The following letter from James Cannon Jr. should clear up any confusion regarding the 2/8/12 Almanac letter.
I am James Edmund Cannon III and I live in Mt. Lebanon. There is another James Cannon who lives in Mt. Lebanon and he happens to be my father. Though I loathe to crawl into the same gutter in which he apparently resides, along with my sister/his daughter Josephine Posti, I do so only to ensure fairness. You see, recently, The Almanac, one of the publications serving the South Hills, posted a rather vitriolic and ridiculous letter from the senior J Cannon. Unfortunately, there was no indication as to his relationship to school board member Josephine Posti. After numerous phone calls to the paper and editorial staff, it was revealed they don't typically vet the authors of submissions to their letters section. Going forward, thanks to this episode, that will change. Quite simply, the editors were duped.
As for the details of the letter, let's say the first time I looked over it I thought it was a piece from The Onion. It's that far removed from reality. For instance, the author references "the hundreds" who attended the school groundbreaking. The problem for the author is, there's video of the groundbreaking and unless we're all using the metric system, I'd be surprised to physically count more than about 70 people attending many of whom were children who I'm sure had no say in whether or not to attend. Another example of the folly of the letter is contained in the insult lobbed at local blogger (recently recognized for excellence) and former commission candidate Elaine Gillen. The writer takes a cheap shot by using the phrase "would-be politician", referencing the fact Ms. Gillen was not successful in her bid for public office. Unfortunately, the author seems to forget he is also a "would-be politician," having made a bid for elected office in Minnesota several decades ago. Needless to say, he lost.
There is also the mention of "adults, living in an adult world". I'm not sure to whom he is referring but I assume it is not certain members of the school board, specifically Josephine Posti and Elaine Cappucci. If you're 43 and a member of a local elected body, and your father is holding together the last remaining tattered remnants of your base of support, why are you in office? Why not resign and just let him take the slot?
What we're seeing unfold is an attempt, albeit an amateur one, by two people to dominate the conversation and shut out any opposing views through intimidation, deceit and personal attacks. It's unfortunate and unnecessary. If people have to resort to those tactics, they've already lost the argument. We've already seen this behavior employed by Posti, Cappucci, Birks, Kubit and others. It's because none of them can honestly (and articulately) defend their positions.
Well, I have news for this tiny yet vocal collection of corrupt cronies--this isn't your town. It's mine. And it's Elaine's. And Charlotte's, and anyone else who has a different opinion regarding the school board. If you don't like those opinions, it's ok. You're entitled to your own. That's one of the basic tenets of our nation, principles I've spent years of my life defending. I find it both revealing and disheartening that we have someone on a public board who has no intention of serving the public, while her primary supporter--her father--lobs insults at people he doesn't know as a means of deflecting criticism from that very board. That's always the true sign there's something to hide.
Here's another message for the author: You're welcome to leave. I'm sure there is some town somewhere that will welcome you and your little cabal but you've all worn out your welcome. It is beyond reproach that you would routinely visit Elaine's blog for the sole purpose of writing a hateful letter castigating it. That's not rational. If you don't like what appears on the blog, stop reading it. But I can see why you might be attracted to it. At least Elaine's blog contains original material.
What a sad state of affairs for our community and what an incredible waste of time. I'm just thankful J. Cannon senior and his daughter aren't in actual positions of authority. Otherwise, things would be a lot worse than what we're facing in the near future.
I retain hope that residents will not be dissuaded from participating in upcoming elections. And I would submit we need to let this storm pass. Ultimately, the phoenix shall rise bringing with it transparent government, a community that melds instead of divides, and a collection of stronger voices to speak on behalf of residents, not in spite of them.
-James E. Cannon Jr.