Saturday, October 27, 2018

Susan Morgans and John Hayes, you disgust me.

Susan Morgans and John Hayes, you disgust me. In your article, New regulation expands the role of ‘public’ hunting for suburban deer 

Municipal spokeswoman Susan Morgans said the community kerfuffle has calmed since the deer-reduction policy was enacted, and deer numbers seem to be dropping in parts of Mt. Lebanon. There have been no hunting-related shooting incidents related to the program, she said.
"Community kerfuffle," Susan? You beat us into submission. We have given up. We filed Right To Knows. You cited us. You took us to court. We have shared photographs of hunting-related incidents. We have had protests. We were harassed for walking through parks. We have gone to court. We tried to use facts. We tried to be logical. We feared for our lives and you call it kerfuffle? Despicable.

John Hayes, you call yourself "Outdoors Editor." Please. Why don't you just admit that you are the mouthpiece for the PA Game Commission? You write:
The municipality won a court challenge that attempted to force its commissioners and controlled-hunt organizer to reveal the names of participating hunters and property owners.
For your information, what I was challenging was the right to know WHERE lethal weapons were being discharged, so that people like me with PTSD, could avoid those areas. But evidently, $7,000 later, we don't have that right. Parks remain open during hunting season as well as culling . And now, as you so gleefully like to bring up Mt. Lebanon every chance you can, the public will be shooting in our parks. Thanks, John. You are a real piece of work.


Anonymous said...

When will this begin?

Lebo Citizens said...

I am not sure. One thing I am sure of is that the commissioners can no longer hide. I wrote about this back in July.

Anonymous said...

Well said Elaine. Speaking truth to power. You nailed it. I agree wholeheartedly. Can't even add to it. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Good info.