"To a certain degree, almost like cruel fascism," said Jason Margolis a Mt. Lebanon resident.
Margolis said he's fired up over a plan to kill up to 150 deer in his township to help reduce their population.
He calls the deer cull inhumane and unnecessary.
"Mostly, a group of elite elitist people who want to protect their precious gardens and are not thinking of the larger community and the larger environment and what's really ethical and moral," said Margolis.
At the 44:26 timestamp of the municipal video, Commissioner Brumfield mentions the chemicals used, and Commissioner Fraasch clarified that no such chemicals are used for sterilization.
Before the discussion session and meeting, she and several dozen others, all bundled in hats and scarfs, gathered along Washington Road with signs of protest as passing motorists honked in support.
The crowd grew to close to 100 for the 8 p.m. meeting, when more than a dozen spoke against the culling and at least one woman, overwhelmed by emotion, spoke through tears.
In the meantime, the municipality is considering expanding its cull to certain private properties. Feller explained that on Feb. 23 he had learned of a federal law that required a 1,000-foot buffer zone around schools. He said a buffer of that size substantially reduced the area that could be used for the corral traps and could jeopardize the cull’s success.
Properties currently under consideration include Concordia of the South Hills on Bower Hill Road, the Golden LivingCenter on Gilkeson, a wooded area near the municipal swimming pool and a section of Williamsburg Park.
Brian Benner, a wildlife control specialist with Wildlife Services, explained these properties had been identified as areas heavily trafficked by deer. The most recent aerial deer survey found 50 deer in the valley behind Concordia, he said.
Isn't the valley behind Concordia in Scott Township? Map of Scott Township Isn't there a kindergarden and nursery school at Temple Emmanuel?
Gun-free school zones cut number of Mt. Lebanon baiting sites for deer culling in half
Under the law, parts of McNeilly Park are off-limits because of its proximity to Seton-La Salle. Part of the municipal golf course is too close to Keystone Oaks' Myrtle Elementary, and parts of Bird Park are too close to Markham Elementary, McDonough said. The program also includes municipal conservation land off Connor Road, Robb Hollow Park and Twin Hills Park.
The following video was sent to me by a Lebo Citizens reader, who tried to rotate but was unsuccessful. The reader hopes that someone with better video editing software would be able to do it. The entire video is available on the municipal website here. This particular exchange starts at the 53:28 time stamp.
Statement from Golden Living - Mt. Lebanon
We appreciate your concern and have issued the following statement to our local media and several other concerned citizens:
Golden LivingCenter – Mt. Lebanon does not authorize deer trapping on our property. Our patients and residents enjoy seeing the wildlife, the deer have a history of being tame, and their presence is seen as a positive part of our patient care environment. To remove the deer in the manner proposed of killing them in sight of our patients would be very emotionally disruptive for our patients and adversely impact their care.
Thank you for your concern and for reaching out.
Best Regards,
Benjamin E Neil, MBA, NHA
Executive Director
Golden Living Center Mt. Lebanon
350 Old Gilkeson Road
Pittsburgh PA 15228
Ph: 412 257 4444
Fax: 412 257 8226
Scott Township votes against deer culling in park bordering Mt. Lebanon
Scott commissioner and attorney Tom Castello said Mt. Lebanon has no legal right to cull deer in the park and that a maintenance and police/fire protection agreement drawn up for the hilly property was never executed.
Scott, senior living center criticize Mt. Lebanon deer cull
![]() |
Corn Cop/Corral Crew on Connor |
Robb Hollow Corral |
Robb Hollow Trail Camera |
Robb Hollow Corral closeup |
Mt. Lebanon residents need to calm down about deer
Mt. Lebanon needs to calm down, or soon people there will want to kill all the birds because “they poop on our heads.”
Blame it on pedestrians, Mt. Lebanon. Walking gets increasingly deadly for pedestrians in Pa.
The numbers didn't surprise local police officers. Mt. Lebanon Deputy Chief Aaron Lauth said his community recorded 11 pedestrian-vehicle accidents in 2014. The last fatality was in 2010.
“To be honest, it's 50/50 as far as fault goes between drivers and pedestrians. If the pedestrian is at fault, it's because they're not crossing properly. If the vehicle is at fault, it's usually turning at intersections,” Lauth said. “We tend to have a lot in our business district (on Washington Road). A lot of people think it's speed, but it's not really. It's failure to obey crosswalks and turning vehicles not paying attention.”
The last pedestrian who died in Mt. Lebanon was Lisa Clay Styles, who was struck as she pushed her children in a stroller while jogging.
Talk about civic engagement - Wow!
Thank you, Pittsburgh and Mt Lebanon citizens!
So now the Commission wants to cull on hospital property, right? I don't think these senior facilities, which include the provision of inpatient services, are going to risk their patients viewing or interacting with any deer culling related activities. Further, I wonder how JCAHO would view deer culls in close proximity to an accredited facility. What if the facility has a fire alarm or a fire drill? How about if a senior decides to take his under 25 lb dog for a walk around the property? This idea is even more insensitive than the culling in the parks and around the school proximity. Some people die in these facilities, Brumfield.
Great pictures Elaine! Thank you! You are awesome!
Keep in mind that the permit from the game commission is active until September, I believe. So even though Mt Lebanon said this culling would end on March 31, prepare yourselves for another potential surprise extension.
So the brainiacs would close off areas of the public parks until September.
That'll go over like a lead balloon.
The Post-Gazette caught my reaction.
TAKE ACTION - Concordia and Golden Living Centers
Wildlife Specialists LLC and Mt. Lebanon officials have contacted Concordia of the South Hills (nursing home etc.), and apparently got approval to trap and shoot deer on their property. Management at Golden Living Centers has been contacted but approval has not been given yet.
Objective - to get Concordia to rescind their approval, and to stop Golden Living Centers from giving approval for trap and shoot on their property.
1) Lebo Citizens, speaking for all Lebo citizens opposed to this deer killing program, should send an email to Brian Hortert, VP and CEO, Concordia, and request that he rescind approval, and tell him, that if he doesn't then Lebo Citizens will organize protests of the Concordia with media coverage.
2) Lebo Citizens should send an email to Benjamin (Ben) Neil, Executive Director, of Golden Living Centers, and request that Golden does not give permission for this deer killing program on their property, and let him know that if he does, that Lebo Citizens will organize protests of the Golden Living Centers with media coverage.
3) Spokesperson for Lebo Citizens should follow-up by phone with these executives.
4) All Mt. Lebanon residents and concerned citizens should call and email Brian Hortert (Concordia) and request that he recind his approval, and email Ben Neil (Golden Living Centers) and request that he not give permission.
If we take immediate action, we can stop these private nursing homes from allowing this deer killing program on their property
BTW, residents of these nursing homes and their families should also have a say in this dangerous and inhumane slaughter taking place on these properties. These nursing home executive do not have the right to put nursing home residents at risk by allowing high powered rifles, with no safety zones, being shot on their property.
See email and phone contact info below:
Concordia of the South Hills (Lutheran Ministries)
Brian Hortert Vice President, Personal Care; CEO, Concordia Lutheran Ministries of Pittsburgh
Golden Living Centers
Benjamin (Ben) Neil, Executive Director
There was something that made everyone chuckle, including the commissioners. Junior Commissioner Haley Silverman, Commissioner Steve's daughter, reported that the Mt. Lebanon High School Spring Musical is "Annie Get Your Gun."
Speaking of Steve, all the commissioners had been asked questions during Citizen Comments, yet Steve was the only commissioner who would not answer.
