Anonymous Letter # 3 surfaced on November 26, 2013. The handwriting appears to be the same as
Anonymous Letter #1 and
Anonymous Letter #2. As I have done in the past, I scanned it as a pdf and is available in the hyperlink above, and as a .jpg below.
1. Barrels are being used to catch roof leak water in the newly renovated B Building 6th floor.
2. Cheap floor tiles were replaced after the 6th day of school.
3. The bridge has cracks and major gaps.
4. Cracks throughout pool lobby and seating area.
5.Cheap flooring used in classroom is not commercial grade.
6. Wrestling mats (mega thousands of dollars) don't fit and will have to be sewn together. (I'm not doing that!)
7. Layout is so spread out that students need more than five minutes between classes.
8. Mrs. Cappucci's safety concern with Building C's many stairwells and secluded areas are no different in the new structure.
9. Access between buildings is inconvenient and in some cases, inaccessible.
While I am on the subject of the pool, this letter was sent out to parents.
Date: November 19, 2013 at 10:27:06 PM EST
Subject: Balcony at the Pool
 |  | Mt. Lebanon Aqua Club |
Well, two nights in the new pool and I think it is safe to say we are thrilled with our new home. There are a couple of items we want to remind everyone of.
First we ask that parents do not go on deck if possible. Obivously with the work still left to do in the new athletic building still to complete, a lot of dust and dirt will be generated. This dirt will easily be tracked on the pool deck and by limiting access to coaches and swimmers we can help the District keep the pool clean. We understrand this is a big change from old pool and at times parents will need to be on deck. We just ask you limit this as much as possible.
Next just a reminder to please confine yourself to the pool, balcony and locker rooms only. We are all very curious to see the rest of the building but we need to refrain from exploring.
Lastly several members have raised a concern with the height of the railing at the front of the seating balcony. We have shared this concern with the district and they in turn have passed along our concern to their construction team. In the mean time, we ask that all be very careful around the railing and if possible refrain from sitting in the front row. This is not to say the building or pool is unsafe, we only suggest this as a precaution to avoid any accidents.
Mike Chiappetta
President, Board of Directors
Mt. Lebanon Aqua Club. |
This is from a parent.
"They [are} also majorly cheap out in the restrooms. [One would think that] for all of that money that they would have the kind of sinks where the water turned on automatically due to motion. Or the kind of paper towel [hand waving] containers that would spit out paper towels due to motion.... Or those super powered turbo hand dryers. [There] are also only five showers in the girls locker room. The girls were even complaining about that on the first day."
Instead of cutting corners, the board should have scaled back the project as almost 4,000 residents had asked. How do you ruin a $133.3 million project? Just ask your "illustrious" school board.
Update: November 30, 2013 2:45 PM Here is the anonymous letter in an easier to read version.
Dear concerned tax payer-
1. 6th floor - new renovated B Building. Water barrell to catch roof leak water - several months.
2. Had to purchase 1500 desk and chair tabs & have custodians install because the cheap tile floors were being ruined & tile replaced after 6th day of school.
3. The $750,000.00 bridge connecting to athletic facility has cracks in concrete. They filled one major gap with caulking. Floor finish is polished concrete.
4. Pool lobby & upper seating area - cracks all through concrete.
5. The cheap tile used in the classrooms is not commercial grade - 1/8" thick, made from recycled products.
6. Mats in new wrestling room do not fit (mega thousands of $) Will need to sew in pieces.
7.The entire structure is so spread out - students will have great difficulty getting to classes with current schedule. 5 min. between classes.
8. Mrs. Cappucci didn't want to reuse C-building because she was concerned about the many stairwells & the rape incident at USC. There are just as many staircases & areas to hide in the new structures.
9. Board did not like no access from B - building floors 6-5-4 to get to fine arts everone had to go via floor 3 past the South gym - Now the S-gym will be a commons area & cafeteria & everyone will still need to go through that same area - what was accomplished?
the above just scratches the surface of issues -
Update: November 30, 2013 11:02 PM Pool railing
Update: December 2, 2013 11:42 AM Here is the railing that Bethel used.
Notice the glass rail in the spectator area. |