“Deer were killed and delivered safely to the processor,” J. Merlin Benner of Tioga County-based Wildlife Specialists LLC said in an email, declinging [sic] to provide more details.
We need to find out who the processor is. Feller said that Benner is not required to say until the culling is over.
At the high school this morning, someone released crickets inside the school. Pretty symbolic and creative, guys!!!
![]() |
500 crickets loose near the 5th floor domino lockers |
Update March 11, 2015 10:45 AM Don't bother writing to Governor Wolf. All letters are being forwarded to the PA Game Commission. Yes, we are living in hell.
Update March 11, 2015 10:53 AM Wait. What? Merlin Benner is using aerial thermo-imaging survey today to locate the killed deer?
Update March 11, 2015 5:46 PM Amended Game Commission Permit listing the five who may conduct field work. Thank you, Nick Meduho for requesting the amended permit last night.
Update March 11, 2015 6:57 PM Essential Pittsburgh: A Controversial Approach to Deer Control in Mt. Lebanon
Update March 11, 2015 7:04 PM The Almanac | Disgusted with Mt. Lebanon commissioners
Update March 11, 2015 8:17 PM Citizen Comments on youtube. Mt. Lebanon deer culling comments 3-10-15
Update March 11, 2015 8:27 PM Very disturbing comment submitted concerning the amended Game Commission permit:
I would like to reference condition six of the revised Game Commission Permit amendment approval 03/09/15. “Listed sub-permittees, acting under contract with the township may remove deer from the project area by capturing deer using baited clover traps and/or portable corral traps and subsequently shooting the deer. Listed sub-permittees may utilize SEMI AUTOMATIC RIFLES IN .223 CALIBER TO SHOOT THE DEER. The lie the commissioners told the public was it was going to be a bolt action rifle.
No way you can kill six deer in a small pen with six bolt action shots; PERIOD!
The PGC authorized the use of MILITARY style assault weapons to cull the deer and the commissioners were OK with it. THIS is complete BS! I’m tired of the municipality trying to “sanitize” the slaughter. They are losing the PR war, we need to keep increasing the pressure!
Update March 11, 2015 8:37 PM
They have a larger area blocked off now. It goes from about Taco Bell on Cochran all the way to Swallow Hill by Denny's. The Manor Oak Giant Eagle parking lot is closed off.
Update March 11, 2015 10:17 PM Officials: Despite protests, deer cull will continue
Update March 12, 2015 5:01 AM In response to Mt. Lebanon resident Marilyn Narey's criticism of our online Stop the deer culling petition at the March 10, 2015 Commission meeting, I am sharing the link to our petition, once again, with all of the Mt. Lebanon residents reading this blog. Please take a moment and sign our Stop the deer culling petition.
Update March 11, 2015 8:37 PM
![]() | WTAE-TV Pittsburgh (@WTAE) |
BREAKING NOW Suspicious Package Green Tree & Cochran Rd in Mt. Lebanon. The latest- Pittsburgh's Action News 4 at 11 pic.twitter.com/NC0SJbwvZy
They have a larger area blocked off now. It goes from about Taco Bell on Cochran all the way to Swallow Hill by Denny's. The Manor Oak Giant Eagle parking lot is closed off.
Update March 11, 2015 10:17 PM Officials: Despite protests, deer cull will continue
Update March 12, 2015 5:01 AM In response to Mt. Lebanon resident Marilyn Narey's criticism of our online Stop the deer culling petition at the March 10, 2015 Commission meeting, I am sharing the link to our petition, once again, with all of the Mt. Lebanon residents reading this blog. Please take a moment and sign our Stop the deer culling petition.
Was a PGC Wildlife Conservation Officer present?
Were any Mt. Lebanon officials present?
Were the killings taped?
For all we know, Benner and his crew could have POACHED a deer anywhere and trucked it in to a processor to collect his $500.
Benner is under enormous pressure to produce.
Anyone shooting deer in a corral is bereft of ethics, so poaching, here or somewhere else to claim success (and $500) is not much of a stretch.
Will cricket corrals be set up?
I thought I head something that sounded like supressed shoooting around 5:20 AM this morning and maybe another around 5:50. Robb Hollow Park
Elaine, as soon as the NonResident Comment Signup Sheet was removed, i knew it was a deadend for the deer...We tried our best to protect these poor animals who suffered through the hard winter many with fawns...Ms Morgans, Ms. Logan and the rest of the country-club set can now lift their martini in victory and gaze out of their sliding glass window at a deer free garden..bloodless people..
