Friday, June 20, 2014

Why GeoTurf and the ESB never had a chance UPDATED 2X

The lies started on November 25, 2013, when Kristen Linfante misrepresented the Environmental Sustainability Board's position on artificial turf.

No, actually it started before that. Back on November 20, 2013, Larry Evans, a retired FieldTurf guy from Mt. Lebanon contacted Kelly Fraasch and suggested that she call Penn State's Andrew McNitt for information about GeoTurf. Kelly followed up with an email to McNitt. Evans had contacted GeoTurf and said that he was a consultant to the commission. What Evans failed to disclose to Kelly was that McNitt had a partnership with FieldTurf and asking for his opinion of GeoTurf is like asking Coke their opinion of Pepsi. FieldTurf on GeoTurf Also in the email link, is an exchange that John Bendel had with the GeoTurf representative. The rep also indicated that irrigation is not needed with GeoTurf because it performs well in our climate. John seemed receptive to GeoTurf's product. But Dave Franklin was not. And we all know Dave Franklin's position on the EPA.

Hellas/GeoTurf provided their references here:
Hellas Reference List pages 1-66

In January, GeoTurf Contact info from 1st Turf Project Task Force Meeting Minutes is on page 68. But something happened in February. GeoTurf missing on vendor list from 2nd Turf Project Task Force Meeting Minutes page 70

In fact, there are two DIFFERENT sets of SAB meeting agendas for February 6, 2014.
From the Municipal website with no mention of the ESB's position on artificial turf
SAB meeting agenda from my RTK See page 126, item #5 ESB Position on Artificial Turf. Mt. Lebanon falsifies official records of its agencies! The meeting minutes skip #5.

FieldTurf - Turf Vendor Questions page 164 "Synthetic turf poses no health risks." Yet, the National Athletic Trainers' Association (NATA) released a consensus statement GUIDELINES TO PREVENT SUDDEN DEATH IN SECONDARY SCHOOL ATHLETICS PROGRAMS In Maryland, schools canceled outdoor activities when it was 93º outside. It was too risky for athletes playing on artificial turf. 

On a side note, I found the Mt. Lebanon Community Endowment contract on pages 128-162.

On Monday's Discussion Session agenda is Dr. Phil Johnson. He will speak about the health and well-being of our populations – including pregnant persons, infants, children, those with respiratory disease including asthma, those with allergies, those with neurodisabilities or disorders; those with cancer or surviving cancer; and those at risk of developing cancer. You can read his letter to the residents of Mt. Lebanon here.
Funny how the second item on the agenda, Wildcat/Middle turf improvements, follows an update from Republic, our new trash collectors.

It's not over! Public Hearing on Unassigned Funds July 8 will be introduced at Monday's Commission meeting by John Bendel. Look at the first item on the list. Also on July 8, the funds will be allocated and the turf bid will be awarded.

Update June 22, 2014 12:07 PM Kelly Fraasch sent out this email yesterday about tomorrow's meeting on artificial turf.

Update June 22, 2014 1:10 PM A suggestion was made to me this morning. Since the public is not permitted to speak during Discussion Sessions, we should wear our "No Artificial Turf" stickers or print out this sign, I [Heart] Lebo Sports on shirts or on paper for both meetings.  


Anonymous said...

Guidelines to prevent Sudden Death in High School Sports ? God help us all.

JE Cannon III said...

"Curiouser and curiouser!"

The problem with government that acts with deceit (as we are seeing at the federal level) is that it eventually unravels. It always does. It's because people who commit such acts typically aren't as smart as those who discover it.

This entire saga is so dirty and so sleazy and rife with dishonesty, I'm stunned. At what point is it enough?

