Saturday, December 22, 2012

A very disturbing post by Kristen Linfante

One week ago, our nation learned of an unspeakable event that left us devastated. The country mourns while the media is filled with stories about gun control and ways to show our support to those affected in Newtown, Connecticut.

During this time, it has been difficult for me to look at the newspaper, watch the news, and go on the Internet.  I know I am not alone.

Unfortunately, I made the mistake to look at Kristen Linfante's blog. Last weekend, Kristen wrote a very disturbing post.  An Interesting Article About Deer

While some people may be concerned about killing deer with guns or arrows, I believe that our current method of killing deer is much more dangerous to humans - killing deer with our own cars.
Now Kristen decides to write about guns and killing? To be be politically correct, we do not refer to it as "killing deer." It is "deer management through culling." It sounds so much more civilized that way. I read the article that a resident sent to the commission. I doubt Ms. Linfante read the whole thing. Had she done that, she would have seen the link to NPS plan to cull Rock Creek Park deer on hold pending federal court case.
The lawsuits assert that five residents of Washington and two of Poughkeepsie would suffer, among other things, “emotional and psychological distress” and might even have to move away if deer were killed.
I have reached that point. I cannot go through another cull or as Kristen likes to say, "Kill deer." Her untimely post shows that she only cares about one issue. Her poor judgment and cold-heartedness during this difficult time is disturbing. Kristen, give it a rest for a while. Please.


Lebo Citizens said...

I sent this to the Commission and Steve Feller.


I am deeply offended by Kristen Linfante's latest post, An Interesting Article About Deer. She writes of guns and killing during one of the Nation's worst tragedies, the senseless killings in Newtown, Connecticut. Kristen, do you have no compassion? Did you read the article that was sent to the Commission in its entirety? Did you read how there are others who feel the same way as I do about moving if there is a deer culling? Do you understand that I cannot go through another deer culling here? You want to feel safe. I want to feel safe. But I cannot feel safe in my own house because of you. To write about shooting, killing, and guns is heartless, but to do this just two days after the Newtown shootings is despicable.

Elaine Gillen

Anonymous said...

What was she thinking? This was a complete lapse in judgment.

Anonymous said...

Once again we have an elected official making a claim: "II believe that our current method of killing deer is much more dangerous to humans - killing deer with our own cars."

Why does Ms. Linfante believe this? Surely she has evidence to support her claim?
Dangerous to humans, how many people have been hurt killing deer with their vehicle? One, five, hundreds?
If it is an epidemic, then maybe she's right.
But, if it's a couple, I'll bet we've had more children injured walking to school by vehicles, but Ms. Linfante doesn't argue for buses.
Personally, on the deer issue I could care one way or the other. Spending $60,000 of our money on a questionable fix does though.
Maybe, a simpler solution is to just get drivers to slow down, stay off their cell phones while driving and be alert. Nah, that's too difficult here in the bubble.

Anonymous said...

Colin McNickle in a Trib editorial "Dithering over deer disastrous" 10/2012 writes: "In the year ended last month, there were nearly 150 vehicle-deer collisions in Mt. Lebanon. That‘s almost three a week. The local gendarmes once offered pointers on the proper way to run over a deer (seriously)."

Ms. Linfante also claims 150 deer related collision on her blog. But, a quick scan of the police blotter doesn't show any deer related accidents. It list hit and runs, at least six pedestrians hit by vehicles, a couple of those occurring in a crosswalk or involving a jogger. No deer vs vehicle reports. It may be they just don't report them as such, but even then if you subtract hit and runs, parking lot incidents, etc., etc., the 3 deer vs vehicle accidents per week claim becomes a little suspicious.
It could be all the single vehicle reported accidents are deer related, if so maybe we wouldn't need a $12,000 study if the deer accidents were listed as such.
That's just a suggestion, if the 3 a week average holds true, maybe we do need a cull.

Lebo Citizens said...