There will be good days and not so good days. Do not let Benner's unverified proclamation dissuade us from perservering.
If anything, this should strengthen our resolve. We have right on our side.
I don't know about anyone else but I'll certainly feel safer on the way home from work tonight. What a black mark on our community.
Shame on the people that decided to do this!
I think that they should update the Ongoing Deer Incident (Fabrication & Exaggeration) Report to include the deaths of these deer.
Send letters to the Governor asking him to investigate potential collusion between the PGC, private contractors and the oil & gas industry in decimating wildlife. Benner has connections to all three, and if his actions here are any indication, he'll do anything for a buck (pun intended). PGC bending every rule in the book for him when they couldn't make an extra permit for bowhunting is VERY suspicious. Benner doing studies tailored to the goals of his clients may be inaccurately assessing the realities of wildlife in order to secure contracts. Who knows what potentially "tailored" studies he is doing for the oil and gas industry?
Governor Wolf's looking for support for his tax programs on the gas and oil industry, anything potentially painting them in a less than nature friendly light will be of great interest.
Not accusing anyone of anything. Just asking for someone to look into it.
This is awful, just awful! I'm really at a loss for words right now.
11:14 AM, I just did another phone interview with KQV radio. It is pretty difficult to do an interview when they can't air what I am really thinking right now. What is there to say? They won't tell us the location of the death traps, number of deer killed and where, or who the processor is.
What is our plan, I was asked? Our hands are tied. The governor is forwarding our letters to the Game Commission. The commissioners listened to three hours of RESIDENTS who are against the plan and their feet are firmly planted in the ground. We will continue to protest and storm the commission meetings.
If Benner needs thermal imaging to find wounded deer, they are being shot outside the corral or are escaping from his jerry-rigged modified hog corrals after being shot.
Keep an eye out for his little side company's drones. They use DJI phantoms and possibly others.
If you see Benner flying his drones in a manner that might pose a hazard to aviation, you can contact the county airport. Remember STATmedevac and LifeFlight make frequent trips to nearby hospitals.
Keep monitoring, photographing and updating locations on a map of ALL baiting stations and corrals.
This is laying groundwork and keeping documentation which may be very, very useful down the road.
I find it ironic that the title above Benners picture says Deer Defenders. Yep, he really defends them
Benner is using drones to find deer! What? Linfante told us that aerial surveys aren't reliable.
Now our hired gun is going to have to use drones to find the deer. Damn haven't we been told there are a hundred of them per square. This great white hunter can't find them, really.
Why doesn't he just set his corral around the house where the resident says they have twelve on their lawn all the time. That's almost 10% of his goal.
On top of that, what did this guy do for his his $12,000 consulting fee. He made recommendation not knowing where the deer are?
This cull gets more absurd every minute.
Anyone notice this...
"The effort is to continue until March 31 or until 150 deer are killed."
It has now become March 31st or UNTIL 150 deer are killed.
The permit was issued for a cull from Feb1st thru March 31st, correct?
Equally ironic is Benner's comment that 'deer were killed and delivered safely to the processor.' I'm glad to hear that the lifeless carcasses got to the processor without incident.
Anybody listening to the WESA 90.5 program on the lebo deer killing..?? Damnit,, the PG writer John Hayes sounds like a Commissioner puppet?? i cant believe the emotion in his voice!! unbelievable!! i will def be cancelling my subscription.
This is so sickening and sad. What's next? Birds? Cats and dogs outside? Better hope our children don't annoy these disgusting excuses for human beings. And I am also boycotting Post Gazette. As someone else posted the other day, ISIS (knockoffs) are in Mt. Lebanon!
Can we back a minute, here? WHY is Benner using aerial devices TODAY to find the KILLED dear? Weren't they supposed to be killed in the designated corrals?
Just (@ 12:32) saw one of Brenner's guys carry in a big white sack of something (thinking corn) to the rob hollow trap. There is no baiter/feeder, but there is a fairly large pile of corn on the ground inside. At least that's what it looks like from on top of the hill, outside of the no trespassing zone. - so they have to remove the feeder, but are they still permitted to bait the deer?