How much public money has already been spent on this project? Taxpayers will never get that back. There was the $11,000 price tag for the sham "update" meeting (in which I understand there were at least three commissioners present. Was it advertised as such?) There has obviously been work done by Gateway and it wasn't free. How much is Dave Donellan's time worth and how much of that time has he expended on this project? And what of other municipal employees? Just keep adding it up. And now we see by the bids the cost of just installing the turf will exceed the nonsensical original number of $1 million (big surprise). It will be closer to twice that. If I understand correctly, that does not include ancillary costs? So we're going from the "$1 million" price tag to at least twice that (perhaps more) out of the gate, not to mention the legacy costs, which will be in the millions. When it floods again (and it will) in that area, every homeowner on Cedar will have more than ample cause to file against the Municipality. How much will that cost? This whole thing is tantamount to a tax increase.

Where has all this mystery money been hiding? If we have public funds to throw away on some fantasy like artificial turf, surely all our roads are in top shape, right? Our police have everything they need, right? The fire department isn't lacking anything, correct? And every taxpayer is seeing a reduction in their rates, yes?

This community needs to wake up before it's too far gone.

Anonymous said...

The community won't wake up, because they believe they're living in an old "Our Gang" movie short.

A synopsis: Spanky, Alfalfa, Chubby and Darla put their heads together and decide 'lets put on a show!' down at the old field.

'It'll be great, we'll sell signs, and everything will be free. We'll sell signs to finance it so all the neighborhood kids will get to join in for less than a nickle.'

Trouble is the plan start to unravel when they only sell one sign. With no money they go the cheapie route because the show once started must go on. 'We'll make money from admissions, everybody! Everything will be Oh Tay, exclaims Buckwheat!'

So the show goes on. Spanky, Alfalfa, Chubby and Darla are soooo happy, they're the center of attention and their names go up in marble at the old field.

But in a short time, it rains in their show, the carpet curtain begins to unravel and everything begins to fall apart.

The End

Then the adults come in and clean up and repair the mess the Gang has created.

Anonymous said...

Has everyone learned how important it is to vote?

Lebo Citizens said...

4:10 PM, I agree, but this project did not come up until after Silverman and Brumfield were elected/reelected. When Fraasch, Linfante, and Bendel were elected, it was all about deer, the TOD, and infrastructure.

Keep in mind that the driving force behind all of this is Mt. Lebanon staff. We didn't vote for any of them. Donnellan, Deiseroth, Kelley, Berkley, Morgans, and McGill, all under Steve Feller. And then there is unofficial sixth "commissioner"...

Lebo Citizens said...

I forgot to add the Athletic Director from MTLSD, another one we didn't vote for. And the heads of all the sports associations. Dave Brumfield could have burned down assisted living centers and would have still won, since he was running unopposed. In that case, it is the Mt. Lebanon Republican Committee that dropped the ball. It isn't the voters.

John David Kendrick said...

The vote isn't over yet, but all of you should be very proud of your hard work. Let's not forget that Governor Reagan lost the Republican primary in 1976. What came out of his candidacy set the stage for one of the greatest political transformations in history.

Lindsay Graham said something interesting in an interview yesterday. (paraphrasing). Graham said that it's not whether a leader makes mistakes but how a leader responds to the mistakes that he makes. Now, a leader can't make too many mistakes but nothing in politics is linear.

There's a new news network that I am thoroughly enjoying on FIOS 614 - One America News Network. They don't have the cable cuties that are on Fox, but it is a credible network with the RIGHT perspective.

So relax, watch some television on OANN and plan for the next battle. You've all exposed a lot of challenges that the community needs to overcome. Look forward to the day when you'll be the next Commission. That'll be the day when everything will change for the better.

Anonymous said...

i had a fun observation as i was driving around town today. the two houses i saw with the "turf it" signs in their yards were having their lawns professionally maintained. if they can pay for professional maintenance on their own lawns, surely they can pay for professional maintenance on their childs playing surface. instead, they will take the easy way out and turf everything, except their yards because that would look ugly.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone alerted the School Board, Superintendent, and Athletic Director about the toxicology discussion session? Since they want to turf the Rock Pile, it would be a good idea for them to hear the risks first hand.

