Sunday, May 12, 2013

Presenting PlanCon F, H, and I

This should have been posted on the school District website, Mt. Lebanon High School Project Documents. The PlanCon documents stop at PlanCon Part E on their website.  In fact, it hasn't been touched since September 12, 2011.

Through Right To Knows with the State, here are the rest of them.

PlanCon Part F

PlanCon Part H

PlanCon Part I


Anonymous said...

Take a close look at Part I. Does it appear that there could be a a very possible requirement for an electoral referendum because of costs of the new construction portion of the overall project ? The estimated and budgeted costs are very close to the max allowed.

Anonymous said...

If that is the case, who or what triggers the referendum - anyone know??

Anonymous said...

8:09 the problem if a referendum vote is called for... who is going to vote to stop the project at this point?
What are we going to do, have our kids go to school in a sea of mud and unfinished classrooms.

They cut the building plans to get the project just under the initial call for a referendum, because they knew the community wouldn't approve the project. Despite Fast Eddie's claims that a majority of the people he heard from were in favor of it.

The rush to find cuts to get under the limit is why we're seeing change orders for stupidily overlooked water feeds to boilers, missing sump pumps, new lighting, dry wall, structural steel, uneven floors etc.

As this building takes shape, it's looking more like a cheap Walmart than the monument to Lebo education Bldg. B that everyone chose wisely to keep.

Remember the early claims that B couldn't be brought up to 21st century standards?
Now Dr. S takes kids on bathroom tours in it to show how wonderful it is!

These people have no shame and will say and do anything to cover their tails.

Anonymous said...

8:30 AM Typical of the controverted, school district biased and enabling and taxpayer fraud called the PA PlanCon process, the trigger point for an electoral referendum requirement does not occur until after the expenditure max is exceeded and the school district reports it, which could be months after the actual fact. It has to be totally fact-based you know, maybe even audited.

And then, the district will plead with taxpayers and PlanCon that a referendum requirement will stall the project, increase the costs further; and, would the voters stop a project when it is almost say 75% completed ? PlanCon would then bring out and apply their overused rubber stamp of blanket approval to proceed without penalty.

And once again, the taxpayers be damned. It's for the children !

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile Celli & Company, the people that forgot that boilers and chillers need water feeds, pool pumps need electrical power, PJDick/Nello that can't make floors line up by less than 30", laugh as they take their million dollar checks to the bank!

Anonymous said...

Will this nightmare ever end?!

Anonymous said...

11:42 AM Not as long as we have this school board and administration ! And most of the new candidates appear to be more of the same.

Anonymous said...

8:09 I would gladly vote to stop the boondoggle. I say bring back the CAC and they will figure the way out of this mess. It's not rocket science!