Thursday, October 23, 2014

ANOTHER NBC Nightly News Story on Artificial Turf

A followup story on NBC Nightly News tonight concerning artificial turf. High School Changes Plans for Artificial Turf Field

The school’s change of heart came after an NBC News investigation featuring University of Washington soccer coach Amy Griffin, who has compiled a list of 38 American soccer players -- 34 of them goalies -– who have been diagnosed with cancer, most commonly blood cancers like lymphoma and leukemia.
Both parents and players were concerned. Just like they are here. I received a note from a high school student today asking about the negative effects the artificial turf may have on the community.

I am going to include my response to the student here, which may help parents understand how we got to this point in Mt. Lebanon.

Thank you for contacting me. I am delighted that you are taking an interest in this topic. I know that high school students appreciate the truth and are willing to listen. I also know that high school students understand abuse of power.

What I would like to share with you are links to various resources and let you draw your own conclusions.

Since you emailed me, you must be know about my blog, I have linked documents and reports that illustrate the negative effects on the community.
CBS News: School replaces artificial turf over cancer concerns
Groups Giving Second Thoughts To Those Little Black Crumbs On Playing Fields 
Morning Joe on MSNBC

Forbes Magazine: Buyers Remorse Surfacing Over Artificial Turf Fields

These are just some of the negative effects on the community. There is the lack of transparency on behalf of the municipality discussing these potentially harmful effects.

The use of excess tax dollars to fund the project, without a referendum, and the abuse of power when commissioners email constituents saying that they have three votes and that it will pass.

Where a commissioner lied about the ESB's stand on artificial turf.

In the audio montage above, Recreation Director David Donnellan is heard saying that there is a representative from the Parks Advisory Board on the Sports Advisory Board. Dave Franklin, Parks Advisory Board liaison, shares his perspective here. wasn't until Mr. Franklin was absent from a meeting, when we learned about the Parks Advisory Board push back here.

Then there is the post which shows flooding on Cedar Blvd.

and the video clip of the same from August. Notice how the first comment accuses me of lying.

Sadly, the school board directors will be putting in artificial turf on the high school's Rock Pile." and

Finally, XXXXXXX, there will be a rally on Sunday morning at 11:00 AM down at the fields.  I would like to invite some students to SPEAK at the rally against the turf project, if they are interested in representing the student point of view. Someone will be. There is nothing more powerful than hearing from your point of view. I hope you can make it on Sunday. If you do, please introduce yourself to me. I would love to meet another citizen exercising his First Amendment rights.

Thank you for contacting me...

Elaine Gillen.
What Mt. Lebanon residents don't know is what the DEP shared with a concerned resident.  The new storm water plan will be more expensive. A lot more more expensive. Our commissioners have not disclosed that to us. Perhaps they never thought to ask. Or Gateway engineering forgot to tell them. 

Don't forget: 

"Rally for Lebo Kids' Health"
Sunday, October 26, 2014 11:00 AM
Middle and Wildcat Fields on Cedar Blvd.


Anonymous said...

$2.4 M for their new turf? Jeeze Louise! An additional $40,000 for Nike Grind? How much is this going to end up costing Mount Lebanon tax payers?

Lebo Citizens said...

I want to remind everyone that tennis shoe crumbs aren't that great either. New Jersey Work Environment Council (WEC) Fact Sheet
Be Aware of Artificial Turf Hazards

Plus, the backing or carpet plus the blades of "grass" of artificial turf are hazardous as well, not just the infill.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what Nike shoes are made from these days? Certainly not natural materials such as leather or cotton canvas like "tennis shoes" from my generation. From my online research I've read that they use rubber, plastics and silica in there shoes. Silica is a lung carcinogen so I don't know if that's a good thing to have in the turf. I've noticed when I open the box of a new pair of Nike shoes the chemical smell they give off is overwhelming. Just my observation.