Saturday, January 19, 2013

Remely is in

Way to go Republican Committee.   You are consistently supporting the wrong people, in my opinion.  Dan Remely beat John Schnatterly 44 - 29.

This is good news in a way. This means that Dan Remely will not be running for school board. Yay!

John, seriously this was a close call. There are 29 Committee members who think you are the better candidate. Certainly, there are many more in this District who believe that. Don't give up. Maybe the Republican Committee will wise up and select you the next time around. It will be here before you know it.


Lebo Citizens said...

Dan Miller, let me be the first to congratulate you publicly.

Richard Gideon said...

Based on the numbers and vote distribution in the last election, I estimate that Mr. Miller has a 70% chance of capturing the 42nd District seat.

Although I have various philosophical differences with Mr. Miller, I've always found him to be approachable, and willing to listen to all sides of an argument.

Mr. Remely certainly has his work cut out for him.

Anonymous said...

How about a write-in campaign for Schnatterly?

Bill Matthews said...

I am supporting Dan.

Miller that is....

John David Kendrick said...

Dan Miller,

You're going to make a great State Representative! Congratulations on all of your hard work [your very hard work] that you have done to engage and enlighten your constituents, and to do your best to make Mt Lebanon a better community for all of us.

Lebo Citizens said...

The word is that Remely may be running for school board, simultaneously. Funny how the Republicans held that against Matt Smith, but it is OK for Remely to do that. It would be rather embarrassing for him to lose both elections.

Anonymous said...

It's Miller Time, he's got my vote, even though I don't agree with him on everything.
Dan stayed on the phone with me for 3 hours.
Still waiting for Remely to call me back.
David Huston

Anonymous said...

I don't get it. I count at least a handful of R's on this website that seem like they will go to the ends of the earth for Miller. These R's are the R's of the r's. Do they really like a D that much?

Is this a pro-Miller or an anti-Remely thing?

Any pro-Remely (not anti-D) people care to explain their support for DR?

Anonymous said...

I dont know who the current lump is in charge of the MLRC but you and your cronies have just sounded the death knell for the party. Good job

Anonymous said...

can someone tell me what Mr. Miller accomplished while he was a commissioner?

Lebo Citizens said...

To name a few, televising the commission meetings, televising the discussion sessions, getting rid of the Parking Authority, not supporting the Joint Steering Committee meetings (see ), public meeting to review the Solicitors draft concerning the renovation (see )
had a blog that was updated regularly, stopped the reckless spending of the fund balance, ran into a burning house while on vacation and tried to save a child, and those things are just off the top of my head.
What has Remely accomplished?

Anonymous said...

Raised taxes almost 11 percent ! Judging by the few comments in your story called Nailed It, your audience is missing Mr. Remely's next 5 percent increase !

Lebo Citizens said...

5:04 PM, I think it is because the following post about mtl's upcoming blog seemed to strike a chord with readers. The fake budget indicates that we will have a five percent increase. Of course we won't know any details until the fake budget comes out next month. Jan's starting point is $84,469,784. She'll work backward to come up with the preliminary budget. Dan Remely knows how it works. He's been through enough of them.

Anonymous said...

Id say Remely's "accomplishments" are reason enough to vote for Miller.

john david Kendrick said...

Amazing that the machine's arrogance ultimately put the nails in thier own coffin. Political power really does flow from the bottom up.

Dan Miller will be a great state representative.

By the way, did you guys happen to see Jessie Duff on Hannity tonight? Whew!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am trying to figure out how Dan Remely won the nomination.

His stump speech must have been something like, "I know the state budget is about $28 billion. But, I know budgets and I can bring this budget down by $10 billion! Here, let me draw out my plan on this napkin right here. Anyone have an overhead projector?"


Anonymous said...

I heard that JoPo is working on DR's campaign - birds of a feather...

Anonymous said...

11:48 And Raja is calling various R's asking support ($ & vote) for Remely

Anonymous said...

Two more reasons to vote for Miller

Anonymous said...

@11:48 The D's must be so proud of JoPo !

Anonymous said...

The wing-nuts and the 4 anonymous bloggers, who profess to be right wing Republicans, are campaigning for the Democrat candidate, Dan Miller. Apparently party affiliation or true conviction means nothing. It's apparent that the people on this blog are not in favor of anything, just against everything. Birds of a feather.

Anonymous said...

True that 3:59!

Lebo Citizens said...

Birds of a Feather,
You just finished saying that we are for Dan Miller. Then you claim we are against everything. Which is it?

Anonymous said...

359: Not true. We're in favor of liars like Dan Remely losing elections. We're in favor of crooks like Jo Posti getting ejected from local politics. We're in favor of not using publicly-financed organizations like the PTA being used as political hammers. We're in favor of nitwits like you staying home on election day. Are we against things? Mmm, yup. We're against personal attacks for local elections. We're against elected bodies lying to the public and hiding their finances. We're against telling people moving here that Lebo is a Utopia when, in fact, it's all a facade. And we're against being generalized by someone who didn't sign his name.