Clarification: Linfante wrote that there were 150 deer-related incidents, not accidents. It was said at a meeting that each "incident" could be the same deer reported several times, not a very reliable form of tracking.
Note that Kristen has now had phone calls, not emails. I am sure she has, but phone calls cannot be tracked through Right To Knows. this reminds me of how Kubit said that the community was evenly divided on the renovation.
I wish Kristen would understand the protocal. The budget was approved to have a deer survey. That will be done next fall. Nothing can be done without a survey. An aerial survey is preferred since you are not counting the same deer over several nights. After the survey is completed, only then can anything be done, including her constant desire to kill deer. Several residents spoke at the last commission meeting. Two women spoke concerning non-lethal ways to control deer. The solicitor, the manager, and four commissioners gave these two women their complete attention. Kristen was too busy working on some other project and never looked at these women. You can see it when you watch the meeting. Only when one resident spoke in favor of a deer culling, did Kristen pay attention and had a smile on her face while he spoke.
Back in 2006, I was noncommital towards the deer situation, but only after I saw the shooters next to my house, heard the gun shots, and saw that they were shooting in a park that never closes, did I become involved. No public money should be spent and no public property should be used to kill deer. If Kristen is so adament about killing deer, let her kill them in her yard, with her neighbors' approval, using her own money. Let her homeowners insurance pay for any accidents, since Wildlife Services were not insured.It is real easy to say that you want deer killed, but it is something else when you have to use your own money, provide your own insurance, and get the blessings of your neighbors when using your own property. It is not safe to shoot deer in Mt. Lebanon.

Anonymous said...

Colin McNickle claims 150 vehicle-deer collisions in his Trib editorial. Ms. Linfante claims 150 deer related incidents.
Which is it, is Ms. Linfante engaging in hyperbole. Are people being injured in deer "incidents" or not?
I suspect they aren't and the whole issue is more about protecting landscaping.

Anonymous said...

Call me crazy but I have a choice between letting some federally-contracted deer hunter killing dder, or me going one-on-one while driving, I'll take the car any day.

Anonymous said...

Get a life, not everything is about you. The deer in Lebo have nothing to in common with Newton. We will not be using assault weapons to kill the deer. Assault weapons should be banned, but that is not what your favored republicans endorse. We have too many deer in Lebo. They need to be eradicated

Lebo Citizens said...

1. Eradicated, huh? That will NEVER happen.
2. How is this about me?
3. We don't know how many deer we have until an aerial survey is done.
4. Get help.

Anonymous said...

Don't ya just love this place? Once again the conversation degrades down to it's lowest common denominator.
Is it Elaine's fault, IMO no, rather it lies with elected officials that use hyperbole to advance their own agendas rather than stick to facts.
We saw it with Sable, the high school project, turf, YSA/JMA, parking tickets and now deer management.
Merry Christmas Mt. Lebanon!

Anonymous said...

11:32. Merry Christmas Ms Linfante. Not we the phrase should be you are endorsing guns in our neighborhoods.

Lebo Citizens said...

What I find odd is that Kristen Linfante blogs about guns and killing deer, yet filed a police report against me when someone submitted a comment about executing the JMA. She filed a police report when a resident advised her not to speak of her child from the podium at a school board meeting. There are two examples of frivolous reports/incidents reported to our police department. Oh wait, then there is the threat that the Real Lebo gals reported to the police. I wonder how many of those 150 deer incidents came from her.

Anonymous said...

11:32 so you decided assault weapons should be banned, its not up to intelligent debate or public discourse. You decided assault weapons are evil (I suggest reading up why our founding fathers insisted on putting the right to bear arms in the bill of Rights but that is a debate for another day) and so be it.
I'm guessing that once you "eradicate" the deer that annoy you, your next target will be those pesky republicans that don't agree with you.
Have a very Merry Christmas 11:32.

Lebo Citizens said...

11:32 is just trying to upset me. I hope he or she isn't mentally ill like the person who just shot four firefighters five minutes away from my son's apartment outside of Rochester, NY. Two firefighters are dead. The fire has spread to a second home. Until the police secure the area, the firefighters cannot do anything. OMG, what is happening to us?

Anonymous said...

Elaine, if I may be so bold... turn off the TV, put on some carols and closed down Lebocitizens for a few days. All the nonsense will still be here when you get back.
To you, all our neighbors, opponents as well as friends--- Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and best wishes for a safe, healthy and prosperous New Year!!!!!!

And like old Ebeneezer, let's see if we reform and can keep the spirit of Xmas throughout the year.