Contact: Deputy Chief Aaron Lauth, MLPD
**UPDATE – Suspect arrested** in Mt. Lebanon Hit & Run Pedestrian crash
Following our investigation of a hit & run crash that occurred on Saturday evening in Mt. Lebanon, MLPD Traffic Unit Officers obtained an arrest warrant for the following individual believed to be involved in this leaving the scene of the crash:
Anthony Flores
49 yrs old
2114 Vodeli Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15216
Flores turned himself in this morning to the Allegheny County Sheriffs, and he is currently awaiting arraignment on the following charges:
PA Vehicle Code:
- 3742 (a) - Accidents involving death or personal injury (Felony - 3rd degree)
- 3746 (a)(1) - Immediate notice of accident to police department (Summary)
PA Crimes Code:
- 4910 (1) - Tampering with or fabricating physical evidence (Misdemeanor - 2nd degree)
Where is the LeboALERT? Nothing on Facebook, Twitter, Why was this reported yesterday by the Post Gazette when it happened Saturday night? Can a Lebo Citizens reader locate the driver, just as the missing woman was found a couple of years ago through a joint effort on this blog?
This intersection has a list of short- and long-term mitigation recommendations from the 2012 study of safety upgrades needed in Mt Lebanon. I believe a citizen spoke about this at the July Commission meeting. But did they actually DO ANYTHING?
Where is the LeboALERT? Nothing on Facebook, Twitter, Why was this reported yesterday by the Post Gazette when it happened Saturday night? Can a Lebo Citizens reader locate the driver, just as the missing woman was found a couple of years ago through a joint effort on this blog?
Mt. Lebanon police seek driver involved in pedestrian hit and run
Mt. Lebanon police are searching for the driver of a small, red Jeep SUV that struck and severely injured a woman crossing Washington Road, then left the scene of the accident on Saturday night.
The driver, described as medium-complected white or Indian man about 5'8" tall with short dark hair and a medium build, initially stopped after striking the woman, who was crossing Washington Road at Cedar Boulevard at about 10:20 p.m., according to deputy chief Aaron Lauth. The man approached the woman, who was thrown 60 feet by the impact and was lying prone in the street, but as a crowd began to gather returned to his car and continued driving north toward Dormont and Downtown Pittsburgh, Mr. Lauth said.
The 28-year-old victim's femurs, or thigh bones, were broken, and she suffered head injuries including a concussion and a contusion that required several staples to close, according to Mr. Lauth. The woman was taken to UPMC-Mercy hospital, where she was treated and released, he said.
Police said there could be damage to the vehicle on the front passenger's side or the hood. Officers continue to investigate the accident and are seeking video surveillance footage from several cameras in the area, and plan to release that footage to the public if possible.
This intersection has a list of short- and long-term mitigation recommendations from the 2012 study of safety upgrades needed in Mt Lebanon. I believe a citizen spoke about this at the July Commission meeting. But did they actually DO ANYTHING?
Update October 7, 2014 6:09 PM Mt. Lebanon Police seek hit-and-run suspect
Hit And Run Suspect Flees In Mt. Lebanon
Mt. Lebanon police seek help to solve hit-and-run
Update October 8, 2014 2:57 PM On Mt. Lebanon Police's website PEDESTRIAN STRUCK – SEVERELY INJURED – DRIVER LEFT THE SCENE
mtlmagazine (@mtlmagazine)
Update October 7, 2014 6:09 PM Mt. Lebanon Police seek hit-and-run suspect
Hit And Run Suspect Flees In Mt. Lebanon
Mt. Lebanon police seek help to solve hit-and-run
Update October 8, 2014 2:57 PM On Mt. Lebanon Police's website PEDESTRIAN STRUCK – SEVERELY INJURED – DRIVER LEFT THE SCENE

None of the "crowd" that gathered around recorded the vehicles license plate as it was parked and then drove away ? They were able to describe the driver. And none of the "crowd" took cell pics ?
What a community of characters !
Mt. Lebanon is big on studies and task forces but slow to implement valid findings and recommendations. Lot's of talk, but little action.
Maybe Lebo incurs a significant legal liability risk as a result ?
Does this mean we're going to have a cull on 28 year old females since they apparently damage vehicles when running into the road?
This is an important notice from LeboALERT.
Visit each week for new online stories. This week: Second-grade
walking tour of historic Uptown.
The revised oath of office for Mt. Lebanon elected officials : " I swear I will preserve, protect and defend the health, safety and welfare of Mt. Lebanon residents..when I get around to it "
Where are the LebgoAlerts on the status of the turf project, the TOD project, the Zamagias fiasco ? Lot's and lot's of mtl mag articles & commission meetings promoting the projects, but the silence now is deafening.