Residents at these nursing and assisted living homes and residents families should be given a chance to voice their opinion. In addition,if these facilities allow shooting on their property, they are putting all of Mt. Lebanon families at risk in the surrounding community, and should be held liable for any injuries or worse.
According to the PG article, am I to understand that the commission and Benner didn't know about the federal 1,000 foot buffer zone? The hired expert didn't know? Were they counting on an exception from the feds? I don't know why I'm surprised, I've been conditioned to expect ineptitude from this group.
To see the "activist" having her own tactics used against her is absolutely perfect. The "Linfante Lied" signs just make the photos.
Silverman is a gutless coward, afraid of his shadow, a suck-up to Bendel and Dumbfield. A great disappointment.
The PG article mentions the 1,000 ft buffer zone. How did the commission majority and our hired expert, Benner, not know about the 1,000 foot buffer zone? Were they expecting an exception from the feds and it fell through?
8:00 Having had a parent live & die at a care home in Mt Lebo and another loved one die at hospice, I am beyond disgusted by the idea of using nursing home properties for this deer culling experiment. This is truly offensive.
The "flat space" in the back of Main Park is directly behind the Pool and less than the required 50 yards from neighboring properties on Vee Lynn, Vernon and Park Ridge. Come on Buttfield! I thought you were an attorney! Get it together!
What’s next? How much money do the taxpayers have to spend on the municipality’s legal mistakes. Moving those bait stations cannot be without cost, correct? Also, there is something fishy about placement of the bait and corrals on private property. I think the issue needs to be raised before the Zoning Hearing Board via complaints. Hell, if you add a back porch to your house, you need a permit. Fences are always carefully scrutinized by the board. But, not corrals? This strikes me as more illegality.
The 1000 foot buffer zone requirement was posted on this blog over the weekend with a link to a description of the gun-free school zone act. I am sure Elaine can find the post if time permits.
Maybe the solicitor was reading the blog...
Don't throw away your signs, Lebo Citizens. The Scott Township meeting is tonight at 7:30 PM. Its location is at the corner of Greentree Road and Lindsay Rd. Heading toward Walmart, it is on the right hand side before the tunnel. You don't have to be a resident to speak. Comments are at the end of the meeting. I understand that you have to state your name and address at the podium and sign the sheet which is at the podium.
Also, keep your signs for the next commission meeting. We aren't going away, Commissioners!
Here are two posts regarding the 1000 foot buffer:
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Pertaining to Bird Park placement of bait/kill station being 257 ft from school:
February 22, 2015 at 7:27 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The Gun-Free School Zones Act (GFSZA) is a federal United States law that prohibits any UNAUTHORIZED individual from knowingly possessing a firearm at a place that the individual knows, or has reasonable cause to believe, is a school zone as defined by 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(25).
The two permitted individuals are authorized.
The information was posted about the 1000 foot buffer requirement on Feb 22, and Feller states he learned about it on Feb 23.
Thanks, Elaine, for making this blog possible and for allowing public comment.
Who is really behind the deer cull? they(commissioners/police chief) all give us the "canned" message of Safety.. Safety.. Safety.. but this is not the real reason.. I would like to see more of the Commissioners have the courage to stand up the rich residents of Lebo and say.. NO.. we will not choose this method of killing..
I was waiting for the bus along Cedar Blvd. this morning when a MTLPD cruiser, clearly speeding, rounded the bend. I gestured to "slow down" and the officer nearly skidded to a halt, turned around and sped back to ask "what my problem was". I informed him that he was speeding. He asked if I had a calibrated radar gun, to which I replied I did not. I informed him that he was clearly traveling above the posted speed limit and that we, in my neighborhood, have major problems with unenforced speeding along Cedar Blvd. I believe this officer was Chief Coleman, but could be wrong. Instead of admitting/apologizing for breaking one of the very laws he was hired to enforce, the conversation devolved to a "no I didn't/yes you did/prove it!" shouting match. If "safety" were truly an issue, we wouldn't have an entitled police department accosting resident citizens for asking them to respect and obey the very statutes that govern the rest of us. Safety? How about enforcing the existing traffic laws before flushing any more taxpayer money down the shitter!
While our police officers have a demanding and dangerous job and therefore it's hard to be too critical this school safety zone breech is alarming. Especially with all the focus these days about school lockdowns, Columbine-like shootings and rapid response.
Apparently, all the highly paid officers and administrators were at a complete loss about what areas constitute a gun-free zone around each school and who is or isn't permitted to carry or discharge a weapon in those zones.
Somebody has to be carrying the ball here! If there were gunshots, and Brenner said they might be shooting during daylight or an uninformed parent saw a man with a rifle coming out of Bird Park, would Markham go into lock down.
Or the other extreme, they wave the incident off as Benner's crew just culling deer, while in reality it's some nut ready to do harm to our students.
This isn't game. We're talking about real life in the 21st Century, lets start managing things, shall we?
Wouldn't you think someone (the Super, a teacher, the PR professional especially) after all the hoopla on school safety would have caught the oversight about the gun-free zone?
The entity (or -ties) that raised the gun free school zone info also raised concerns a few months ago about the authenticity of the new "research based" school safety program endorsed by the district and police. A blog post was created by Elaine based on those concerns. Few were interested then...
Regarding the comment at 10:15 -
The Gun-Free School Zones Act (GFSZA) is a federal United States law that prohibits any UNAUTHORIZED individual from knowingly possessing a firearm at a place that the individual knows, or has reasonable cause to believe, is a school zone as defined by 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(25).
The two permitted individuals are authorized.
NOPE. The only individuals who can DISCHARGE a weapon in the 1000 foot school safety zone are a a police officer (in the line of duty) or security officer employed by the school. Really something a responsible & competent provider of deer "management" should have known.
Remember how bait sites are banned in most states and discouraged by PGC? So they permitted MtL to have bait sites and now we'vehad a variety of animals eat from the 3 non-defunct bait sites for absolutely no reason except to a) feel sick from a late winter feeding of corn and b) spread contagious diseases.
It's it shame that there is no respect for the scientific method.
I don't mean to turn this into an anti-Steinhauer post, but did he ever question this plan? I Did he ever think this plan might be dangerous for his elementary school students near the kill sites? As one of the other comments mentioned - surely he knew about the 1000 ft Gun-Free Zone law, right? All he did was send out an email directing parents to the municipal website for more information. It was nice to see the Principals of the affected schools send out letters warning parents. Did ANY of them speak up about this law federal law they should know about? And if they did - were they told to keep quiet? There is so much incompetence in this whole thing, it's frightening.
How do the deer processing people determine whether the deer meat is safe for consumption? What about Lyme's Disease, corn-induced toxicity, etc? Now I am wondering about this Hunters Harvest gig.
After reading some of the comments regarding the gun free zones, who knew what and when, I'm kind of surprised that Chief McDonough did not know this law. Isn't he the chief law enforcement officer here in Mt. Lebanon?
Nick M.
Curious, what is the priority?
Promptly recognizing someone in a gun-free school zone as not allowed to be there?
Or, protecting corn feeders and assuring no one messes with Brenner's corrals?
Apparently, the latter was the first concern as the No Trespassing went up immediately and the corn is being guarded closely.
If we're all that concerned with public safety Mr. Brumfield we should get our priorities in order.
I don't believe anyone has ever died in a MTL deer-related incident. We have though had people die and be wounded from crazy gunman. I'd hate to see someone invade a school with a gun, because everyone assumed he was a deer culler!