If kids with allergies to peanuts get peanut-free tables in the cafeteria, why don't kids with asthma get artificial turf free playing fields? It's about time they do! Breaking news: you can die from asthma, too!

Hey School Board - keep the Rock Pile either rocky or grassy.

Anonymous said...

At the Feb 6 SAB meeting, did the ESB state their position on artificial turf or didn't they get the chance?

Anonymous said...

JDK - Thanks for the accolades, but can you help with the heavy lifting? We need people to step up to help here and not just post on the blog.

Will you help? Please??

Lebo Citizens said...

9:22 PM, maybe you can send them an email. They ignore my emails. Elaine Cappucci is on the ESB, so she should be aware of all the hazards of artificial turf. She will not admit to any notifications. MTLSD has not replaced their ESB member, since that seat has been empty since March. They're not in a big hurry to deal with dangers of artificial turf, nor will they acknowledge the problems with their existing turfed field because of the Rock Pile project coming up in 2016.

Lebo Citizens said...

9:35 PM, you can check the video to see what happened. It is on the municipal website. I haven't had a chance. Let us know what you find out.

Anonymous said...

9:35PM-- At the February 6 Sports Advisory Board (SAB) meeting, none of the three Environmental Sustainability Board (ESB) members present spoke. This is because public comment occurs at the beginning of the meeting, before anyone had the chance to hear the discussion. I was then surprised to hear the whinings and objections of SAB members, the consultants, and municipal staff about non-toxic infill to be that organic infill is awful and that's their story and they're sticking with it even though they had not facts to back it up, just hearsay by people who were speaking outside of their area of expertise. Apparently what is good enough for FIFA isn't good enough for local Mt. Lebanon lads. I wrote to my fellow ESB members that "It is NOT a done deal that organic infill is a 'no go': the SAB was only meeting with the sole organic-infill vendor on Friday (February 7), and we don't have a clue as to how that went. And the Commissioners have stipulated that they prefer organic infill. I know from the summer 2012 presentation at Dixon Field that GeoTech/Limonta was highly motivated to get a chance to prove their product in the Northeast with a field like this and was extremely price-competitive. One of the many things that struck me at the Thursday (February 6, 2014) SAB meeting was the hostility towards the very idea of organic infill and the eager acceptance of specious comments by individuals who are funded by some of the recycled-tire vendors."

--Pam Scott

Anonymous said...

9:35PM-- The ESB were not asked to state our position and were not on the agenda in any way at the February 6 SAB meeting.

--Pam Scott

John David Kendrick said...

10:10, sure -

Next time, sign your name to your comment.

The Blog was a good start because all of you amplified the problems and the need for change; now you need to present your solution to the challenges and problems and get elected by winning the hearts and minds of the people.

Accomplish this by:
1. Organizing the electorate by developing neighborhood organizations;
2. Crafting a vision of what all of you, Mt Lebanon's next generation of leaders, want Mt Lebanon to become. For example, your vision may be to transform the existing community into a premiere family oriented community. You will accomplish this with a premiere school district, low crime (safe streets) and community facilities that support a healthy lifestyle.
3. Differentiating yourself from the remnants of the Machine and the Democrats by realizing your vision through low taxes, smaller government, more freedom and an economic environment that encourages investment so that homes values will appreciate and not decline in value.
4. Host political fund raisers. John Ewing can advise you on how to raise money.
5. Monetize the Blog and use the proceeds for more RTK requests and additional investigations of the SD and municipal government.
6. Host community Block Parties where you can articulate your vision to the electorate and while you share a free hot dog with them persuade them to vote for your candidates.

There. You wanted my help - and now you got it. 8)

Lebo Citizens said...

JDK, thanks for your help. And all this will help stop the turf project how?

Lebo Citizens said...

I asked for people not to turn this into a D/R debate. The D's have their act together in Mt. Lebanon. In a week or so, they will have chosen their candidates for the three ward seats opening up in 2015. The R's are still contemplating their navels.

