be operating their business in the new sports complex?

Lebo Citizens said...

John, a new post is coming about this. I have located some minutes that indicate something is in the works.