The amazing thing is that someone here is actually defending letting Benner's gunmen to operate in the schools gun- free zones.
6:05 I hate to break it to everybody that is not in the know but there isn't a concern about public safety. I have pointed out some serious problems to the police and other folks and they tell me they are either a) understaffed or b) too busy. I am not a "sissy" or anyone that is afraid of a shadow. I am talking about legit issues. This is entirely a political undertaking and the scary part is how influential politics are when it comes to public safety. My summary statement is: public safety is determined by politicians who are fed information by each other and by biased municipal employees in Mt Lebanon. Some day, the law will catch up with them all.
4:35 pm
Venison is Not Safe to Eat
Hunters sharing the harvest program is a "humanitarian ruse", that hunting groups use to enhance the image of hunting, and local officials use to get public buy in for urban and suburban deer slaughters.
As an ex-hunter, I can tell you that deer hunting is all about trophy hunting, and not putting food on the table, which is often used to justify this blood "sport". It's all about killing the big buck with the big trophy rack. That's why "hunters" want to kill the semi-tame bucks (this isn't ethical hunting) that walk right up to them in our parks and back yards, because it's not easy to find good size bucks in the public game lands anymore (that's another story). Most hunters are happy to donate the meat, because venison is horrible tasting; they're not hunting for food, and they'd rather not eat it. We used to have the venison mixed with regular ground beef, and a lot of hot spices added to make sausage just to make it palatable.
But more importantly, venison is not safe to eat:
* Deer meat doesn't originate from an approved USDA inspected food source.
* Deer meat doesn't go through a USDA inspection to make sure it's safe to eat.
* The field-dressing (gutting) process subjects the meat to environmental contamination and temperature abuse.
* Deer meat is a reservoir for bacterial infections like E.coli. Venison food-borne illnesses include, but are not limited to, Cryptosporidium parvum and Toxoplasmosis, caused by one celled parasites found in contaminated white tailed deer.
* Recent CDC studies show that eating (rifle shot) venison and other wild game significantly raises lead exposure to dangerous levels and is a serious health risk especially for children, pregnant women, and immune compromised people.
* Deer meat typically has higher levels of herbicides and pesticides from browsing on treated grass, i.e. the Mt. Lebanon golf course and residents True Green sprayed yards.
In Rochester NY the USDA made an exception and inspected deer meat from a bait and shoot culling. They wrote, "All of the venison which was salvaged from the bait and shoot operation in Rochester was found to be unfit for human consumption ... The intention had been to donate this meat to the NYS prison system to be fed to prisoners. We have seized it and will oversee its destruction."
At risk are low-income beneficiaries of venison donation. While the rich can choose between their USDA inspected meats, the poor are being fed uninspected meats with the high probabiliy of disease and bacterial contamination, and dangerous levels of lead and pesticides poisoning.
This issue has become even more serious with the lead poisoning guidelines being recently revised.
Lead poisoning guidelines revised; more considered at risk
Some additional articles for your reference:
Lead found in donated venison at food shelves
Minnesota food shelves will halt distribution of venison donated by hunters after lead particles were discovered in ground venison at North Dakota food shelves. ... Authorities urged that any donated meat that had already left the food shelves not be eaten.
Eating venison, other game raises lead exposure
Wild game source of lead for those who eat the hunted meat.
If deer meat is being served at any food bank or soup kitchen there has to be warning signs posted to warn the patrons of the dangers of eating the meat. Unfortunately, few if any food banks or soup kitchen post this warning, because most are unaware of the law or the dangers.
4:35 pm
A landmark book published by Oxford University Press called, “Lyme Disease, The Ecology of a Complex System” by Dr. Richard Ostfeld, analyzed and synthesized just about every study to date on this topic. Well over 100 studies are examined in the book, and the conclusion is crystal clear and accessible to the general public: There is little to no correlation between deer and Lyme disease.
The blacklegged tick that transmits Lyme disease feeds on approximately 27 species of mammal and 70 species of birds. The bacteria is passed through the bite of a tick. But deer do not get Lyme disease nor do they pass it along. Rodents, on the other hand, particularly the white-footed mouse, do contract the disease and pass it along to other ticks that feed on them. Rodents are called “reservoir hosts” for this reason. Deer are not reservoir hosts, they are called “dilution hosts” because, even though a tick can feed on a deer, as one of the many mammals offering blood meals to ticks, the disease is not spread through the deer-tick relationship.
Bottom line, deer are not infected with Lyme disease, and so you can't get Lyme disease from eating deer.
Mt. Lebanon Corn Police... it'd be funnier if it weren't true.
4:35 pm
Interesting why none of this deer meat is being donated to the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank, which is the main food bank in Western Pa.
As I understand, the GPCFB is aware and concerned with the dangers of uninspected venison, bacterial, herbicide, and lead contamination, and prefers not to accept donated venison or distribute it.
Meanwhile, Cedar Blvd. is the Mt. Lebanon Motor Speedway while the MTLPD lurk about Bird Park making sure no one messes with a tub of corn.
6:05 pm reg. Brumfield
Instead of calling Linfante out on all of her lies, Brumfield is now neck deep into it himself. He knew that Linfante's car-deer collisions kill the deer campaign was a ruse, but now he has to support her lies to justify his vote to bring rifle shooters into Mt. Lebanon, which he PROMISED his constituents that he would never do. Rumors are that he negotiated a back room deal with Linfante in which he would vote for the cull if she voted for his toxic turf project. That said, it's still disappointing to watch Brumfield channel Linfante when he is being interviewed by the media.
"The valley behind Concordia is a “major highway” for deer coming into Mt. Lebanon, Wildlife Specialists project manager Brian Benner said during the discussion session. Although contact has been made with the second assisted-living facility, management has not provided approval for culling there, he said."
OK, is this is true, then everything that Laura Simon, HSUS' wildlife biologist, said is accurate, as is her recommended solutions. Most of these deer do not live in Mt. Lebanon, but travel to Mt. Lebanon to eat at the enormous salad bar that Mt. Lebanon has become with 30+ flower islands, and residents planting tulips, hostas, and all the flowers and plants that deer find irresistible. The problem is that Mt. Lebanon has turned into a smorgasbord for deer. The solution is to launch a campaign to deer proof residents landscapes and gardens, and the 30+ flower islands. If Mt. Lebanon doesn't even acknowledge the problem, and develop a solution to address the problem, then the problem won't be resolved. As Laura Simon has said repeatedly, "shooting deer will not solve the problem". Killing deer will only trigger compensatory reproduction, which will replace the dead deer, and new deer will travel to Mt. Lebanon to feast at its salad bar.
Elaine, the email from Commissioner Linfante accusing you of being a lesbian, "not that there's anything wrong with that" (i.e. Seinfeld), is unbelievable. It's obviously beyond the pale of being unprofessional, but I have to confess that I found it hilarious. The only thing missing on this blog was sex, and Linfante, the gift that never stops giving, has finally brought sex to your blog. You should start charging a membership fee. How did this women ever get elected as a Commissioner? How was she able to keep crazy in the closet (no pun intended) long enough to get elected? I'm sorry that I'm laughing at this, but it's just so bizarre, that I can't take it seriously. That said, it was only a moment of entertainment, i.e. there is nothing funny about Linfante turning Mt. Lebanon into a horrible and inhumane killing field, and putting all families at risk with rifle shooters in our parks and now nursing homes.