Anonymous said...

If you would be so kind as to clear up a few of your comments 3:59, please.
Are you one of the 4 anonymous bloggers professing to be right wing republicans or do you make.
If not then you must be 1 of the left wing bloggers or a libertarian blogger right?
So if you're not a wing nut, you obviously must have a screw loose!

I agree with you on one point, party affiliation seems to mean nothing around these parts.
Posti (D) apparently is working for Remely (R). Birks (R) seemed to be stumping for democrats Obama and Cappucci if lawn signs are an indicator.
Lebowitz (D and aren't the Ds suppose to be staunch defenders of union and Aerican workers) instructs companies how to skirt labor laws meant to protect those American workers. Odd don't you think?

While you've done a fine job of running in and bashing people, you make no mention of the flock you fly with-- why is that?

Lebo Citizens said...

5:19 PM, Mary Birks is now a Democrat.

Anonymous said...

You know that and I know that, but the ever diigent RCML doesn't seem to have a clue! Her name stll appears as a republican on the school board along side Sue Rose.

Anonymous said...

The Democrats pledge:
Be VIGILANT by holding leaders accountable for their actions.

Be SMART by supporting excellence in our schools and libraries.


The Republicans adhere to a principle:

"Government must practice fiscal responsibility and allow individuals to keep more of the money they earn."

Our taxes are going up rapidly, the school broke their promise that the high school renovation would be close to $95 million, and our excellent schools have dropped to third place in The Business Times rankings.

So which party 3:59 pm do you suggest we should we join? Birds of a feather and all that?

Anonymous said...

Lebowitz (D) is behind Remely (RINO). Why are there separate parties in Mt. Lebanon, there are no differences between them?

Let's just have one big popularity contest, like Miss Pennsylvania, and all the dirty sausage-making can still go on unchecked.

Anonymous said...

And now we have evidence of low voter turnout.

Anonymous said...

That should read - why there is such low voter turnout.
Now of these candidates stand for anything. If they did they would have known to expect and over capacity crowd at tonight's (1/21) math presentation and made sure there were accomafations for the people that pay the bills for the district.

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that you complain about Remley raising taxes but not Miller. The Storm water fee is a tax no matter how you look at it.

Anonymous said...

Remely's tax increases cost us more than the storm water fee, but I have to agree that the storm water fee is bogus.

Let's see, to live in lebo you have to pay your ever increasing School taxes, EIT, ever increasing municipal taxes, storm water fees, alarm permit fees, etc., etc. etc. (Sounds like Yul Brynner in "The King and I") recreation fees, parking fees to frequent businesses, (no free parking here and don't forget the students' parking fees) etc, etc. etc.....and the list goes on and on.

Lebo Citizens said...

9:16 AM, Dan Miller voted AGAINST the storm water fee even with the sunset provision. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Now where else would residents get a fact check like Elaine's on Miller's vote on the storm water fee?

You can bet the municipal PIO/editor wouldn't be so quick to fill us in.
Same as there has never been a report on how many "facts" didn't pan out in Kubit's FAQ or how many vehicle/deer accidents have actually been reported.

Lebo Citizens said...

9:16 AM, here are the meeting minutes which support my statement concerning Dan Miller's vote on the stormwater fee. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 9, 2011 OF THE MT. LEBANON COMMISSION


Anonymous said...

While Dale and Dan asked very good question regarding the elevator sump pump change orders, why are they coming up with solutions to save money on issues like these?
If the co's get on the board's agenda, shouldn't Mr. Marciniak come to the meeting prepared with an evaluation of the change orders, possible alternatives and etc.?
I mean its on the agenda for the board to move it forward for a vote. This isn't the tine for hopefully one of the 9 directors to brainstorm a cheaper solution is it? What if Dan was absent for the meeting. Would the portable less expensive pump idea never get run up the proverbial flagpole?
Just a thought, it looks like the fine arts theatre carpet went down a few thousand after it was highlighted. Dan thinks we can save $3 or 4 thousands on the elevator pumps.
Those thousands could be books or computers.

Anonymous said...

One Tough-Talking Nerd: Bobby Jindal Brands Himself as Republican Reformer
By Beth Reinhard | Friday, January 25, 2013 | 5:01 a.m.
"We’ve got to stop being the stupid party,” he said. “It's time for a new Republican party that talks like adults. It's time for us to articulate our plans and visions for America in real terms. It’s no secret we had a number of Republicans damage the brand this year with offensive and bizarre comments. I’m here to say, ‘We’ve had enough of that.’ ”

A lesson for the local republican committee perhaps? "It's time for us to articulate our plans and visions for [MTL] in real terms. It’s no secret we had a number of [local] Republicans damage the brand [over the years] with offensive and bizarre comments. I’m here to say, ‘We’ve had enough of that.’ ” WE CERTAINLY HAVE!