Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hoover has a beef with Chick-Fil-A

The principal of Hoover elementary has advised that Hoover Spirit night at Chick-Fil-A may be eliminated due to company president Dan Cathy's position on gay marriage.
You may remember the petition that I wrote about here, There are now 25 signatures.
The Hoover website lists classroom supplies for K-5, but also states that "the district's schools provide the children with supplies throughout the school year."


Anonymous said...

Good grief! How about just teaching your children---by example---that there are all kinds of people in the world?

According to the Constitution of this country, the Chick-fil-A president has a right to his opinion. Did he say he would refuse to serve gays? No. Did he say gays aren't welcome in his restaurants? No. All he said was he believes in the traditional view that marriage is between a man and a woman.


Anonymous said...

Fortunately for mankind, that traditional view allows for reproduction. That just may be a fundamental law of nature, too.

Jack Mulliken said...

Some food for thought:

This was done with no tax money. This was done with no feasibility study. It was also done rather quickly.

You can peruse Chick-Fil-A's facebook site(s) and you will find they are not pushing a political or religious agenda. In fact, the only political post on the South Hills' store was from someone else and it MADE THE POINT VERY WELL

It appears another small special interest group in Mt Lebanon wants to thwart a good will donation that the school district is in dire need of. Maybe they are offering to make up any of the Chick-Fil-A money that they are campaigning against with their own personal donations? Persuant Kechum, if you're reading, there's 25 people to start asking for donations!

(and before you assume things - I do not work for Chick-Fil-A although I did have lunch there today and have no affiliation with South Hills Interfaith Ministries)

Anonymous said...

Let see how fast the principal drops their principles once they affect their personal pocketbook.
I'm going to write I oppose gay marriage in the memo line on the check I write for my school district taxes. Bet the principled principal won't have any problem accepting the money!
This is the most absurd thing yet here in the bubble.
As 1:00, how about just teaching the kids without injecting your liberal agenda. I doubt the whole issue isn't even on the kids radar.


Anonymous said...

Someone make a note, any donations made thru the PK fund drive from donors that oppose gay marriage cannot be used to raise the Hoover principals pay raise.

Damn, why didn't we think of this before when the board was looking for cost cutting ideas. Apparently the Hoover staff won't accept money from people that think marriage should be between a man and a woman.

So, everybody declare your support for heterosexual marriages. Sorry Hoover your paycheck may get a lot smaller since you won't accept anti-gay marriage money. What proportion of the school budget funds Hoover?

Anonymous said...

Tim should put on a pair of pants and demote the Hoover principal.

Lebo Citizens said...

I don't know what is in the water over there, but remember the Hoover PTA president ordeal over the last election?

Anonymous said...

So the Hoover prinicpal is a closed-minded, anti-Christian bigot. Is anyone surprised? our school board is comprised of liberals, the schools are run by zealots and most residents won't speak up. And yes, I remember the Hoover principal being int he middle of ILLEGAL political activities last election. Gee, good thing our school board values the rule of law.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if money from devote catholics is turned away also at Hoover?

"In Catholic belief, "marriage is a faithful, exclusive and lifelong union between one man and one woman, joined as husband and wife in an intimate partnership of life and love," the 47-bishop committee said in a statement released Sept. 10.

"What are called 'homosexual unions,' because they do not express full human complementarity and because they are inherently nonprocreative, cannot be given the status of marriage," the committee said.

It warned that "the importance of marriage for children and for society" is under attack in U.S. courts and legislatures and in popular culture and entertainment media, which "often undermine or ignore the essential role of marriage and promote equivalence between marriage and homosexual relationships."

The Administrative Committee -- composed of the USCCB's executive officers, elected committee chairmen and elected regional representatives -- is the highest policy and decision-making body of the bishops apart from the entire body when it meets twice a year in general assembly.

The committee, which met in Washington, did not specify language for a federal marriage amendment.

Rather, it committed the bishops to promoting the "essential role of marriage ... in our teaching and preaching, but also in our public policy advocacy at the state and national levels and in the important dialogue about how best to protect marriage and the common good in the U.S. Constitution and in our society as a whole."