Barbara Logan and the Commissionettes must be getting nervous that their private Virgina Manor police force is now on 24/7 corn guard patrol. I swear this seems like a Barney Fife episode on the Andy Griffith Show.
The Scott Township Commissioners have spoken.
THERE WILL BE NO DEER CULLING IN SCOTT TOWNSHIP! Nine second soundbite has been added to this post. Podcast of meeting to follow.
The Lebo cops are a laughing stock, and deserve to be referred to as our version of the Keystone Cops, their credibility shot to hell, mistakes and disconnects at every stage of this sordid misadventure. Very unprofessional.
4 Lebo Commissioners, the Manager and the local Keystone Cops are the poster children for the READY, FIRE, AIM award for their complete, absolute total screwup of the entire culling a/k/a extermination boondoggle - nothing has ever been so mismanaged by a local government.
Do our Commissioners ever do their homework? What an embarrassment! They are "The Gang that couldn't shoot straight", and el president e Kristen's behavior is downright nutty.
The four commissioners, Feller and Chief should all resign by reason of demonstrated and irrefutable incompetence
Thank you so much for posting the Scott Township information. The gift of a kill-free public park is a memorable one. Thank you, Scott Township Commissioners!
Golden Living - Mt. Lebanon says no killing of deer. Their very compassionate statement has been added to this post.
Another thing that I was very surprised to hear is Scott Township opens their meeting with a prayer and then the Pledge of Allegiance.
Talk after the meeting - Mt. Lebanon has really gone down hill.
9:56 am Yes, other things have been mismanaged by this government over longer periods of time and perhaps costing even more money. Try looking at the neighborhood traffic management program. But after that, please continue advocating for a peaceful, no killing pens in our parks, Mt Lebanon.
cant these people who "run and control" mt lebanon even though they are not elected SEE how we terrible we look to outside world????? BUT THEY DONT CARE!!!
they already have their stuff (the VM and Markham crowd) and damnt they worked hard and spent a lot of money on their plants so they they demand kill at any cost...
Action Alert:
Please see the code of ethics for The Wildlife Society:
Please note that Merlin Benner is a member of this society and past president of PA's Wildlife Society.
Please submit your ethics complaints to the following people:
Laura Bies (national level)
Christina Voorhees (state)
The Wildlife Society has been made aware of the bait, corral, kill program in Mt Lebanon, PA.
Look Mt Lebanon applied for a permit solely based on deer vs car accidents. 2012 National Statistics for Allegheny County is 308. I bet the swat team in Mt Lebanon guestimated a fictional number higher then 10 in Bethel. How could Mt Lebanon beat S.Parks number? Statistics are public doman, so why hasn't anyone asked for those numbers at a meeting. PA Game Commission shared ,when I called, that was the reason why!!!! So Commissioner, please share what number you used to get approval! And Whitetail Mgt Assoc of Greater Pittsburgh provides experienced
ARCHERS AT NO COST to municipalities that want to thin out herds....Rite so what's up with that Commissioner, too humane? ..or just need to spend the tax payers money again? This group currently roams areas thinning out herds. And what about next year. I know the deer will boink and have more deer, what then? How about starting with Dont Feed The Deer Campaign! What will be next....pooping dogs got to go? Mt Lebanon did not try once to change this course of action. I believe the residents would try anything to stop this motion of culling and killing deer at point blank range. Gosh it wasn't long ago that No DEER was ever seen....
Scott Twp is smart enough to realize it wouldn't be wise to be shooting there. They're also smart enough to know how to sell ball field signs.
I think the police/muni are still hell bent on using Twin Hills Park for their cull. A cop car was stationed there this morning resulting in a dog walker feeling fearful of walking her dogs. I learned this via a phone call.
Nice, Lebo. Is this war?
Communities often learn too late the value of kindness. Sandy Hook, for example, has made community kindness a major priority and is campaigning to encourage kindness among its citizens. Sandy Hook, however, had to grieve tremendously the horrific incidents that took place in their school.
I am not comparing the slaughter of children to deer but I am highlighting the LACK OF KINDNESS Mt Lebanon Commissioners are demonstrating toward their citizens. Combined with the lack of kindness, is the encouragement of cruelty toward animals in a violent, barbaric manner.
I am certain this deer horror will leave a lasting impact on the community. I hope the Commission sees that a lack of kindness can have devastating results. I hope them solely accountable for the outcome of this irresponsible and cruel political undertaking.
February 24, 2015 at 11:43 AM
I wish you would have demanded this officer or Chief's name and badge number. This is no way for the Mt. Lebanon police to speak to a resident, and especially when he was breaking the law. He should have been reported to the Commission, and this put on his record. The police are not above the law. If this was the Chief of Police, this raises serious concerns.
8:59, contacting Christina Voorhees would be a waste of time as she works for Mr. Benner and his company. I have sent email after email asking for previous deer management experience like what is being conducted here in Mt. Lebanon since the Commissioners can't seem to come up with any and needless to say all my emails have gone unanswered.
Nick M.
An observation from the commission meeting.
Resident comments from both the pro-cullers and anti-cullers are simply incredible. Some were incredibly knowledgable and well prepared.
If they tackle everything with the same vigor, we should seriously think about recruiting some of them for the commission or school board.
On the other hand, could the commissioners and managers have been more evasive and inflamatory in their responses to questions?
How have we Put or left these people in charge of anything?
Looks like Concordia may be off the table now. They won't make a statement because Mt. Lebanon told them yesterday that they are not an approved site.
So for those trying to keep track, Robb Hollow and Conservation District are a definite yes.
The area behind the swimming pool may be out now.
I'm betting that Benner is not a business man.
The school district in their infinite wisdom essentially annexed the commissioners parking lot at Main Park so they'd meet zoning requirements for HS parking spaces.
That makes that parking lot school grounds and the gun-free zone extends 1,000 feet from that spot. That put the flat area behind the community pool in the zone and therefore out-of-bounds for shooting.
They can't have it two ways saying the parking spaces are school spaces and now declare it not to be school grounds.
12:13 PM, The School District was also given the Lebo Dixon Lot between Dixon Field & Middle Field on Cedar for student parking on school days.
Here is a copy of the Shared Parking Agreement.
Elaine. this quote by Apples Steve Jobs,, should be our theme here at Lebo Citizens! "here's to the crazy ones"
Isn't Elaine amazing! In 41 minutes she finds and post the Shared Parking Agreement.
If you were to ask Feller, Linfante, Brumfield or Morgans delivery of pertinent information would probably go something like this.
Feller: File an RTK!
Linfante: What does it matter, it's a parking lot and cars park there!
Brumfield: Shared Parking Agreement???? I don't recollect reading any parking agreement.
Morgans: It's on the municipal website. Unfortunately, you'd probably have to wade through numerous article about how people find it a joy to park in Mt. Lebanon before getting to the agreement.
Of course, the response above are sarcasm, but don't they seem plausible.
"“We had a vote affirming our jurisdiction over our sovereign township,” said David Jason, president of Scott's board of commissioners.
Jason said Mt. Lebanon staff hadn't consulted with their counterparts in Scott on the plan for culling in Twin Hills, aside from informing them a few days before the baiting was supposed to begin.
If the game commission sides with Mt. Lebanon on allowing culling in Twin Hills, then it would be a question for the communities' solicitors over whether Scott had any right to object to the program, Jason said.
“I know I would not appreciate them doing (the cull) without our permission,” Jason said. “I just wish there had been better communication.”"
How many times does our MTL commission need to hear that they don't communicate well!
The Game Commission needs additional infomation.
Scott would have liked to been consulted with.
