Friday, January 25, 2013

Sports Advisory, JMA, and other goodies

Mt. Lebanon is looking for residents to fill two vacancies on Dave Brumfield's new Sports Advisory Board. There are two at-large positions available. For more information visit Sports Advisory Board vacancies

According to the Monday, January 28, 2013 Discussion Session Agenda, the Joint Maintenance Agreement is up for discussion. The JMA extension expired last month. The big question is "Did the YSA pay up?" The starting time for the Commission Discussion Session is 6:30 PM.

Additionally, a Skateboard Ordinance and a Residential electricity broker will be discussed.

Skateboarding is illegal everywhere in Mt. Lebanon. There is no 21 Club for kids cited for skateboarding.

I have been asking the Commission for two years now if residents could get a group rate from an electricity broker. It can be done, but turf and deer management have been higher priorities. We could save money on our electric bills instead of constantly shopping for electricity suppliers.

Also planned is a review of the President/Vice President selection process. A heads up. There is no rotation, except Vice President to President. See Something is up UPDATED

Don't leave at the end of the Discussion Session. More fun is planned at the Commission meeting. The agenda includes a proposal to direct the proper municipal officials to solicit proposals and conduct two deer surveys in 2013; the first to be conducted in February, or as early as possible, and the second to be conducted in November. See Something is up UPDATED concerning deer.


Anonymous said...

" Last year alone we had over 150 deer-related incidents reported to the MLPD.  I have received many calls from people who have been in deer/vehicular accidents, who have had attacked by deer, who have been chased by deer, who have had deer crash through windows in their homes, etc.  We have reached a point where deer are endangering the safety of the residents in this community.  I feel we must address this problem " - Kristen Linfante

Residents are in great jeapordy, run for your lives, hide the women and children! But it's going to take a year and two surveys to figure out if the problem is real or not. LOL

Anonymous said...

Wonder why Mr. Franklin hasn't rushed into the conversation to claim the YSA portion of the JMA 6 month extension is paid in full?

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen one deer in this town for about 3 months, nor have I ever witnessed one pursuing a person.

There would be far fewer incidents if people would not exceed the posted speed limits. How about it, folks?