Tuesday, December 13, 2011


The Disingenuous Agreement by the School District was pointed out to me tonight by Bill Lewis after the Commission meeting. According to the May 10, 2010 Commission meeting minutes:

School District employees are responsible for weekly infield dragging, irrigation and
facility maintenance. The School District is also responsible for all lawn mowing.

Now, if I am reading this correctly, the School District is to pay Mt. Lebanon $83,300 a year for both infield renovation work and maintenance of the turf grass athletic fields.  The YSA contributes $30,000 to the School District for the services. Has the SD been doing weekly maintenance as specified in the minutes?  Has the School District been paying Mt. Lebanon $83,300 per year?

The new successor agreement ends June 30, 2012.  


Anonymous said...

I would have to disagree with your description of the agreement as it pertains to the School District. They have made all of the required payments. Additionally, the baseball fields are maintained by the combined efforts of the Youth baseball volunteers and the SD baseball coaching staffs. Aside from preseason work and occaissional contributions from Rudy and his guys when they are in the area the municipality does not maintain the infields. If there is a problem with the system it is that we covered their 13 fields and ignored our 5. We will be working to address that next year, but please understand the SD has not neglected any of its duties in this regard.

Dave Brumfield

Anonymous said...

You should know by now that this was Bill Lewis' inaccurate description....not that he would ever admit it.
Joe Neff

Lebo Citizens said...

Joe Neff,
That isn't fair for you to say that. All Bill did was show me the link to the minutes of the Commission meeting. He believes that Dave Franklin, et al, have a legitimate gripe and should meet with the SD.
Dave, I have been trying to find the successor agreement and can't put my fingers on it. Is it on the municipal website or as a link in an agenda or meeting minutes somewhere?