We have real problems in MT. Lebanon. How about getting involved NOW? Roll up your sleeves and get to work NOW. I have raised many issues here. Step away from your keyboards and do something.

Let's get back on topic, please. Tomorrow, a toxicologist will speak to the commissioners at 6:40 or so. We asked for a toxicologist and thankfully, we got one to try to knock some sense into Linfante, Brumfield, Silverman, and Bendel. Plan to come to the meetings.

Lebo Citizens said...

Here is the deal with organic infill. Shaw Geofill requires a shock pad and an irrigation system. That raises the cost of organic substantially. GeoTurf does not recommend a shock pad or irrigation for their patented infill product. I shared the emails between John Bendel and GeoTurf previously. It works well in this climate. The information shared at the 1/15/14 vendor meeting was inaccurate. Introducing Our "New Crown Jewel"
Yes, the specs were skewed in favor of a particular product. Geoturf never had a chance.

Anonymous said...

If you read the link to "Introducing Our New "Crown Jewel" in Elaine's 7:19 you will find this— "Recommended fee schedule: Recognized Mt. Lebanon Sports Associations would be charged $15/hour per field. It is estimated that a minimum of $12,000 in fees collected annually would be allocated for turf replacement."

$12,000 annually adds up to $96,000 over 8 years. 8 years being the life expectency of FieldTurf.

Now this is going to be hard to figure out and especially hard for those that have gone through MTLSD's TERC math-- $12,000/yr x 8 years = $96,000.

Wow that is a nice chunk of change hun?!!! But, wait. It isn't a big chunk a change when you figure in 8 years the municipality is going to have to shell out a minimum of $400,000 to replace the artificial turf.

So think about it parents! Every year because of artificial turf you're going to pay higher youth sports registration fees- some project $10-15 per sport. Then on top of that you'll be hit with higher municipal taxes to pay for the necessary turf replacement.

Plus, the Rock Pile or indoor facility the sports nutz have demanded will probably be under construction.  Adding more taxes and fees.

Lebo Citizens said...

Another thing about GeoTurf. It only runs $1.00 more per square foot over FieldTurf. If the fields are 110,000 sq. ft., then the organic infill from GeoTurf would have been $110,000 more than the crumb rubber infill. But Franklin, Donnellan, and Deiseroth don't want organic infill. They want the hot, leaded stuff.
Here's an idea. Mt. Lebanon should rebid the project for organic infill. Let GeoTurf bid this time. Forget awarding the contract on July 8. Commissioners, it's all about due dilligence.

Anonymous said...

Mt. Lebanon should build a dedicated soccer/lacosse field at another location whether it be at Robb Hollow or McNeilly rather than this tangled mish mash of foul lines, borders and goal likes that serves no sport well.

This remains me of one of those adjustable golf clubs that claims to function as a 1 iron thru pitching wedge. Its a joke.

Anonymous said...

Correction- goal lines not goal likes.

Lebo Citizens said...

I spoke to one of the contractors and he was surprised that we wanted to rip up the grass in the first place. He said it was a beautiful field!

Anonymous said...

Before the commissioners approve the sale of naming rights to Wildcat/Middle and handing over the proceeds to 'private' contributions— I think the taxpayers that are chipping in $750,000+, the fields, the fences, the parking lots, the lights, the plaza, the snack bar, and score board (there will be a score board right?) should get first dibs on the naming rights.

I'm voting for one of these three so no one ever forgets how this boondoggle got created and who was behind it.

1. Franklin's Folly
2. Brumfield's Dumb Field
3. Bendel's Meddle

Anonymous said...

Your contractor is right, Elaine.
Furthermore, there isn't a field in the municipality that couldn't be considered good to excellent if they only received proper care and maintenance.