Residents/Constituents complain all the time.
Pefect example, Feller jumps all over a taxpayer that ask him for simple answers and Linfante will never, ever answer a direct question at the last Commissioners Meeting.
Speaking of a need for communicating this appeared on thealmanac.net yesterday.
"Linfante, who has been a forceful proponent of culling deer, reiterated her support for the program. “I know this is a divisive issue in the community,” she said. “I also have no doubt there are too many deer.”"
A question for Commissioner Linfante.
Just how many deer are there in MTL and what satisfied any doubts that there are too many for you?
Plus, do you want zero deer? Twenty? A hundred? Two hundred?
If you have no reliable count of how many deer exist in MTL... before a cull... how will you know when the deer population is just right after a cull!
Will you roam MTL's neighborhood like some fairy tale Goldilocks?
"This neighborhood has too many deer!
This neighborhood has too few deer!
But this neighborhood's deer population is just right!"
Or is this an instance where we need to rely on you to decide based on -- I'll know the right amount when "I" see it!"
We residents are entrusting you to spend $75,000 of our money wisely. The least you could do is answer our questions.
1:27 PM, I looked it up on my website. http://www.lebocitizens.com/Lebo_Citizens/The_Facts.html
Did Feller tell the commissioners that all was OK with Scott? Did he tell them that he talked with them and received permission?
If he didn't talk with Scott he should be let go for two reasons:
1. Incompetence
2. Lying (assuming he told the commissioners that all was ok)
Can anyone confirm or deny this? Lying to your commissioners is grounds for dismissal.
If we don't know how many deer are presently in Mt. Lebanon, what metric will be used to gauge whether the cull will have been successful? This is an idiotic plan tantamount to throwing $75,000 at the Commissionettes' Garden Lobby at the expense of almost everyone else. Like others have said, if public safety is truly the reason for the cull, what about the other 99% of car accidents in MTL? The MTL Corn Police are out there using their surplus military equipment to make sure no one messes with some corn niblets laying around in the woods while the Sunoco tractor-trailer barrels up Cedar/Cochran at 50-60 mph every morning. I'd say it's time to reevaluate whether the Chief of Police is fit for the job once some new Commissioners are elected into office, which based on the perpetual wasting of taxpayer monies on foolish projects, is coming sooner than one might imagine.
I don't think Feller lied. He told the manager of Scott and she said something like "it's not up to me" -- meaning this matter would have to be voted on.
The city has fitness for duty evaluations conducted on its staff during the hiring process and maybe periodically.
Correction to comment at 2:11.
"Pefect example, Feller jumps all over a taxpayer that ask him for simple answers and Linfante will never, ever answer a direct question [with a direct response] at the last Commissioners Meeting."
A resident specically asked Linfante if Benner's group had any experience with deer corrals and kills.
There are only three possible honest responses for the commissioner if she wants to be open and transparent with her constituents.
1) Yes they do, I'll get you the information on when if you want it.
2) No, they don't, but we're willing to be their guinea pigs.
3) I don't really know for sure.
Face reality... The deer cull is going on right now and more neighbors are getting together and allowing the cull to happen in their yards. Yesterday we saw a pickup truck with 10-12 deer on it. It pulled out of the McNeilly Park road.
Interesting. I don't think Mr. Benner would be too happy to hear about that.
How do we know if they were Benner's people or poachers?
Isn't McNeilly Park too close to schools?
How do we confirm the number of deer Benner "harvests?"
Rather than addressing concerns to one or two people at the Wildlife Society, sending bcc's to everyone in the organization might get their attention. The prospect of national publicity for support of an ill-advised, unsafe program such as the first annual Mt. Lebanon corralled deer festival of flying lead might get some recalcitrant participants to move their behinds.
Their convention was in Pittsburgh in 2014 (coincidence? ) and sending comments to their 2015 hosts in Canada might get some conversation started.
Good luck!
When I hear shots fired, I call police. If I see suspicious people in areas, especially at night, I call police. Calls are recorded, and one should expect police to respond.
Who knows if police will set up a perimeter to protect people walking through the woods from wandering into a live-fire range? The civil negligence suits from an "accident" would be astronomical. Of course having an officially sanctioned night-time rifle range in the first place is nuts. Might even rise to the level of criminal negligence.
As for "harvests", unless they are permitted to drive all over the park (isn't that frowned upon?) They will have to cart or drag the demised deer out. Daily pictures of the snow around the areas (where permitted, of course!) should give some idea of activity and "success"
I am told many children have drones these days. Some have cameras! Are they banned in parks?
5:14 Do you think we are smoking dope? Benner and his cronies are doomed to fail. They are already becoming a national spectacle. There are 3 different petitions (one with over 6000 signatures), several webpages, and youtube videos going up continually. I am just waiting for the national news stations to start talking about Bambigate.
February 25, 2015 at 6:46 PM
Unfortunately, filing complaints with The Wildlife Society is like filing complaints with The Pa Game Commission. Don't let the name fool you. The Wildlife Society, like the Pa Game Commission, is in the business of promoting hunting and the antiquated wildlife management paradigms. Most of the leaders of The Wildlife Society are also members of state wildlife agencies (game commissions), which are nothing more than revenue generating wildlife killing businesses masquerading as "conservation" agencies. The entire system is perverse and broken.
I am listening to citizen comments and I am pretty sure that this commission/administration is the most evil enterprise I have come into contact with in my life so far and ever will. That's saying something.
Especially, since I've been to prisons.
@6:46 Then cc (Not bcc) the Sierra Club, Peta, and state and federal representatives and congressmen serving Mt. Lebanon. Nothing politicians hate more than being dragged into someone else's mess, and the other national groups force them into responding somehow.
If they have already started and are operating outside their permit, the fur will fly.
Homeowners cannot give special dispensation to permit them to operate beyond what the PGC wrote down. Any homeowner that does, could and should face the music if in fact they went over the line.
If I saw or better still had pictures of them hauling deer out, I would be on the horn to the media in a heartbeat. They ALL love to be first with a scoop.
"Bambigate" LOVE IT!!! That's catchy and more newsy than "culling". Start using it everywhere! LOL!
online this evening i read they are now looking again at the 466 Castle Shannon Blvd location. this location is directly across the street from the Baptist Home.. this area is also visible from the T line and also there is a walking path from Pennsylvania Blvd to Mt Lebanon Blvd were people often use at all hours.. also in the back of the 466 Castle Shannon Blvd is a Yoga Studio.. i wonder how the yogis feel about the murders outside their studio..
Hat's the Parks Advisory Board's stance on all this?
10:10 pm The Parks Advisory Board is still underwater from the synthetic turf debacle. #betrayal
I've read multiple places that the meat can't be donated because a) the cortisol levels from the stress makes the deer go bad and b) cause of death has to be known with certainty.
Tenets of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation.
The core principles of the Model are elaborated upon in the seven major tenets:
Wildlife as Public Trust Resources
Elimination of Markets for Game
Allocation of Wildlife by Law
Wildlife Should Only be Killed for a Legitimate Purpose
Wildlife is Considered an International Resource
Science is the Proper Tool for Discharge of Wildlife Policy
Democracy of Hunting
Wildlife as Public Trust Resources
In the North American Model, wildlife is held in the public trust. This means that fish and wildlife are held by the public through state and federal governments. In other words, though an individual may own the land up which wildlife resides, that individual does not own said wildlife. Instead, the wildlife is owned by all citizens. With origins in Roman times and English Common law, the public trust doctrine has at its heart the 1842 Supreme Court ruling Martin V. Waddell.
