Monday, December 11, 2017

Will he only serve Democrats? UPDATED 121317

I am getting pretty fed up with Craig Grella, the soon to be Ward 4 commissioner. Craig is Digital Operations Director, a paid staffer, for the Pennsylvania Democratic Party. I have been getting "anonymous" comments under the December 5, 2017 post What an embarrassment, Ward 4 that have a common theme. All the comments show distain for Republicans and continue to get more and more hurtful. I have deleted several comments, including the one where he answered with, "Your dead husband?" when I posed the question, "Let's see. Who would be the most upset with this post?"

How can Craig Grella serve as Ward 4 commissioner, while he is a paid director of the PA Democratic Party? How can he fairly govern Mt. Lebanon residents, when he is constantly attacking Republicans? The MLDC chair "accidentally" omitted this conflict of interest when she was campaigning for Grella.

I have raised this point about Craig's conflict of interest, but the Mt. Lebanon Republican Committee continues to sit on their hands and do nothing. Meanwhile, his docket sheets continue to remain active.

Now you have a new thread where you can bash Republicans, Craig.

Update December 13, 2017 7:19 PM A summons was issued on 12/04/17. Craig Grella accepted the certified summons yesterday, December 12, 2017. The summary trial is scheduled for 12/27/17. The assigned judge is Blaise Larotonda, Craig's next door neighbor. Public Court Summary


Anonymous said...

The malicious comments aimed at Elaine are, in my opinion, more evidence of the continuing deterioration of integrity and values in Mt. Lebanon. It is the lack of any reasonable standards that supported Gorilla's victory in Ward 4. It is doubtful that Trump's presidency had any impact on cheesy Mt. Lebanon municipal elections. Mt. Lebanon voters obviously feel more comfortable with the candidate who roams the streets in a drunken stupor at 4 AM (with his wife and two babies at home) than with a proven, mature and experienced public servant like Bob Fischer. My guess is that the voters identify with Gorilla. There went the neighborhood.

Lebo Citizens said...

10:33 AM, I was bombed with 22 more horrible and degrading comments last night and again this morning. The police are now involved.

Anonymous said...

Okay, 2:15. In my comment, I hereby change Gorilla to Grella. Your silence about the remainder of my comment speaks volumes.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Grella' s life is too unmanageable to take care of himself. He's a mess. He will not be of service to Republicans or Democrats. Another wasted commission seat.

Anonymous said...

Blaise will be taking his chances with the judicial conduct board if he rules on any of Grella's offenses. Blaise has a clear conflict.