Plus, there isn't a lack of fields as the turfers claim. Most fields go unused and vacant throughout the day. These dedicated, entusiastic budding soccer and lacrosse players don't go onto the fields until their helicopter parents rush home gather up their Juicy Juices and healthy snacks and tow them to games and practices.

Anonymous said...

Good point 11:33.
No one has mentioned the cost of one of those new fangled electronic score boards.
How can you have a "crown jewel" sports field and no scoreboard/time clock?
Can you say "capital improvement" folks?

Anonymous said...

JT Sauer, himself, told a "keep it green" advocate that middle/wildcat is a great field.

I think field development should occur at mcneilly, consistent with the capital investment plan, available online, which allocates 4 million ($!$!) to development there in ~2016. Leave middle/wildcat green.

Lebo Citizens said...

Don't miss my 12:07 PM update which includes Kelly Fraasch's email.

Lebo Citizens said...

I [Heart] Lebo Sports

Anonymous said...

Road Safety and Economic Development are the top two vote getters in the Lebomag poll to date.

And what have the commissioners, municipal manager occupied themselves with primarily for the past 6 months?
Turfing a damn ballfield that is certainly already very playable.

I don't get it!

Anonymous said...

What truly surprises me is the degree to which at least a majority of Commissioners' wishes for serious consideration of non-toxic GeoTurf organic infill were thwarted by hazardous, ground-up-tire-infill proponents.

I wonder what kind of spiel the crumb-rubber advocates came up with to address Commissioners' questions similar to ones I posed in May emails to the Commission.

---See third paragraph, May 12, 2014:

"Speaking as a Mt. Lebanon Environmental Sustainability Board member, you are already aware of the position that the ESB took in 2012 when asked to comment on the subject of using artificial turf on athletic fields in Mt. Lebanon: it is an environmentally unsustainable practice. Period.

"Speaking as a resident, I urge you to redirect the funds dedicated to the Middle/Wildcat artificial turf project towards creating a rectangular, natural grass field at Brafferton, Twin Hills, Robb Hollow, McNeilly, or elsewhere.

"Caveat emptor: Your consultant, J.T. Sauer, advising you about organic infill at the April 28 Commission Discussion Session confirmed suspicions that he is either 1) inexcusably ignorant to not know that GeoTurf and GeoFill are two different products, or 2) intentionally trying to hoodwink you, Mr. Donnellan, Mr. Deiseroth, and the rest of the community that GeoTurf and GeoFill are one and the same. In addition, Mr. Sauer made glib, specious, and false claims about organic turf infills categorically needing to have an irrigation system, the degree of increased cost of organic infills vs. toxic crumb rubber infill, and the fact that both organic and rubber infill migrate and require maintenance.

"What evidence do you folks have that the community prefers artificially turfing Middle/Wildcat fields over creating an additional natural grass field? None. Has ANYONE come to meetings to defend artificial turf and crumb rubber during public comment since the Commission's November 25, 2013 vote to commit $750,000 to artificial turfing a pre-existing field? Think about it.

"I'll reiterate here that tires are considered hazardous waste. As such, we should not be grinding them up and making the toxins in them more bioavailable to enter our children's bodies through inhalation, dermal absorption, and ingestion. I visited the current rubber-ground playground at Main Park this overcast afternoon at 2:30pm today (well before the rain), and it smelled awful from the offgassing. Back when the playground had wood chips, it was more crowded. Just another case of the community being left out of the decisionmaking process.

"Thank you for your consideration. I hope that you will have the sense to stop, think, and plan."

---Third paragraph on May 19, 2014:

"Thank you for your email; I only heard back from you and Commissioner Fraasch on these issues of concern to the community.

"You are probably already aware that Professor McNitt is unqualified to answer human and environmental health and safety questions, yet the Commission insists on hiring him as an 'independent' expert to address public concerns about human and environmental health and safety associated with artificial turf.