Elimination of Markets for Game
Commercial hunting and the sale of wildlife is prohibited to ensure the sustainability of wildlife population. This principle holds that that unregulated economic markets for game and nongame wildlife are unacceptable because they privatize a common resource and lead to declines. The Lacey Act of 1900 effectively made market hunting illegal in the United States, and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 provided international protections from the market.[1]
Allocation of Wildlife by Law[edit]
Wildlife is allocated to the public by law, as opposed to market principles, land ownership, or other status. Democratic processes and public input into law-making help ensure access is equitable. Laws regulating access to wildlife include the 1940 Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, Endangered Species Preservation Act and Fur Seal Act of 1966, the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, and the 1973 Endangered Species Act.[1]
Wildlife Should Only be Killed for a Legitimate Purpose[edit]
Under the North American Model, the killing of game must be done only for food, fur, self-defense, and the protection of property (including livestock). In other words, it is broadly regarded as unlawful and unethical to kill fish or wildlife (even with a license) without making all reasonable effort to retrieve and make reasonable use of the resource.[8][9]
Wildlife is Considered an International Resource[edit]
As wildlife do not exist only within fixed political boundaries, effective management of these resources must be done internationally, through treaties and the cooperation of management agencies.[8][9]
Science is the Proper Tool for Discharge of Wildlife Policy[edit]
The North American Model recognizes science as a basis for informed management and decision-making processes. This tenet draws from the writings of Aldo Leopold, who in the 1930s called for a wildlife conservation movement facilitated by trained wildlife biologists that made decisions based on facts, professional experience, and commitment to shared underlying principles, rather than strictly interests of hunting, stocking, or culling of predators. Science in wildlife policy includes studies of population dynamics, behavior, habitat, adaptive management, and national surveys of hunting and fishing.[1]
Democracy of Hunting[edit]
This tenet is inspired by Theodore Roosevelt's idea that open access to hunting would result in many benefits to society. The right to hunt in the United States and Canada by citizens of good standing is in contrast to nations where hunting is restricted to people with wealth, land ownership, or other special privileges. This tenet supports access to firearms and the hunting industry, of which much funding for conservation is derived
After reading articles like this I need a detox.
Elaine, I thought I saw a comment or post about a tentative protest at the "Conservation land off Conner Road" being discussed. I don't know who is organizing this protest, but I think a protest at Condordia of the South Hills (Lutheran Ministries) would have more impact.
I've repeatedly emailed Brian Hortert, VP/CEO, Concordia Lutheran Ministries of Pittsburgh, asking him to rescind the approval he gave to Wildlife Specialists to trap and kill deer on Concordia's property, but he has not responded. So I'm assuming that even after Golden LivingCenter and Scott Township denied Wildlife Specialists and Mt. Lebanon from implementing their deer killing program on their property, that Concordia is standing by its approval.
I'm guessing that they would not want a protest and media coverage giving them a lot of negative press, especially when their competition, Golden LivingCenter, has stepped up with a statement showing their compassion and concern for the best interests of their residents, and which is now getting very positive press coverage.
So I was just thinking that you might want to pass this protest suggestion on to your contacts coordinating protests.
What I have heard about Concordia is that Mt. Lebanon called them the other day to say that they are not an approved site, so Concordia did not need to make a statement. I am terrible at judging distance, so I don't know if it had to do with Hoover School being close by. I do know that Temple Emmanuel has preschool and kindergarten. That would be my guess.
BTW, Benner hasn't shot any deer yet. They are still building the corrals. Sounds like he now has to deal with poachers, if there is any truth to some of the comments I have received. Glad the police are guarding the corn.
Anyone that allows a deer cull on a nursing's home property is going to lose their job. Tragic that Brumfield is such a bully that he can't recognize the basics of caring for people.
Since the deer "count" was done a while ago, isnt it time for updated numbers? Deer dont stand still. If there are five deer roaming the streets instead of the 5000 pretend tally, wouldnt that be good to know?
Id be in favor of having a reputable firm get an updated estimate using actual science to figure it out.
There is a poll currently being conducted on the PIO's Lebomag.com site.
It ask "My favorite Mt. Lebanon "spring thing" is:" and one of the available resonse is - "The Earth Day Celebration in Mt. Lebanon Park."
Here's is a little background information on the history of Earth Day.
"The first Earth Day on April 22, 1970, activated 20 million Americans from all walks of life and is widely credited with launching the modern environmental movement. The passage of the landmark Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act and many other groundbreaking environmental laws soon followed. Growing out of the first Earth Day, Earth Day Network (EDN) works with over 22,000 partners in 192 countries to broaden, diversify and mobilize the environmental movement. More than 1 billion people now participate in Earth Day activities each year, making it the largest civic observance in the world."
So for one day a year, we celebrate the environment so we can forget that for the other 364 days of the year we're installing plastic grass, polluting streams with tire crumbs and killing wildlife we don't like.
Is this a great community or what?
Lancaster wonders....
Elaine 12:41 AM CONCORDIA
It doesn't make sense, that Brian Hortert, VP/CEO of Concordia, doesn't need to make a statement, rescinding approval, because they are possibly not an approved site yet.
Based on Benner's comments from the last discussion session, he told the Commission that Concordia gave Wildlife Specialists permission to trap and kill deer on their property.
Until Concordia makes a statement rescinding that approval, we have to assume that the deer slaughter is going to move forward on their property.
Your understanding gives the impression that if Concordia does get final approval from Mt. Lebanon, that their approval still stands.
Events are moving forward quickly now. IMO, if Concordia doesn't make a public or private statement rescinding approval, the protesters should consider Concordia as a protest sight.
Mt. Lebanon owns the Conner road property. Protesting at the Conner road location will not take it off the table. Protesting at Concordia has a good chance of taking Concordia off the table.
Even making the comment that you just did about Concordia gives the impression that people should stop calling them. IMO, until Concordia makes an emphatic statement that they have rescinded approval for this deer slaughter on their property residents should continue calling them until they do.
If Concordia doesn't make a statement rescinding approval we will never know if Wildlife Specialists is killing deer there or not, and will have to assume that they are.
No doubt, Mt. Lebanon Admin. (Feller) likely calls these private property owners himself and tries to put some pressure on them for approval. That puts a lot of pressure on them; i.e. they feel that if they don't comply then there might be some consequences. You know how that shakedown works. However, Concordia needs to know that residents can deliver more negative consequences than Mt. Lebanon by protesting and negative publicity.
Just saw that someone posted this on the MtL Magazine Facebook page. Sad that we are being made fun of for all the wrong reasons. The author appears to be missing a few facts about what's going on here. Sad.
The results at this hour in that Lancaster poll above that ask - Do you think trapping and killing deer is good?
The response is 75% No, 25% Yes.
Somehow our commissioners want us to believe that a majority of Mt. Lebanon residents are of of step with other communities and favor corralling and killing deer!
Once again, Brumfield, Linfante, Silverman, Feller and Bendel- show us your proof!!!
You won't because you don't have any to back your claim.
Don't forget taxpayers, these people couldn't put the deer cull to a referendum, but they could put two idiotic Home Rule changes on the ballot last year.
One of which defies state law... another monumental waste of your tax dollars.
What can you say about a girl that describes herself as Pitt Girl- Pittsburgh, only cooler.
Funny how in her snarky comments she never once mentions the two MTL deer surveys - especially the 2014 survey that shows a 42% drop in the herd from 2013.
