Monday, January 22, 2018


Is anyone here using MeWe? I just heard about this "Next-Gen Social Network." Their Frequently Asked Questions address my concerns about Facebook.

I am still planning to move Lebo Citizens to Facebook on February 1, but I hate the fact that you have to send a friend request to me so that you can join. So far, it hasn't been a problem because most of the people who joined the Lebo Citizens Facebook group are friends of mine, members of the closed blog from a year or so ago, or invited by people who I trust. I am not crazy about the idea that you can now see my personal Facebook account.

Please share your experience with MeWe. Thanks.


Lebo Citizens said...

I am finding out that I can delete the friend requests, once you are on the Lebo Citizens Facebook group. Please don't take it personally. I am exploring my options for MY privacy.

Anonymous said...

What if I was in the MeWe or the Facebook group and copied and pasted conversations to my personal Facebook page, or my blog?

Lebo Citizens said...

There is nothing stopping you from doing that now, is there?

Anonymous said...

2:16 must be "just a Mt. Lebanon housewife".

Lebo Citizens said...

Yeah, I picked up on that. There is no such thing as a personal or private conversation among a thousand plus Mt. Lebanon housewives. The only difference is that 2:16 PM would not have been able to say that anonymously on "Just" a Mt. Lebanon Housewife or any other Facebook group like she did here.

Lebo Citizens said...

There is another platform.
The io groups cost the ones who create it. They have to pay base price of $100 yearly for a minimal amount of storage. Once that has exceeded the rate can be up to $1000 a year. MeWe is free.

Lebo Citizens said...

Still learning the ins and outs about how Facebook "secret" groups work. We can sign up "members" by their email address instead of sending a friend request. Facebook sends out an "invite."

Anonymous said...

Darn it Elaine,, I think you should stay on your current platform..i know it must be difficult to read messages from the "haters" esp since the volume has prob increased like a tsunami- due the change in both political climate and those darn "just a Mt Lebanon Housewives'!!!
BUT Please continue this blog and don't give up like poor Charlotte Stephenson did,,
We need people like you and Bill Hoon no matter how small our voices to tell the School Board and the Commission that we don't like how you are spending our tax money!!!

Anonymous said...

12:21, there’s a better way to keep track of and influence the goings on in our local government.
1. Educate yourself beyond reading MTL magazine, the Almanac and papers.
2. Get involved in the local political parties to promote candidates that represent you and then vote! 30% turnout at the polls is disgusting.
Elaine’s carried the load almost single-handed for far too long and for that she deserves a great deal of respect and thanks.
I expect that if we are fed a lot of pablum on things like culls, turfing, Capital campaigns, ethics violations her research, tapes, etc will remain available for review.

Thank you Elaine for carrying the light!