"However, unless you have been paying very close attention you may not be already aware that Professor McNitt is allegedly categorically biased against organic infills, according to and along with Mr. Sauer. At the February 2014 Sports Advisory Board meeting, Mr. Sauer quoted Andrew McNitt as saying 'Stuff tends to grow in it, so you have to apply pesticide' [see attached Dave Donnellan email thread]. This sort of bombastic statement unbacked by fact is very similar to field pesticide advocates in 2000 claiming that Rudy Sukal told them 'Once it hits the dirt, Roundup is inert.' Too often used in Mt. Lebanon is the adage of 'Just make stuff up, and most likely nobody will call you on it!'

Pam Scott"

Anonymous said...

"We will be approving 75 percent of the expected cost and asking that 25 percent be raised through non municipal sources."

-John Bendel

Anonymous said...

Is cost just construction cost or is it based on total project cost ?

Lebo Citizens said...

It's a moot point. Last November, it was 25%. Now, it is $250,000.

Anonymous said...

Just how are they going to aware the bid when the sports geeks are still 100k short?

Lebo Citizens said...

If I am reading the Endowment Agreement correctly on page 141, "D. At least fourteen {14) days prior to requested payment date, submit a
summary of invoices to the Endowment for approval by the Endowment that payment is in compliance with the provisions of this Agreement and within the Budget.

E. At least fourteen {14) days prior to the expected payment date, submit the originals of invoices for payment initialed by project contractors or related vendors/suppliers, signifying approval of the expenditure. The Committee will maintain in its files, for purposes of audit by the Endowment, all receipts pertaining to the Project."

If the bid will be awarded on July 8, when should the $250,000 be requested? I don't understand contracts very well, so I am confused by Part E. Does that say that the contract has to be signed first before the money is released? Bendel said that the cash has to be in hand before they award the contract. I'm confused.

Anonymous said...

Bendel said the cash must be in hand.
But I believe Franklin said the bid must be awarded before the private money would be released.
Didn't one of the commissioners say in a meeting or two ago that they would need to vote on an exemption for awarding the bid and the money that won't be delivered until December?
There are so many loose and vague ends in this fiasco it is impossible to follow.
I believe that is intentional.

Lebo Citizens said...

Fourteen days prior to the bid being awarded is this Wednesday, I think.

Anonymous said...

Elaine Any idea what the bids came in at? At our last lacrosse practice the "talk" was it was up to around 2.5 million which would mean a finished cost of 3/3.2 million. Many are worried about the 25% comments by commissioners. The Pro-Turfers are afraid it will all unravel as there is no way to reach it. Many fear that the pro-sports commissioners are out come their next election so they are going to push all their "wants" while they can. There is even talk of building an indoor sports complex independent of the School District. Yes! Two indoor lacrosse follies! With a room in the basement for indoor golf so everyone will be happy.

Lebo Citizens said...

I have no other information other that what The Trib had listed in their article last week. We will know for sure on July 8, the night they award the contract. As far as the $250,000 vs. 25%, Staff is making that call. Look at the website. There it is in writing. $250,000.
Why the taxpayers will be responsible for paying for the bronze and marble donor monument is outrageous. Who pays the administrative fee that Mt. Lebanon Community Endowment is charging? If they were short the $250,000 by $10,000, that means we are paying for that as well!

Chippy Franklin said...

Oh, so Dave Franklin is now dictating terms of the agreement. That's cute. Last I checked, he isn't an elected representative. Come on, Dave, act like a big boy. You either have your share in hand or you don't.

Anonymous said...

They don't!
At least $5,000 won't be delivered until December.
Convenient date, just after the November election so when it doesn't show up no officials can get hurt.

Lebo Citizens said...

There aren't any local officials who will be in the November election.

Anonymous said...

But there are democrats running for office and a $5,000 no show could reflect badly on their campaigns.
Guilt by association.

Anonymous said...