But, facts don't matter, look for her to be writing for mtl magazine very soon.
"Columnist Virginia Montanez delivers weekly posts on politics, pigeons and all things Pittsburgh via Pittsburgh Magazine..."
There is a corral built with bait inside off of Kelso in Robb Hollow.
Another development: There is a new sign facing Scott Township by the apartments entering Twin Hills. There is no good reason for a new sign AFTER Scott commissioners voted against deer culling. It is like a big FU to Scott.
this is the same guy who submitted the plan here that started this mess!
People blindly supporting the killing might have their eyes opened by that video. It's hard to watch but shows how inhumane it is. Way worse than regular hunting.
Has anyone contacted this shark outfit? Looks like they have fought our same battle before.
11:20 Ginny's husband owns Las Velas. Maybe that's why she looks at everything as a potential meal.
Oh friggin' great!
Now we'll be billed thousands and thousands of dollars in lawyer fees to defend MTL right to conduct a dumb-assed cull in useless $1,000,000 MTL park in Scott Twp.
What a wonderful municipal manager we have!
12:15 I think Brumfield is wondering if he should battle for Twin Hills. He knows that Scott has its own share of lawyers. Bendel wants Twin Hills so he can tell VA Manor that he took care of their deer.
They are just bullies who want to be popular. They are getting increasingly aggressive and offensive.
Have all the feeders been located?
A list or map would show how many houses are in range of a ricochet.
If they are using the .223 AR-15, people should know that the effective killing range is rated by the US Military as 500 meters. Wounding is further.
Remember the little girl who was blinded by a stray bullet last year?
Anyone with a kid within 1000 yards of one of these corrals should be livid.
Today, one of the featured articles on Lebomag.com. "Stuck indoors? Turn your TV into a silver screen for the whole family."
Probably one of the most useful PIO articles ever since it's probably not a safe idea to use one of our public parks or golf course for a fun family winter activity with deer shooting going on.
This AM another truck left the golf course with a bed full of deer. Good job! For the last week we could drive at night without dodging damn deer. I understand that a bunch of people grouped together and allowed them to build a corral in their yards. Others have offered their yards too.
Most Lawyers are attention getting ASSHOLES.. have you seen the size of Brumfield's ad in the new yellow pages that was delivered last week?
Elaine I hope you get this as I'm on a plane in Northern China for work. Hate to break it to you but it looks like your blog might be short lived. The Chinese are reporting that the US government has taken over the Internet so they can CONTROL content. It only takes a majority of officials to request removal of offensive materials so do you really believe that the Dave's and your secret lover won' t use the new rules to drop kick you? Thanks to all you democrats that voted for this fifth of a President. But you'll have an open invite to visit our new plant and home over here. It's almost like a mini Pittsburgh as there are well over 100 (former) US firms here. Even 10 from Mt Lebanon & Upper St Clair.
Yeah, good job. Good for Benner. Breaking the law. Not covering up the dead deer as written in the contract. Not abiding by the Game Commission Permit. Yeah, good job. Also, good job by Mt. Lebanon's finest.
Can someone please get a picture of the trucks used for hauling deer? Or a license plate or something.
Building corrals on homeowners properties is not in the deal. Any street names and numbers?
There is snow on the ground. You should be able to follow the trucks path on the golf course back to the kill zone.
Between the PG, Trib and KDKA, WTAE, WPXI someone would love to get a scoop on the shootings, especially if it is being run outside the agreement. Heck, send them a link to the blog.
1:50 is lying.
Surely this is a pro-kill nut job trying to get under your skin as well as anyone else's.
You'd have to have a number of abutting property owners agree to do this cull and I doubt those many consecutive property owners would put their families in harms way.
It is NOT OK to hunt at the golf course. And Brenner hasn't started yet (or shouldn't have) so it is made up. And if he IS killing deer this way, he shouldn't be paid for them by the municipality since he is only to be paid for the deer he murders in the corral and report those stats to the game commission.
Elaine. how sure are the validity of your posts?? i just came back from the Golf Course and couldnt not see any Police No Trespassing Signs like ive seen off of Rob Hollow, Cedar and Beadling Rds..
1:50 is a troll.
"A truck full of deer?" Really?
Deer are rather large and a pick up truck could hold 1 may be 2 because of the size (I'd say 3 if they were small). People would notice it also. Also a silenced rifle isn't "quiet" like in movies. It's still loud enough for people to hear.
Come on people. Use your heads.
4:09 PM
You're right, 1:50 is a Troll. They haven't been posting on this blog in a while, but they stand out immediately. I don't even bother pointing them out or challenging any more, but just ignore them.
And how is this Troll always there at the exact time that the dead deer truck is pulling out.
That said, there soon will be dead deer with the corrals going up, but I don't think any deer have been killed yet.
Of course 1:50 PM is messing with me. The police look bad and Benner looks bad. 1:50 PM could just screw it up for Benner, who then gets fired and then no deer get killed. Too bad. So sad.
4:09pm. Oh now don't be silly. This is Lebo. How would I know how many deer fit in a pickup truck? I drive a Range Rover and everyone must take their shoes off before they get in. And eww. A rifle? How would I know how loud a gun is with a silencer?! I only shoot clay pigeons up at Nemacolin. But I appreciate you educating all of us. Use my head? I don't have to. That's why I voted for my Commissioner. Now excuse me, I have to go pour some more wine. ;)
5:36 PM, the trolls have tried to post. I haven't approved them and then I get scolded for not approving them. They have been pretty busy lately.
Corn police on Connor while corrals are being built. Photo added.
6:35 Regarding the recent photo: Is that corral being built there on the side of the road going to stay there or be moved? Is that what the fencing is?
Nice try. They have no more seen a truck full of dead deers than I just saw a unicorn having a beer with Dave Brumfield @ Primanti Brothers.
- Jason M.
Kelso entrance to Robb Hollow has a corral. Photo is coming shortly. No corrals at the golf course. No corrals at McNeilly. No corrals at Bird.
That's brilliant. In the (blatently false) name of public safety, MTL, under the armed protection of the Corn Police, erect a bait station on the side of a busy road, one of 4 in the community with a posted speed limit of greater than 25 mph. Folks, take a deep breath and think about who you elected into office here. To reduce "deer-vehicle" accidents (2 per year), their plan is to lure deer as close to the road as possible! Can you say Shit-For-Brains?
Vehicles carrying deer would not be open-bed. I would imagine the preferred means of transportation will be tarp-covered stake-bed 1/2 ton pickup trucks and/or cab-forward box trucks.
Right along the road? Bet it's a decoy. Did they get a pass to violate more laws?
"Road Hunting: It is unlawful to 1)hunt from a vehicle; 2) shoot at wildlife on a public road or right of way open to public travel; 3) shoot across a road unless the line of fire is high enough to preclude any danger to road users; and 4) alight from a vehicle and shoot at any wildlife until the shooter is at least 25 yards from the traveled portion of the roadway. NOTE: These provisions do not prevent an individual, who may not qualify for a Disabled Person's permit, but who has health concerns or problems to sit in or neat a legally "parked" vehicle and watch for game. Loaded firearms may never be placed in, on or against any motor vehicle at any time."
They changed the feeder location at McNeilly. It is near the road and the Citgo.
If you stand by the tunnel that goes under the road for the creek and face into the woods, it is right in there - not very far at all. Not a very good location from their point of view. You can see the tunnel from the feeder. Deer are feeding there.
Here's their crappy trail camera:
3 stars from the Harbor Freight of sporting goods. Probably bunches of em all over.
