Wednesday, April 3, 2013

I had it right, Josephine.
"The salary of finance director Jan Klein increased from $129,179 to $133,054."  This is an increase of $3875, or 3%.
The board voted to adjust Ms. Klein's salary, which was clarified at the July board meeting.
"She would not have been able to achieve her 3 percent raise for meeting expectations because she was at the top of her salary scale," Ms. Posti said.
See page 3
B. In addition the Board may authorize additional funds that can be used for merit and/or salary adjustments. The Superintendent has the discretion to award those additional funds based on individual performance and potential for any administrator earning a rating of Meets Expectations
or Far Exceeds Expectations.
From my blog:
2. Ms. Klein would then get a "bonus" which was literally an extra check. If she was to get a 3% raise on top of the adjustment, she would not get an increase in salary but would receive a single check for that increase. A bonus.
...she always got the COLA "class" adjustment plus a fat 4.5% salary bonus every year.

Did you know Jan Klein teaches at CMU too?

Looks like I had it right, Josephine. I stand by my words. Unfortunately, you tried to discredit me on TV.


Anonymous said...

In your Blog link
"We charge students for parking, so that our administrators can get their raises."

Their doubling it this year so that administrators can get their raises.

The televised meeting captured the true blue Mrs. Cappucci and Mrs. Posti during your time, Elaine. I wouldn't worry.

Anonymous said...

She got a three percent raise and a bonus. A bonus is not a raise,it doesn't compound on any future raises. Big business love bonuses for that reason.

Lebo Citizens said...

OK, she got a 3% raise AND a bonus. My question is why? They implemented the student parking fee so that programs weren't cut.
Timmy got his raise. Why? 20 administrators received raises. Why? According to Elaine Cappucci, I must have missed those meeting discussions. And The Almanac, PG, and Trib had all reported last year how the board struggled with cutbacks. Puleeze.

Lebo Citizens said...

Oops, i should have included this year's article from The Almanac. They should run the same copy every year but change the date.
Mt. Lebanon school board struggles to close budget gap


Anonymous said...

The school board needs to close its checkbook.

Don't pity them; the whole community is paying for their ridiculous decisions that have little to do with education. The time may have come to separate education and athletics.

Anonymous said...

So technically you didn't have it right. You would hold the SB to the higher standard and excoriate them for getting in wrong

Lebo Citizens said...

Getting in wrong?
Josephine Posti claimed that I didn't have both articles in my blog. I got it right. I listed both of them. If you did the math, you would have found that Klein's paycheck was 6.9% higher than the year before. So before you "excoriate" me and quibble over semantics, why don't you come up with a way to stop the overspending? This trend is not sustainable.

Anonymous said...

Elaine, you're engaging in a debate with people that accept a $1,000,000 tax hike is like a zero dollar tax hike.
These are also the same people that believe that doubling the student parking fee is all for the kids.

Anonymous said...

If the family can afford a car for the kid they can afford a parking fee to pay administrator raises.One hundred dollars is reasonable.

Anonymous said...

2:16 if the administrator can afford a Lexus they can afford to pay for parking without a raise.

Anonymous said...

Let's charge $690 to park a Lexus. Adults should pay their fair share.

Anonymous said...

Who the hell does 2:16 think they are?
Not everyone is set, maybe the kid inherited a car, maybe they're working their tail off and the car is the transportation to an after school job.
But you know everybody's financial and personal situation don't you 2:16!
Well, here's something we do know 2:16, we're paying our staffers a good wage and good benefits.
If they can't pony up $100 a year for parking, who can?
So 2/:16 take you smart attitude and try it out on the administration and staff.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, so 2:16 thinks that if you can afford a car for the kid, that automatically makes it OK to pick the families pocket for $100 for administrative raises. Interesting, now who would care that much about administrative raises that they'd have no second thoughts about their neighbors having to fork over a hundred bucks?

Doncha just love how some people think they can decide how and on what you spend your money!