They have what looks to be a shelter built out of black plastic on one side of the trap. There is a very distinct opening looking into the trap from the shelter. My guess is that they are camping out inside the shelter waiting for the deer.
What happened to the fancy remote controlled gates? What a scam!
He was driving a white (maybe light grey) pick up truck.
With all this lack of transparency, do you think they will actually stop at 150? If the prima donna set get their way, the deer will be extinct. Yes document and let's see if we can blow this open so wide, they'll all end up in jail. Murderers!
I think Benner and his crew just love this. Big men (not). I am not confident they are even trying to be "humane." More of a thrill kill for the evil deacon if Westborough Bible Church.
Glad Mt Lebanon government is getting this exposure. Remember there were protests in Ferguson because underneath it all, the government was corrupt, corrosive and discriminatory.
No elevated platforms?
Isn't that a requirement in the contract?
Isn't that a safety issue? Has anyone signed off on an OK not to use elevated platforms?
Did you know that Drones are not allowed in Mt. Lebanon. Seriously, or bylaws clearly outlaw them.
Don't worry, I am sure the commission will make another rule change to allow it.
The contract stipulates a designated time period through March 31, 2015 up to 150 deer.
View full contract here:
If you see Benner's drones, video them and call the police.
The list of laws being bent for Benner will be the undoing of a few political careers.
Contract says: "with raised platformed installed as needed to ensure this (public safety) requirement is met."
Contract does not require use of raised platforms.
Page 2 of the contract:
Just thought of something while in the shower.... Don't know how many believe in reincarnation . But I do believe in karma. Maybe all these killers will be reincarnated into deer when they die. And then they will be part of a cull. Then they will think .. Oh shit I should not have done that . Just had to try and inject some humor in a sad situation.
1:49, you may want to review the contract again. I was ready to submit the following comment when I read your referral to the contract. I went back and reread it. Page 5 under "Proposed Project Timeline". "Deer captures will be maximized to attain the goal of 150 deer removed as quickly as possible, with all activity to cease prior to March 31."
Seems we now have a problem with our Solicitor allowing the commissioners to enter into a contract with conflicting goals.
While I like Mr. Santoni's coverage of all things Mt. Lebanon, his latest column reads: "Mt. Lebanon's program, which never has been used in Pennsylvania, calls for Wildlife Specialists LLC to use bait to lure deer to corrals in five areas and shoot them at close range with silenced rifles. The effort is to continue until March 31 or until 150 deer are killed."
Mr. Santoni, in the quest for accuracy in your reporting you should go back and review the contract with Wildlife Specialist offered on the MTL Public Information website. If you click on the document listed as "Deer Trapping Contract 1-29-2015 it reads on page 5: "Deer captures will be maximized to attain the goal of 150 deer removed as quickly as possible, with all activity to cease prior to March 31. This is both an incentive for Wildlife Specialists to minimize costs, and a human dimensions strategy to minimize the potential for public impacts."
Note Mr. Santoni, nowhere in that contract offered by the MTL PIO does it mention and either or conclusion. It specifically states cease by March 31st! Why, to minimize costs and "potential" public impact.
Good phraseology -- public impact... like an errant bullet hitting someone or something!!!
Here's some real humor 1:56.
Drove by the "crown jewel" field today on way to check out Bird Park cull activities.
Looks beautiful, commissioners!
It's becoming clear Benner is a lying pos. Will do anything for his $$. He is as corrupt as the commissioners and the old, frumpy biddy set. This is the most horrible, sleazy, disgusting thing to ever happen in the South Hills.
If reincarnated, they would return as Psychrolutes marcidus
Has anyone called PETA again regarding any of this? 1:17's comments, hog traps, etc show Benner is doing things to get his quota against the plan. This is all so unethical. Elaine, have you called PETA or anyone else?
merlin full name is actually Jon Merlin Benner.. father of five and he's only 49, he looks at least ten years older..i wonder who his workers are ie were are they from and where are they staying for 30 days during the kill..??
2:10 PM, cut the man a break. He has uncovered so much in his reporting. Look at what the PG's John Hayes has been reporting. THOUSANDS of deer in Mt. Lebanon. Come on.
fyi, the police chief announced his retirement.
Elaine, I prefaced my comment with an appreciation for Mr. Santoni's reporting, he been far more energetic in following our bumbling leadership than any other reporter.
