Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Lebolife Blogs News

District Magistrate Blaise Larotonda wrote his first piece, early to serve, a story about Mt. Lebanon Sunrise Rotary. I hope he follows up with a post recapping his review from last night's Commission Discussion Session of Mt. Lebanon's drug issue and a summary of the task force efforts. I plan to provide a link to the podcast of his report, something that every parent in Mt. Lebanon should not miss.

The list of volunteer bloggers is growing. Today's article, across the pond was submitted by James Cannon Sr. Mr. Cannon, father of Josephine Posti and James Cannon Jr., is an international marketing consultant.


Anonymous said...

"The public information office is working on a "Lebo Life" blog that will appear as a tab on lebomag.com and will complement the magazine and its various social media.  The aim of this blog, which should launch within the next month, will be to promote positive and constructive conversations about things that enhance quality of life in Mt. Lebanon. There are about 20 people who will initially post on the blog, with each posting at least twice a month in seven categories, including areas such as family fun, house and garden, travel and leisure, food and drink, etc."

Gee may a good Lebomag blog post would be on a conversation with the people from AB Charles. It could be positive and constructive about the things that enhance the quality of life in Lebo.
It certainly covers travel... we now have to drive to Peters to shop for all the great stuff AB Charles carries, instead of buying it right here in the bubble.
And it certainly covers leisure as well. After all aren't hobbies leisure (and most times educational) activities?
I know AB Charles products went into many a school project in our household.

Anonymous said...

"The aim of this blog, which should launch within the next month, will be to promote positive and constructive conversations about things that enhance quality of life in Mt. Lebanon. "

A BLog posting about our drug problem would not be promoting positive conversations. You won't see it in the Lebo Magazine blogosphere, Elaine.

Anonymous said...

How does an article about traveling to England or anywhere else for that matter promote positive and constructive conversations about Mt. Lebanon?

Didn't we used to have travel lecture series at the HS at one time. Plus you can subscribe to Travel and Liesure magazine, or better yet read it for free at our wonderful public library. For those less ambitious or ambulatory you can visit almost any country in the world from the comfort of your own home on the cable Travel channel.

So do we really need to spend tax dollars on this kind of stuff?

Oh cost saving tip-- you can see an actual old fashion English phone booth outside the Elelphant Bar at the Grove City outlets. I mean seriously an article on England and we see photos of a phone booth and Westminster. Can't wait for the Germany trip... we'll see photos of a bratwurst and the autobahn I'm guessing.

Anonymous said...

Blaise is a pretty good guy and his post is really one of the few I've read on Lebomag that really fits "a positive and constructive" post that night be hard to find elsewhere.
The spice store post was interesting but that borders on an advertisement.
The pool post COULD BE interesting if it really opened a dialogue on what people thought if the current pool environment and what people would like to see in a new one. but the blog really doesn't seem to want input, they just seem intent on "selling" what they apparently already decided to do.

Anonymous said...

Q: Why doesn't Blaise drive after dark?

A: Too many drunks and druggies on the road.

Blaise admitted this in an interview on the Lee Adams show.

Perhaps we should install cameras to photograph every license plate that enters or leaves Mount Lebanon in order to slowdown the drug traffic.The license plate numbers could then be checked vs. arrest records, stolen vehicles, etc. One city did this and crime dropped 30%.

Anonymous said...

2:20 they couldn't catch up with parking fine scoflaws and they have the license numbers.

Lebo Citizens said...

2:20 PM, Blaise admitted last night that he hates to drive after 9 PM here because of all the DUIs. We are no better or worse than anywhere else. But that is no reason to ignore the problem. Please listen to the first part of the commission discussion podcast. His comments were eye opening.

Jack Mulliken said...

The magazine did put together a rather good article on drugs in Mt Lebanon a little over a year ago.


I am neither a supporter or an opponent of the magazine. I just wanted to get this out there in case you missed it. It's a very interesting article if you haven't read it.

Jack Mulliken said...

The Magistrate may be even more disturbed by this.

Cell phones as dangerous as drunk driving

Since the MAJORITY of Mt Lebanon's drivers choose to have a conversation on a cell phone when behind the wheel, the magistrate should definitely rethink driving at all.

(The Mythbusters threw a little Socratic method at this to see if it was true as well: Cell Phone vs Drunk Driving MiniMyth)

Anonymous said...

Driving with one hand on the wheel is always risky. That's why drivers' ed courses teach where to put both hands.

But driving isn't the only thing cell phone addicts do. Many can't take a simple walk without their phones. Most annoying are those who take their phones to the grocery store. It's one thing to call home to make sure you're getting the right item; but blocking an aisle while you talk or forcing customers to listen to your drivel in the check-out line is downright rude.