"We offer general support for a federal marriage amendment to the U.S. Constitution as we continue to work to protect marriage in state legislatures, the courts, the Congress and other appropriate forums," it said.

In May, a proposal to amend the U.S. Constitution to define marriage as "the union of a man and a woman" was introduced in Congress.

The bishops cited a recent Vatican document that called legal recognition of same-sex unions "gravely unjust."

Citing marriage's unique societal role in the procreation and raising of children, the Vatican said, "The denial of the social and legal status of marriage to forms of cohabitation that are not and cannot be marital is not opposed to justice; on the contrary, justice requires it."

The Administrative Committee said the church clearly teaches the dignity of homosexual persons and condemns "all forms of unjust discrimination, harassment or abuse."

The bishops said their defense of marriage focuses "on the importance of marriage, not on homosexuality or other matters."

Anonymous said...

Wait a second. Pursuant Ketchum did fundraising for Salvation Army. The Intergenerational Games were held at Salvation Army property.

Does anyone know that the Salvation Army is a God-fearing organization?

"The Salvation Army was founded as an evangelical organization dedicated to bringing people into a meaningful relationship with God through Christ." That little tid bit is right from the Salvation Army Website. SALVATION Army, get it?

Pursuant Ketchum also does fundraising for numerous church and faith based groups that are listed on their website. Feel free to check it out.

So this principal just might want to tell the district to deny any money raised through Pursuant Ketchum for the High School project...or he can continue to be vocal and wait from the phone call from JoPo who will tell him to "shhh...don't you know what we are trying to do here? We can't go to referendum or we are all fools!"


Anonymous said...

Elaine, where did you hear this statement about the Principal not having spirit night at CFA?

Anonymous said...

There is no way a public school, especially an elementary school should even be addressing this!

I wonder if our religious leaders, especially the pastors at St. Bernard's and St. Winfred's will remain silent on this issue?

Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure the Chick-Fil-A has employed a bunch of Lebo kids over the years. My friends daughter was saving money for college when she worked there and she was treated respectfully. I guess if I owned the store there wouldn't be anymore hires from Mt. Lebanon after being snubbed. This community sure is making a name for itself!

Anonymous said...

That's what we need here in Lebo, a good crusade. Throw out the infidels.

Maybe we can call on the Saint Claire's for school leadership guidnce.

Anonymous said...

It seems the dimwit that proposed eliminating Spirit Night at Chik-Fil-A didn't attend the kumbaya town hall on "Disagreeing without being disagreeable!"

Nice going numbnutz, you just cost the kids some stuff with your silly agenda!

Richard Gideon said...

Rumors being what they are, and living just a few blocks away from the school, I called Hoover and asked whether Hoover Spirit Night at Chick-fil-A was being dropped. I was told that "it may be eliminated," just as it is stated in the lead-in to this thread. However, I was also told that the final decision was up to the Hoover PTA and not the school.

For the record, Mary Ann Schnirel, 2nd Vice-President of the Hoover PTA, is also the Principal of Hoover Elementary School.

Anonymous said...

Of all the fast food restaurants around, Chick-fil-A is the cleanest, has the most pleasant and helpful employees, and the food is great, too.

Anything else is a non-issue, including the company founder's opinion of traditional marriage.

I'm glad to see the lines of patrons are still wrapping around the building.

Anonymous said...

If you want a real laugh, read the three "reasons for signing" post.
It will be immediately apparent what is wrong over at Hoover.

One says Chik-Fil-A isn't a family friendly business. I'd love to hear her definition of one and some examples too.

Anonymous said...

I sure see lots of families---including kids from babyhood to teens-- whenever I've been there.

This has been much ado about nothing.

Anonymous said...

Apparently, the Principal of Hoover wants us to think she has no control over her own PTA. If that is the case, why is she still employed by Mount Lebanon School District?

Anonymous said...

The PTA is independent from the school administration. She has a position on the board, but it's really just a honorific - she doesn't get a vote. So yes, she doesn't "control her own PTA", and that's by design.