Independent voters are a fickle lot.
If the $5,000 was scheduled to be delivered before the Nov. election and it didn't show they could hold democrats, any democrats, responsible since the commission is made up entirely of democrats. The "newcomers tax", reassessments, HS boon doggle and the rising school taxes are already black marks for the local majority party officials.
A loss of 1 or 2% of independents could be devastating.

Lebo Citizens said...

$5,000 is chump change for some pro-turf people. I believe that the corporate donation being issued in December might have to do with their fiscal year ending.
The bigger picture is the $143,250 PLEDGED. That is not cash in hand. According to the contract with the Mt. Lebanon Community Endowment, the cash in hand may be due this Wednesday.

Lebo Citizens said...

Just a guess here. The first donation made was in December of last year. It was from Gateway in the amount of $4000, which we were told by the SAB that is when they make their donations. Gateway pledged that another donation will follow in the coming year. My guess is the outstanding corporate pledge is again from Gateway.

Anonymous said...

Save your money Gateway. Knock off five grand from your fee.

Anonymous said...

Good point. They would probably have received their checks from engineering on the project by then, right?

Lebo Citizens said...

We've been paying Gateway all along. There was a charge for the dog and pony show at Mellon!

Anonymous said...

Childhood cancer is a relatively rare disease, and overall survival rates have improved over the past few decades. However, cancer is the leading cause of disease-related childhood death in the United States, and incidence rates have increased by more than 20% since 1975.

Experts estimate that pure genetic factors account for no more than 20% of all childhood cancers. They further estimate that depending on the type of cancer, anywhere between 5% - 90% may be attributable, in whole or in part, to environmental factors, including those likely arising from gene-environment interactions. This means that a potentially large percentage of childhood cancers may be preventable. And this is one contributing reason why a toxicologist will be speaking at the discussion session this evening in Mt Lebanon.

Anonymous said...

Elaine, wouldn't the big payment to Gateway come only when the project is finished?

Anonymous said...

How are the meetings, Elaine?

Lebo Citizens said...

Dr. Phil Johnson did an excellent job during the Discussion Session. I thought there was some hope for the commissioners to see the health risks for kids, but now Brumfield just said he doesn't believe the studies.

We're still doing citizen comments. After the meeting, we're going back into Discussion Session.

Anonymous said...

Brumfield had he been a lawyer kin the 50s probably would have argued that Thalidomide was a safe drug for pregnant women because so many doctors perscribed it.
Would have endorsed asbestos as a practical building material and more recently raved about GM ignition switches because so many of their cars had one.
He won't accept any negative comments about artificial turf because he simply doesn't want to hear it.

Lebo Citizens said...

To prove that this is not a Democrat thing, many D's spoke against the artificial turf tonight. Steve Silverman was not at the meeting. I believe John, Dave, and Kristen have gone rogue.

I had to ask for cash in hand. Evidently, they were able to raise more than $250,000. I asked for a bid summary and will be available on the muncipal website.

The Historic Preservation Board has not been consulted.

The bids will be awarded on July 8.

Lebo Citizens said...

It's late.

Lebo Citizens said...

We're back in Discussion Session.
Tonight, we heard from MDs, RNs, athletes, grandparents, people from the other side of Mt. Lebanon, residents close to the fields, lots of new faces. All against artificial turf.

Anonymous said...


It's not a D thing, but it just so happens that 4 commissioners who have been supporting the artificial turf project are D's. The Democrat Committee of Mt. Lebanon won't rein in their environmentally hazardous elected officials in spite of the "principles" the local committee espouses on their website, and the RCML won't rein in their RINOs. Is it time to start over? Let's and blue make...purple? Could their be a group of people here who will stand by their principles?

-Charlotte Stephenson

Anonymous said...

Any news?

Lebo Citizens said...

News? The meeting ended at 12:05 AM and now I am toasting an English muffin.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Mt Lebanon simply needs new commissioners. It needs an entirely new government system. This place is extremely dysfunctional. Where else do people "vote" to fix previously identified hazardous intersections in a walking community from "unassigned funds"? Better yet, they might not vote in favor of the safety fixes because they are wedded to destroying the historical ball fields in favor of disposing toxic trash underneath plastic grass as a playing surface for our deprived kids who cry on rainy days.