But, on the other hand this reference to the March 31st deadline OR until 150 deer are killed is something out of left field.
My suspicion is that he got that from the PIO to disguise the extending of the time for Benner to make his $75,000.
It is odd that Benner needed more time to bring in equipment/people, but in a few hours it's announced the killing will proceed immediately.
My suspicion was that Benner was holding up the commissioners. He knew he couldn't make his $75,000 the way things were going and with the pressing deadline.
He got what he needed, an extension and more people,so the killing resumed.
By the way, it has been written here that the commissioners absolved themselves of any responsibility should some thing happen.
Look at the list of items at the end of the "contract". Benner ask for a document stating Wildlife Specialist was a company of the the municipality.
If he got that, we'll be libel should something happen.
Look at that PIO "contract" referenced by 1:49 and 2:10.
Who writes Or signs a contract like that?
Page 9 of the "contract"...
"We request an official letter identifying Wildlife Specialists as being on official business of the Township, in case it is requested by public or officials from other agencies (State Police, Sheriff, Game Commission, etc)"
Running total: 2 days 3 deer killed.
Heard a great story from one of the 1400 supporters on Marilyn Narey's petition.
It seems as though they thought it would be a good idea to go back to the supporters to reconfirm their votes. They gave up because no one would do it.
If your count is accurate Elaine, Benner must kill 7.35 deer/day to make 150 by the end of the month.
Three deer? Are you kidding me. Last night was absolutely perfect for putting a bunch of dreaded whitetails on the ground. The fog, rain and dead air to silence the small caliber fire, not to mention all the fine protestors snuggled in dry warm beds. It was Benner's time to shine and all he did was kill three deer. From 9:00pm till 6:00am - 8 or 9 hours and just 3 deer? After 3 weeks of baiting - 3 deer?
Like stated before the deer aren't there, no tracks in the snow the past few weeks, no big migrations to the pens each evening observed by the corral watchers. There are not 150 deer in Mt Lebanon for the man to trap, thus the drone to search far and wide for the elusive whitetail and off site wildlife feeder in violation of the no corn on the ground law.
Benner is going to lose his butt being paid by the deer!
Is the list public?
Imagine everyone on it having to explain their position to friends, family, coworkers...
4:20 PM, that is very big news!
Coleman McDonough is retiring?
That's good news.
Elaine . i think the facts are wrong,, wasnt the Ferguson Police Director the one who is stepping down??
I know that the Chief is very friendly with the Markham garden women,, he actually used to live in the area.. and he WOULD NEVER retire until this JOB is completed for this women..
Rumor has it Chief McDonough has done such an outstanding job guarding Benner's corn niblets that Monsanto Corp. offered him a job as Chief Corn Guardian- Special Ops., an offer, apparantly so befitting, that he could not pass up.
- Foghorn Leghorn
The Citgo owner is not allowing any shooting until after the McNeilly Road gas station closes. They're closed from midnight to 5 AM. They are NOT giving Merlin permission to use their parking lot. They also have 24 hour surveillance cameras, just to make sure.
Let's support this business owner and buy our gas from him.
Print that amended permit out before it disappears.
That shows they are using .223 semi-automatic centerfire rifles. 99% probability they are AR-15's.
The AR-15 is the semi-automatic variant of the select-fire (tri-burst or fully automatic) military M-16, and M-4 assault rifles.
This firearm fires projectiles typically ranging from 40 grains up to roughly 80 grains for custom ammunition. 55 grains is standard (M193) as is 62 (M855)
To achieve fragmentation, which is typically necessary for incapacitation, muzzle velocity must be greater than ~2500 fps. This is well above the supersonic (1100 fps) threshold of ballistic crack. Even with silencers, they are readily heard.
^^^ that is the sound I would be listening for.
The .223 can be used on deer, but is at the lower limit for ethical deer hunting. It is a common patrol rifle for many police departments. It's original design was to wound, moreso than kill, as taking care of wounded removed more resources from an adversary than a kill.
If they are using frangible or slower even subsonic ammunition, they are not going to get reliable one-shot kills.
A Game Commission WCO should be witnessing this.
As stated earlier, the stated military effective range for M193 55 grain ammunition is 500 meters with a much longer wounding range.
There is nothing wrong with the AR-15 rifle. The problem is these shooters are using them in a residential area with undefined backstops.
