Friday, May 22, 2015

Sign at Wildcat - "The Rest of the Story"

Here is "The Rest of the Story" on signs at Wildcat.

Hi, Elaine. Thank you for your interest in a sign for the ball fields. Are you advertising a business, or what type of sign did you have in mind?

The policy describes the process to obtain a sign, including the type of digital files that are acceptable. You would need to work with a sign company/printer to produce your sign. The printer would need to provide a proof of the proposed sign to me for approval prior to making the sign. I would be your sales representative. I would extend the term of the sign rather than prorating the fee. Repair or replacement of vandalized signs is the responsibility of the sign owner.

I've attached the policy/application form for your convenience. Let me know if you have additional questions.

David D. Donnellan
Mt. Lebanon Recreation Department
900 Cedar Boulevard - 2nd Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15228
Phone: (412) 343-4519
Fax: (412) 561-6499 

sign sponsorship program approved 021015


Anonymous said...

8:40 earlier said: "The point is, that you condemn certain groups, but refuse to acknowledge true facts. The fact is that volunteers are selling the signs. So, if the volunteers from one of these associations are donating their time and energy to sell a sign, that revenue should go to the association they represent to pay for all the supplies and such used by the municipality, or whatever they want to use it on. Unless you would prefer a salaried municipal sales rep to be added to the payroll."

Volunteers are using their time and energy to sell signs? What are they fanning out across the region, knocking on business doors and pitching Mt. Lebanon field signs?
If that's true, they're not very good salesmen.

Then there's Donnellan's comment at the sports advisory board meeting.
"Mr. Donnellan reported that he will be asking the Commission to formally adopt a 
policy on field sign advertising on February 10. He stated that the Sports 
Advisory Board’s request to change the signs from aluminum to a softer material was incorporated into the draft policy. He asked for assistance from the 
associations in marketing the signs once a policy is approved."

What assistance does he need from the volunteers?
Are the sports association going to help him approve the proof of the proposed sign?
Why does 8:40 think this simple sign process would require a municipal dedicated salaried salesperson. The goal is to only sell 7 signs.

Anonymous said...

I'm curious as to what the initial $150 processing fee covers and where does that money go.

Nick M.

Anonymous said...

Nick, I was wondering the same thing.
If you have to get your own poster printed, what is that intial set-up fee for?
Getting a poster printed at that size is around $130-150. Add in the cost of a graphic designer if the business can't prepare the design/artwork themselves.
I heard a rumor the municipality paid $5,000 for one of the Beerfest poster designs.
The most ridiculous item in the sign specifications is this warning-- allow 4 weeks minimum for sign approval.
Four friggin' weeks? What are they doing, sending it by slow boat to the Vatican for the Pope's blessing?

So let's look at buying a field sign.
$150 initial set-up charge
$750 annual sign fee
$130 printing estimate
$??? Sign design

$1,030 minimum-- for a sign that no one will probably see Nov. 1st thru March 1st.

Somebody that makes that advertising buy would have to have their head examined.

Elaine, don't waste your money. You'd be better off contributing $500 on an initial political action committee meeting down at Panera's.

You know the haters will vandalize your sign as soon as it goes up.

Anonymous said...

12:06, all points well taken and good thinking in advance. My guess was around $1200 to have a sign made and put up for those few short months...not worth it. My initial guess on the $150 was either Donnellan was getting a cut as the sales representative or that it was costing $150 for someone to go hang the sign which should be part of the $750.

Nick M.

Anonymous said...

Where's Dave? :-)

Anonymous said...

2:25---Dave's show ended on Wednesday night. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious, 4:13.