This is a nightmare. I have to laugh or I might cry.

Lebo Citizens said...

The nightmare is only beginning. At the end of the Discussion Session, almost six hours of people saying why turf is not a good idea economically, environmentally, for our kids, pregnant mothers, cancer survivors or anyone with compromised immune systems, Dave Brumfield said that they would be assigning more funds to the turf project on July 8.

Anonymous said...

For a woman that said she wanted to build a sense of community, Linfante has done more to divide what was a proud municipality than any resident or official I can think of.
I'd enjoy reading any facts that contradict the above observation.

Lebo Citizens said...

Seriously, is there a way we could have a tax revolt? All the attorneys out there, tax experts, SOMEBODY...can we put a portion of our taxes in escrow? Something!

I feel sorry for the residents from Summer Place who stayed till the bitter end to hear the discussion about making Summer Place a public road. They have 100% support in the neighborhood and Dave wanted to delay coming up with a policy. I turned to a resident and said, if you ask for Summer to be turfed, Dave will move quickly.

I resent how Dave chooses to ignore those who disagree with him, and has all this power to ruin these beautiful fields, at the expense of the taxpayers, and the expense of our kids' health and the health of pregnant women, fetuses, and high risk individuals.

Lebo Citizens said...

1:14 AM, just wait until I upload the podcast and hear what she did to one resident tonight during Citizen Comments. They are so evil!!
I am going to bed.

Anonymous said...

I was struck by how dismissive Brumfield was of James Cannon's comments. Add Linfante to that mix. Linfante legitimately should resign.

Brumfield's response to Cannon's remark that no comment had been made that night to support the turf project was to laugh. Literally he laughed. James pressed him about what was funny and Dave suggested he think back MONTHS ago when they actually had supporters.

Well, that was months ago. The no-turf people have been showing up in spades ever since.

As for Kristen, for her to bring Cannon's place of employment into the comments was just...I don't even know the word. Every time Kristen speaks, does she speak for the chamber orchestra? Does she represent them every time she sends an email? Of course not. Then why in the world would she think in a million years that it is a good idea to invoke the name of an employer of a private citizen when he has not represented himself as such at the microphone.

I want to say it was unbelievable, but this sort of ridiculousness is par for the course on this commission.

Anonymous said...

As per Charlotte, if someone wants to start a 'purple' local political movement -- an intentionally cross-party/non-partisan group to promote candidates who will restore integrity and honor to the local democratic process, I am in.

- Jason

Anonymous said...

Wait 1:22 I think you got it wrong! Her mother taught her "Not to get caught lying" is more along the lines! Now that democrats are in he hot chair for Benghazi, the IRS hard drive crashes that have ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the IRS email servers and Iraq falling apart Dave, and the rest of the DEMOCRATS on the commissioner will learn their next way to lie, steal and demean. Maybe we should bow to our newest King and Queen? How about Brumfield? We beg for crumbs while you make sure your kids have what they want? How about building a swimming pool and mini lacrosse field in your backyard? You can steal via Eminent Domain the houses behind and next to you. They won't mind as it's for the "KING" of Mt Lebanon"

Lebo Citizens said...

8:32 AM, we're getting crumbs. Tire crumbs. Read the sports section of The Almanac, 8:32 AM. It all adds up. That is the best way I can say it without getting sued.

Anonymous said...

Wait....King of Mt. Lebanon? Does the wife of our a former School Board President know? At a party she actually said she (PTA roles) and her husband (School Board president) were "like the King and Queen of Mt. Lebanon". When pressed she said "well we are incredibly powerful in this town".

I'm sure she would be so upset to hear she has been dethroned. Possibly now Queen of Markham? Princess of Mt. Lebanon?