Sunday, April 1, 2012


The School Board has realized they caused the $1.9 million budget gap. The letter of apology from the school board president Josephine Posti, for the Board, can be found here.


Anonymous said...

I heard a rumor from a source on the Board that they want to investigate building a Casino in the new school, and use the new gaming funds to add more square footage on athletic complex.

Also, they will propose to hire a Las Vegas firm to test the feasibility of a casino in Lebo. It'll cost about $40,000 to test.

.........April Fool's!!!!!!! Hahaha.

Captain Anonymous.

Anonymous said...

The casino seems to be in keeping with what is already in place. We are being required under the powers of taxation to gamble our money, under present trends and circumstances, on our children receiving the "excellence in education" claimed by the Admin & dysfunctional SB.

Bring it on cause we're compulsive gamblers, accustomed to being herded by public officials under the guise of proper governance !

Veblen Good