Thought there was going to be some high-tech remote camera to tweet the massively skilled sharpshooters to remotely close a gate when the deer corral was ready?
This would be comical if it didn't involve unethical practices and hazards to everyone in the vicinity.
The good old country boy "experts" are feeding a line to the city slicker commissioners, and they are takin it hook, line and sinker.
A Lebo Citizens reader sent this to me. It gave me chills.
Sung to the tune of Crosby, Stills, NAsh and Young's “Ohio”
Linfante and Brumfield coming,
We’re finally on our own.
This winter I hear the drumming,
Kill deer in Mt. Lebo.
Gotta get down to it,
Benner is gunning them down
Should have been done long ago.
What if you loved them?
And found them dead in your yard
How can you hide when you know?
8:34 - That would be in the sliver of property situated in Baldwin Twp.
That is not the corral on Connor. That is a fence marked "warning electrical hazard." The corral is at that same pulloff, just down in the woods. The plastic is already up. The remote-controlled gate is not yet in place.
Looking at the corral it sure is flimsy. Looks like they used metal conduit which really isn't that strong. Also, where is the straw that Benner said he would use as it states in the contract and where is the 2" or smaller netting that is one of the conditions listed in the permit?
Nick M.
9:30 PM, you're right! That IS Baldwin Township! Here we go again! Has Baldwin been notified? This is Twin Hills and Scott Township all over again!
So in addition to our collection of dimwits (including Feller and Weiss) who didn't bother looking into those trivial details called "federal laws", no their contractor, the bozo with the bad reputation and the dirty money from our town, put his bait stations in another township? Please tell me that's wrong. Please.
If he did and Baldwin is onboard, then Baldwin should be paying for some of this folly, correct? But if they don't know about it, I would hope their attorney is on the phone by 9am today with some rather direct language.
7:28 AM, shooting guns so close to a gas station isn't the smartest move. I think these guys have eaten too much lead-ridden venison.
You're talking about McNeilly, right? The feeding station is very near the Citgo. Is that Baldwin? I googled it and it does seem like Donaldson Drive - which is just to the "right" of the feeder and up a hill if you're facing into the woods and away from the road - is in Baldwin.
Yes, I am talking about McNeilly. There is a strip located in Baldwin. Here is the deed. And the gas station is right next to it.
There are 2 gas stations. Citgo on the side and a Sunoco across the road… I bet the MetVet people would be sickened if they knew this was 2 minutes away from them too.
And can we promote the protest tomorrow? It's complicated because of the site being so inaccessible but I think it's worth the effort for the media (and people) to see the ugly killing station. 3 pm. Shuttle provided back and forth from Galleria Panera…
Geez (deed)… couldn't they just put a map and say "we mean this bit here"…? What astonishes me is the refusal to acknowledge that if they trap a group of deer in there and start shooting, any other deer on the outside of that trap within a pretty big radius are going to run panicked any which way. On Connor and McNeilly that means very possibly straight into major roads that can be busy even at night. The craziness of this plan never ceases to amaze me. Who on earth would put a bait station so close to roads? These people have a screw loose.
A close inspection of muni maps might show that the baiting/corral trap and killing station off Connor Rd. might actually be within what is known as the 5 acre Hoodridge Park and not the abutting Conservation District, also about 5 acres westward toward and ending at Terrace Dr.
Yep 8:11, in the interest of public safety and reducing the likelihood of someone being injured in a deer/vehicle accident what do our brilliant commissioners approve - putting out a corn buffet what next to one of speediest roadways.
Can you imagine the conversation?
Commissioners: we're concerned about someone being killed in a deer/vehicle incident, what do you suggest to prevent it.
Benner: Our plan is to put out a very inviting meal right next to a very busy road so we can attract the maximum amount of deer as possible. Hopefully, since it's very close to the Lebo-Bethel border we'll attract their deer too, to raise our take. We'll do this for about two months. If there is an accident or someone dies we'll just proclaim-- see, we told you there were too many deer in MTL!
I don't understand. Why don't they just load the salt trucks with corn (they hardly use them for snow any more) and sspread the streets with the stuff. Then look they other way as every gun happy, blood thirsty, deer hater opens fire from their front door step. We'll eliminate the deer problem for about a week.
I have a friend who lives on Dewalt which is up the hill from McNeilly.. Her property is the last house in Lebo . Her back yard is the huge area which abuts the Summit Pointe (sp) development..in Lebo ...
She loves the deer in her yard and will be crushed to know about the cull down on McNeilly.. Also i dont know what to make of all the deer accidents that i've read and heard about.. Are they really happening??
"“To be honest, it's 50/50 as far as fault goes between drivers and pedestrians. If the pedestrian is at fault, it's because they're not crossing properly. If the vehicle is at fault, it's usually turning at intersections,” Lauth said. “We tend to have a lot in our business district (on Washington Road). A lot of people think it's speed, but it's not really. It's failure to obey crosswalks and turning vehicles not paying attention.”
I have a solution to the problem!
Let's have a cull. We'll corral the burgeoning Washington Road pedestrian herd by attracting them with a Brewfest and when enough are present we'll shoot them with silenced rifles.
The goal will be to cut the number of pedestrians by 50% so texting and inattentive drivers will be safe.
How come 100% of the deer related accidents are caused by deer and not 50/50 by turning inattentive drivers as well?
is this all valid info from this website?? amazing the # of deer incidents.
Amazing number of blank information / deer ran away / deer goa (gone out of area) entries. Looks like only detailed records were kept after the deer jihadis got a bug up their behinds to exterminate bambi, no matter how much taxpayer dollars it cost.
Denicola encourages clients to pump statistics to make their case.
Did anyone mention his highly profitable operation is a registered non-profit?
11:52 am. I will help you with your question:
Go online and examine the deer report next to the pedestrian report.
Oops. Wait. There is NO PEDESTRIAN REPORT.
Mt Lebanon tracks DEER INCIDENTS actively -- promoting the report of deer sightings -- but doesn't even fix intersections where people are being seriously injured as pedestrians.
Cars are running over pedestrians for many reasons including a) reckless drivers that aren't being addressed and b) the outdated/hazardous infrastructure.
For example, you can turn RIGHT on red when pedestrians have the GO/White light to cross within crosswalks at numerous Mt Lebanon intersections.
Take for example, Cedar/Washington: this intersection is still not fixed when 3 years have passed since it identified as one of Mt Lebanon's most hazardous intersections and... of course, people continue to be hit there.
I'm not seeing "deer incident reports" for any other Western Pennsylvania communities.
The only other "deer incident reports" nationwide are communities that have hired Denicola as a consultant. Quite a coincidence.
Mt Lebanon is creating "problems" to justify their solutions.
I don't know if Mt Lebanon will cull cars or people with the new pedestrian hit stats...Oh, maybe MLPD and Commissioners just hate deer? That type of prejudice also extends to people, so watch out!
It appears to me that hunting deer in PA is all about politics, money, and PGC and private contractors and local governments making excuses to put money in each other's pockets. It's disgusting! Quid Pro Pro situations involving local officials and the the state in each other's pockets to make money off the taxpapers of PA. These guys need to put their penis's back in their pants and zip it up!
If they are soooo concerned about deer in the community, WHY has it taken so long to develop a deer management program. Mt. Lebanon decisions have always been reactive and never proactive. Just because anyone has a college degree doesn't mean they are smart. It seems none of the 4 commissioners ( excluding Kelly ) have any emotional intelligence. Stupid is, as stupid does!
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