Any hunter using an AR in Pennsylvania on deer would be in big trouble with the PGC.
6:46 That means the Citgo station is a great place to grab a Coffee and keep an eye on things!
Note that permit runs through September 30, 2015.
So the five authorized shooters are:
1) Brian Benner
2) Robert Schwarz
3) J. Merlin Benner
4) Brett Martin
5) Wayne Huntington
Using .223 semi-automatic rifles to shoot corralled deer in Mt. Lebanon
Jesus Christ! Democratic process my ass. How do we stop this? Are the 1400 people who signed the pro-kill petition and all the people with the eat more venison signs and Ms. Linfante who "prefers sharp shooters" - Are you people aware that semi-automatic rifles are being used in our densely populated community? Are you people who support this INSANE?!!!!
Is everyone picketing the homes of the Commissioners who voted for this? How about picketing in front of the police station? How about picketing up and down Washington Rd.?
And I know there is no real, safe way to get it done but I wish there was videotape of this. And I wish the Commissioners who voted for this were forced to watch as it's happening.
What a disgrace. What an embarrassment. What a horror. Someone else posted the comment that the Commissioners who voted for this and continue to allow this to happen are ripping this community apart. Well done.
Is it true SCAPP is throwing the dead deer out into traffic on Washington Road in rush hour to bump up their deer-vehicle accident numbers? I certainly hope this isn't true...
Benner and his men need to change careers and learn welding:
We all better make sure that when these idiots terms are up for reelection we know the stance on this issue from the people running to replace them. Mark my word... They will say this murder of a cull was a great success and will try to repeat next year. They don't care what the majority of the residents want. Corruption at its best.
"Mom: We don't want to hear about bomb scares or deer. We need to move, Mom". -Children in longstanding Pittsburgh family
8:49, but what about the turf? WHO WILL USE THE TURF???
Here is a 10 minute video overview of the conditioning methods used for the bait and corral traps like we are seeing. The devices are designed for hogs, but presumably deer conditioning would be similar.
Understanding how these systems work may be helpful.
im really have some deep emotional issues with this deer execution..there are and have been Zero hunters in my family and i have always lived in very urban areas.. So the thought of killing animals is not in my DNA structure..it's so hard to sit in my house night after night while wildlife is getting killed in my neighborhood. i really need to stop this but i have no power or authority to do anything..
And now the bomb squad has been called to Greentree Road by the Giant Eagle! I bet the deer haters will blame one of "us" and say that we planted the bombs to keep the corn/pee police away from the murder stations so we could sabotage them!
i hope somehow someway someone can find out the real truth about what is happening with poor deer that are murdered. Is it being sent to a processor? If this another tall tale about the meat going to the food bank the media would love to know
i am trying to get j merlin benner's story straight.
was he an animal murderer, retired, then tour guide, and then unretired animal murderer again?
if so, what would make a retired animal murdered get back into the business?
here is a preceding business venture from the man who is taking over our parks with weapons and creating new ways to kill animals in this family oriented town:
please read about his background with "Nature Quest"
What does a guy who has handled rattlesnakes, bats, bears, bobcats, white tailed deer, otters, fishers and other fauna do after retiring as a professional wildlife biologist? He takes on a new role sharing a lifetime of nature knowledge with people of all ages.
Former Pennsylvania state wildlife biologist J. Merlin Benner has joined the leadership team of Nature Quest, Inc. as Director of Programming and Development.
Nature Quest, Inc. delivers outdoor experiences, led by highly qualified professionals, in some of North America’s most beautiful wild environments. Nature Quest provides programs and packages directly, through its main operating affiliate, Mountain Trail Horse Center, Inc., Wellsboro, PA (guides and outfitters for more than 25 years) and in cooperation with regional outfitters.
In the newly created position, Merlin Benner will help Nature Quest greatly increase the range and sophistication of its offerings.
see more on merlin here:
9:30 PM, you may want to follow Kristen Linfante's advice to me in her letter that I shared in my September 27, 2014 post More than 300 yards away UPDATED
"I am sorry to hear that you suffer from nightmares. My only suggestion is to seek psychiatric counseling immediately. My understanding is that it can be very helpful if you can find someone skilled in treating such a condition...
