Sunday, October 7, 2012

"Don't let this happen again."

The Class of 1972 High School Reunion took place this weekend. What a hoot! Our 30th reunion drew 86 people. Ten years later, social media made a huge difference. We had close to 250 people in attendance.

Besides seeing all my fellow classmates, I got the biggest kick out of a picture of the Academic Games Team that had appeared in our yearbooks forty years ago.  Below is "the rest of the story"as told forty years later.

In the early 80's, a secretary at the school district office was working late. Her boyfriend came to pick her up, and she told him to look through the old yearbooks till she finished. He started laughing at one of the pictures. Turns out he was an ex navy signal corps man. The secretary showed the picture to an administrator, and apparently more than 10 years after we graduated, it got circulated to faculty members with the admonition, "Don't let this happen again.”
I was reminded of the sit-in we had because we were not allowed to wear jeans to school. We won that battle. We reminisced about the renovation. Saw pictures of the renovation very much like the ones posted on the Superintendent's blog and MTLSD website.  Sad to learn that 52 people had passed away. Happy to see old friends again.

All in all, a great weekend.  Thank you, Reunion Committee!


Richard Gideon said...

Never underestimate the ability of the adolescent mind to "put one over" on their adult handlers!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I am embarrassed to say that I don't get the joke...what are they signalling?

Lebo Citizens said...

Top row begins with an F. Bottom row begins with a Y. Hope that helps, 'cause that is all I will tell you. ;-)