All talk and no action is an appropriate characterization.
10:12 absolutely hilarious, should be a contribution to Fakelebo with this addition in [...], if I may.
New MTL oath for elected officials AND public servants.
"I swear I will preserve, protect and defend the health, safety and welfare of Mt. Lebanon residents... when I get around to it [and it doesn't interfere with my supporters agenda or affect my workload and/or paycheck.]
That'd be a good one.
10:25 damn it don't you understand priorities?
We need to know things like whether the editors hairstyle is curly or not and name drops of some big f*ckin' NY stylist.
Get on the schtick 10:25 and get your priorities straight.
I hope this pedestrian incident raises awareness of the need for Mt Lebanon to prioritize real safety needs. Without a trust in public safety and the municipality, no one is going to invest in Mt Lebanon. It’s in the best interest of this community to create safe streets. Public trust is necessary for economic growth.
12:05 PM your's is better than mine, more accurately descriptive of how they really function - are you also reading this Franklin ?
While I pray for the pedestrians full and quick recovery this should be a lesson that while a pedestrian may have the right-of-way while in a crosswalk, that doesn't protect you if the vehicle driver doesn't see you due to a blind spot, dark clothing, glare or is impaired in some other manner.
What ever happened to that lesson every child was drilled in - look both ways before crossing a street.
As I wrote to the commissioners and manager, in my next life, I want to come back as a PIO for Mt. Lebanon. I can get paid big bucks and write about my hair. And I have a lot of it.
Until then, I'll write about other things like missing radioactive equipment (Remember that? Not a word from the PIO), updates on people hit by bullets and cars, glitches in toxic turf projects, change orders, and the latest antics from superintendent, manager, staff, commissioners, and school board directors.
Look both ways before crossing? You should see the people coming off the T Station at St. Anne's. They don't even look up!
I know you see it all the time, especially with joggers.
This isn't to say that woman or any pedestrian is in the wrong, unless they are disobeying don't cross signs, but it is wise to keep your eye on vehicles for your own safety.
You could be in a blind spot, the driver could be texting.
I once almost nailed a woman dressed completely in black on a rainy night in heavy traffic on Washington Road. It wasn't even apparent there was a pedestrian on the sidewalk as we both waited for the light to turn green.
What is LeboALERT?
"LeboALERT is an innovative web-based system that allows government to contact you in the event of an emergency and also can provide you with updates about non-emergency topics you choose to receive."
Maybe a pedestrian getting hit in a downtown Mt. Lebanon crosswalk being thrown 60 feet and incurring very serious injuries and having the driver engage in a hit and run is not defined as an urgent matter in our town.
Nick M.
I thought Mt Lebanon put up cameras all along Washington Road. Shouldn't one of those cameras caught this guy? And WHY didn't someone (At that time there are quite a few people in the area.) get his name and information? Take a look at YouTube and see all the worthless garbage people record! I find it hard to believe that no one recorded this.
Adam, I'm hoping that someone did. Issuing a LeboALERT would help spread the word. The local newspapers covered it. I blogged about it. Now, if we could just get the Mt. Lebanon Public Information Office to do something.
Elaine, you just fail to realize that the PIO function is to report on only the positive aspects of life in the bubble - it's stated so in the mtl propaganda rag. Nothing bad ever happens here, and they do not under any circumstances seek out and report on contrary opinions or facts other than in a very brief derogatory and demeaning manner.
Otherwise, people won't move here, property values will decline and public employees might lose their jobs.
I'd seriously vote for any candidate that would pledge to get rid of mtl magazine.
There is nothing the rag covers that isn't or can't be covered by The Almanac or INMTL magazine.
A secretary with some writing skills could easily compose and distribute the PR releases to the main stream "reputable" media sources.
Think of the savings for the municipality in office expenses, payroll, utilities, healthcare and pensions.
We could easily ay for turf if that was what we all desired.
According to comments from a friend of the pedestrian victim, she was NOT released from the hospital, as stated in several news reports.
According to the update from the PIO we don't need them for emrgency information that comes from the Police Dept.
9:42 If she has dual femur fractures she'll be in some type of hospital setting for a while. Your femur is the strongest bone in your body and to fracture them takes great force. Those fractures are also very bloody and require transfusions and PAINFUL requiring pain control. She'll be in Physical Therapy for some time too. Guess you can say... "What a man" to leave this woman like that! Hope he's caught and police don't wash it under the carpet. I just can't see people not getting any vital information from him. My kids photo/video the dog burping!
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