Best of luck to you,
Commissioner Linfante
PS-I just painted my basement with the help of the great people at Rolliers. John in the paint department is wonderful and gave me excellent advice. It looks quite nice. I'm not sure what your basement is like, but perhaps they could help you if you are inclined to spend time down there."
WPXI says a couple of welding tanks fell off a truck, some motorist moved them to the side of the road.
How about videotaped interviews with all of the local food bank officers about whether they have been contacted by J Merlin Benner to accept meat? How about the same with the processors? Donations of food could be made at the same time.
9:30 don't let some bad in the world outweigh the good. If nothing else, you are not alone. Everyone is here sharing your concern, even though we come from very different backgrounds.
The deer are being taken to Kips or Lenik in Finleyville ... all three deer to date. The Benner Circus has a lot of work to do. The clowns are still erecting corrals?
The Game Commission has a lot of requirements in the permit down to the time the gate shuts. Who in the hell will verify that?
The hog corral video linked above shows a conditioning process. Reasonable to expect something similar is going on with deer.
With 5 or even 8 corrals and 150 deer needed in 3 weeks, that's a fair amount of conditioning to accomplish. If something else seems more interesting to deer than their baited corrals, or if deer feel unsafe in the general area,the conditioning may be less successful.
Just an observation. Obey all laws at all times.
9:47 State employee puts in 20 years to get a pension, then turns consultant and uses former contacts for bigger bucks. VERY common in governments.
DANIEL T. MCNICHOL is running for Howie Bendel's Commission seat. Don't know a thing about him except that he is not Bendel. Sounds good to me. Let's start campaigning. Tonight.
I was at last night's meeting and the prokill speakers irritated me and the worst was the mom from Avon dr who didn't want the deer frightening her elem aged children. Meanwhile while driving the kids around the bubble she is prop texting and driving!!
Linfante is a cold one and how unprofessional. This Benner and his crew are like your worst contractor that you can't wait until they finish.. Just a violation of your life and house.
Again, Dan McNichol for Mt. Lebanon Commission. His successful campaign slogan---
Has anyone seen the pro-kill petition? Is it available? I would be interested to see how many valid signatures there are and how many of those are from actual Lebo residents.
9:57 How do u know the deer are being taken there? Are you basing this idea on web research or something more substantial?
Sadly, I've learned you cannot believe the things this administration tells you -- especially the stuff that matters.
Today in sum:
Semiautomatic weapons used in parks to kill 3 deer in corrals.
Release of 2000 crickets at high school
Three canisters left at intersection requiring bomb squad and robot intervention and roads shut down.
Ok. Sweet dreams everybody.
Oh yeah, as young professional parents looking for a home and community to raise our young children in.
Hey, let's list all that Lebo has to offer!
1. The Newcomers Tax
2. Over budget elementary, middle and high school renovations
3. Death and destruction on the municipal roads
4. Over budget "crown jewel" turf complete with tire crumbs
5. Newcomers Tax
6. Non-existent sports fields at Twin Hills and McNeilly Parks
7. Hit n Run pedestrian accidents
8. Over budget municipal pool
9. Stormwater Tax
10. Soon-to-come PAYT
11. Yet another school tax millage hike
12. Newcomers Tax
13. Yards full of deer poop
14. Moms and Grandmoms afraid to let kids play outside due to marauding killer deer
15. Canine-eating deer
16.Student Parking Fees
17. Newcomers Tax
18. Bomb scare near shopping plaza parking lot
19. Safe community, with an urban assault vehicle
20. Help wanted KeboAlerts for police candidates
21. Newcomers Tax
Yep, sounds like the perfect community for us... sure!
The commissioners and elitist are clueless to what they've done to the community's reputation.
Deer have an excellent sense of smell. If someone were upwind of a location and something they had smelled very different from what deer are used to, it might spook them. They can even smell things that people have a hard time smelling. After a few days, they can get used to new smells. New smells changing every day or three might bother them.
Deer see yellow and blue well, but not red. They are very very sensitive to motion.
Deer hear about as well as we do, but can pinpoint location by hearing much better than we can. Human footsteps can spook them when close, nearer than 100 yards or so. Non-forest sounds like metal on metal also put them on alert.
Just some things to think about.
10:21 Most likely. She was on her phone the entire meeting, when she wasn't speaking.
What kind of mother teachers her children to fear deer? No Bambi, Rudolph, Prancer? I feel sad to think of such a childhood.
