Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Brown withdrawing from race

Mt. Lebanon commission candidate plans to withdraw from race

A candidate running for D. Raja`s former seat on the Mt. Lebanon Board of Commissioners is walking away from his campaign, not long after someone anonymously mailed packets to politicians and media outlets, including the Tribune-Review, listing traffic tickets and one misdemeanor conviction with his name on them.
Thomas M. Brown told fellow Republican and incumbent commission candidate Joseph DeIuliis on Tuesday that he was withdrawing from the race for the Ward 1 seat Raja left to run for Allegheny County Executive. Brown declined to comment on the contents of the mailed packet.
The citations date as far back as 1988 and include charges filed in Akron, Ohio, the City of Pittsburgh, Donegal, Mt. Lebanon and Moon. Most are for speeding violations although there was a citation for disorderly conduct, for which he plead guilty, two charges of harassment that were withdrawn or dismissed, and a charge of simple assault in May 2008 that required Brown to participate in a program for first time offenders.
Brown confirmed he would follow up Tuesday night with a letter to the Mt Lebanon Republican Committee, but declined to comment on whether the contents of the packet were a factor. He will not petition Common Pleas Court to have his name removed from the ballot, but he would stop all campaigning, he said.
Though DeIuliis said Brown informed him that he was dropping out, he did not specify that the digging into his past was the reason.
"When you dabble in politics, you find out how ruthless it is," DeIuliis said. "I would assume that factored into it."

Update September 21, 2011 12:50 a.m. The Post Gazette also received the anonymous packet according to this article. http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/11263/1176183-100.stm  


Anonymous said...

"When you dabble in politics, you find out how ruthless it is," DeIuliis said.

Ruthless? Mr. Brown dragged a woman from a car. Yes, Mr. DeIuliis, Mr. Brown is the victim here.

Sarah Morris

Anonymous said...

From above Tribune-Review article,

"When you dabble in politics, you find out how ruthless it is," DeIuliis said.

The other information you find out is which sitting Commissioner did not perform his job responsibly in the Republican Party nomination process. If he had done his job, he would have saved Mr. Brown and the Republican Party a lot of embarrassment.
Bill Hook

Lebo Citizens said...

Amazing, isn't it?
I can't wait to see how many votes he gets.

Anonymous said...

Okay so let me see if I get this.

The former Republican Commissioner in the 1st ward who had a tax problem didn't complete his term because he thought he would run for higher office. The current Republican 3rd ward Commissioner who has (had?) a tax problem picked the 1st ward would-be replacement- a person with multiple recent arrests - seemingly because he thought he would be a good person in charge of the police department. The Republican 5th ward Commission candidate likes to attend public meetings to show off his bullet collection (I know he has the right to- but really?). And the only Republican conservative running for school director is the one ignored by the local party... And to tie it all together in a nice bow- the former 1st ward Commissioner who doesn't understand the tax code actually runs the local Republican party?

Anything else I need to know before November?

Charles Jones

Lebo Citizens said...

Close, Charles. The former 1st ward commissioner stepped down as head of the Republican Committee here.

As I wrote to the person responsible for vetting the Republican candidates, it sure makes it tough for me to vote straight Republican. I guess I was too good for them. Ha!


Lebo Citizens said...

Oh, and one more thing, Charles, you can only vote for the commissioner in your ward. It is after they win, when it affects us all.

Matt C. Wilson said...


You pretty much have it summed up, yes. But I would nevertheless encourage you to vote your conscience and your beliefs, either way. The party system should not imply that simply being less publicly distasteful than "the other guy" wins you the election.

As you mention, there are candidates who, in party, could be lumped together here but who on their own merits show a higher degree of integrity and promise. And just as well there are candidates from the other party who, through their platform, would be strong candidates despite any questionable opposition.

I personally hope that party affiliation doesn't sway people to throw the baby out with the bathwater, for good or for bad, either way. This is insight into the psychology of particular candidates and officials, but that's all.

Jack Mulliken said...

I think the Republican Party of Mt Lebanon should re-name themselves to the RINO part of Mt Lebanon. It would make things easier clearer for everyone.