Sunday, February 6, 2011

I Heart Dan Miller

(and thanks to Matt Kluck and Dave Brumfield too)

School Board: Take a lesson!

From Dan Miller's blog:

Latest on School Board Project

Daniel Miller February 6th, 2011
Obviously many in town are interested in the outcome of the two Public Hearings that were before the Commission last meeting regarding the High School project.
The Solicitor has rendered his draft opinion and the general substance of that is now available for review on our website in the form of our posted agenda for the February 8th meeting.
Of note is that the Solicitor advised that the review of his draft opinion could qualify for executive session- meaning that the it could be conducted behind closed doors and out of public view. However like all topics that could be in executive session, that “privilege” can also be waived- meaning that if three Commissioners wanted to they could move that private review into the public discussion session.
Given the extraordinary interest from the public I am very pleased to announce that the 2nd and 4th Ward Commissioners voted with me to have that discussion in public (a 3-0 vote).
Therefore, on February 8th we will have what amounts to be a special discussion to review the Solicitors draft starting at 6:15pm. As always the public is invited to attend and observe that meeting.

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