Monday, August 7, 2017

Filling in the blanks, thanks to 12:06 AM

It has been a hell of a weekend for me. Reliving bad times. Searching for closure. For whatever reason, 12:06 AM has had it out for me for over seven years. In no particular order, and just recalling the most vivid situations, I have jotted down the following:

As early as 2010,

Knowing that I was suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, 12:06 AM suggested that I seek psychiatric counseling and visit John in the paint department at Rolliers.

All this just for asking for a poster for Brewfest in a different format. Note how I have a "miserable life." Comradery with the PIO.

The joke about igniting me, claiming that I was spending an enormous amount of time discrediting her, accusing me of removing words from her email to Steve Feller, ESB on artificial turf.

All bets are off when she is a private citizen, insinuating that I am a lesbian, accusing me of going through her garbage at 6:00 AM. I copied Rep. Dan Miller, Sen. Matt Smith, the solicitor, and commissioners pleading for her to leave me alone.

City Paper has done a few stories on 12:06 AM. Is this what caused the latest round of attack? She and her friends wrote for Pop City and mtl Magazine, making them journalists by definition.

12:06 AM was a one of Timmy's Key Communicators.

Demanded an additional $1000 to Outreach during the budget process

This is not everything that I have had to deal with. But at 12:38 AM, these random thoughts crossed my mind. It all makes sense now.

12:06 AM, you caused quite a bit of grief for me in these last seven plus years, but what you did last week was despicable.


Anonymous said...

It's a shame people forget the details and others simply don't care.
They'll whine about taxes and fees, but they forget how and why they were implemented in the first place and resign themselves to "that's just the way it is." That apathy shows up in the voting booth.

This post reminded me of a few items that seem to have been forgotten.

Does anyone know or have any commissioners looked at if anyone in the community uses that parking app that the municipality bought?

Does anyone know or do the commissioners have an accounting of the field sign revenue that will supposedly help pay for the returfing of the crown jewel? Plus, have the stores near the fields seen a surge in Gatorade and snack sales as one Commissioner forecast the Crown Jewel would bring in?

How about that new swimming pool at the High School? It was supposed to attract more swim meets which would bring in more people to the community?

All of the above were sold as enhancements that would bring in either shoppers and revenue or new homebuyers. Good goals to be sure, but does anyone ever follow up to see which are working?

All Elaine started this blog for was to shine a spotlight and for her efforts to be involved in the community all she got were insults and attacks. The last good question... why?

Lebo Citizens said...

Since the cat was let out of the bag, how about trying to go all the way to the State Supreme Court believing that we have a right to know where lethal weapons are being fired in our neighborhoods? Then you see this crap on the municipal website: " Property owners contacted White Buffalo directly and donated their properties based on a condition of confidentiality." There were twelve properties "donated." We live in a cruel, cruel community.

Anonymous said...

One shouldn't have to go all the way to the state Supreme Court to argue for common sense.
The game commission has very stringent rules for discharging a weapon in close proximity to occupied dwellings and roads. There are reasons for these safety zones but for some reason if a few people want deer killed those safety guidelines are thrown out.
It doesn't make sense.

One could be the most highly trained and competent sharpshooter and just want to practice target shooting at stationary targets in your own backyard or a park with something as low powered as a pellet gun or paint ball gun and see where it gets you. You'll shoot your or somebody else's eye out kid!
But highly paid deer killers using high powered rifles that's OK.

Lebo Citizens said...

I don't want this to turn into a debate about killing deer. I will be criticized once again. I am not alone. There are residents of Mt. Lebanon, Scott Township, and Castle Shannon who were affected by the months of deer killing and had no way of avoiding it. The killing begins again next month and will continue through March, if the heartless commissioners approve more "sharpshooting." Even our parks and golf course will be used, not just the undisclosed private properties. For those afflicted with PTSD, good luck. If our children witness the killing, Jody Maddock told us that it is a teaching moment. A. Teaching. Moment.

Thanks to 12:06 AM, I am getting a jump on those nightmares. I can usually get through the summer without the nightmares. Yes, I am crazy. I admit that I am not coping well with this. 12:06 AM has caused so much grief in my life. Too much.

Anonymous said...

You have nightmares about deer getting killed? Holy hell. You know black people are being killed by police every day, right? Do you have nightmares about that?

Lebo Citizens said...

No, 10:08 AM. I don't have nightmares about deer getting killed. Please stop.

Lebo Citizens said...

OK, I am done for now. Enjoy what's left of the summer. I will update periodically, but no more comments. Sorry.