The deer of Mt. Lebanon have started a Facebook page.
Where's the money in this Benner?
$500 a deer - $70 to $80 to butcher. If someone cuts them up cheaper they are screwing themselves out of money packing meat up then giving it away. By the way, these butchers make certain their freezers and friend freezers are staying full! Weeks of conditioning corn, feeders, cameras, gas, gas and more gas, rent (nah...most likely they are holding up in Brumfield's batcave for nothing), ARs ($600 to $1500), ammo, night vision optics (big bucks!), corrals and more corrals at what ±$1200, drones now?, food, paying the monkeys, signs and lots and lots of time.
Fact is your a LLC and your monkeys are responsible to pay their own taxes from their minimum wage salary. By the time your done here you would have been way better sitting at home knitting by the fire. Could of sold your knitted socks on Mt Lebo's community day. Your doing this to toot your own horn no doubt, big ego boost, chest out time......look what we did son, together.
How much more can we take minute by minute I think of those helpless deer being led to slaughter I just want to go out there and do something to stop this. You Mt Lebo residents that are in favor of this are heartless and cruel and the commissioners should be there along with you to watch these murders. No wonder we have so much volience today because of bad people like you. You are all insane Good God help our deer since no one else can!!
If someone other than Kips or Lenik is doing the packing, they do not do it on a regular basis for donating to food banks. The managed archery hunts in the area use these two to donate meat. Cutting up deer is hard work, requires a large freezer to handle the quantities of cut up meat and new deer brought in. Not too many folks have the capability. Giant Eagle or such could never process deer.
March 11, 2015 at 6:46 PM
Elaine, I don't understand you endorsement of CITGO owner. He is giving them permission to shoot the deer 300 ft. behind his gas station after 12M. He could stop the slaughter by not giving them permission. They are violating his 150 yd safety buffer zone, i.e. the CITGO is located in Baldwin Township. So he is supporting the slaughter, when he could shut it down. Or am I missing something?
LOVE the deerdefenders page!
10:34 Ich bin kein Bendel!
I was just making my shopping list for tomorrow and noticed Shop n Save has Skippy peanut butter 2 for $5, but you save an extra $3 if you spend $10, so 4 jars of Skippy peanut butter for $7 with your SnS shoppers loyalty card.
Then I remembered that our commissioners are trying to protect us from the evil deers, and evil deers I am told LOVE peanut butter and if I accidentally dropped a jar of Skippy peanut butter the evil deers might smell it and get confused and chase after the delicious, creamy, tasty Skippy peanut butter instead of going into the corrals that will take them away and protect our children so maybe I should rethink going to Shop n Save tomorrow and purchasing four jars of Skippy peanut butter for $ 7.
Tonight, I studied research reports on deer from PSU and compared those findings to what I have read in deer culling permits submitted in PA. The deer culling permits present information that conflict directly with PSU research findings, as well as research findings throughout the US on white-tailed deer.
Basically, I am telling readers that deer management permits are unethical in their mis-representation of white-tailed deer.
By the way, here is another permit in PA that is currently the source of legal conflict:
Well said we need to do this do we can stop the kill. Why can't we just get out there and protect the deer. What is worse breaking the law or having the deer slaughter. Come on this is nuts. I can't stand it. I hated them all who has causes this gruesome slaughter of innocent deer. We have taken their land away. So dumb you that approved this and complain about the deer eating your flowers. I am do angry!!
A hunter who is opposed to this Mt. Lebanon deer killing offered a suggestion. Buy metal streamers and hang them from trees in the areas outside of the no trespassing signs. This goes along with what 11:15 PM mentioned.
11:44 PM, there is no 150 yard buffer zone. This is culling, not hunting. All bets are off. That is how Wildlife Services was able to kill deer next to my house in the Mt. Lebanon Deer Slaughter of 2006-2008.
This morning's (Thursday's) Trib-Live reports that a woman who resides on Sunnyhill heard a "thud" a couple nights ago and then saw a doe, with both back legs broken, struggling to walk up that street. Is this true?
I think it's important to check that Mt. Lebanon's investment is being used responsibly and that Wildlife Specialists' new hires will all be paid above the table, with all related taxes paid and all working hours declared.
Josh Murphy, Director of Sourcing at Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank told me they can only accept the deer processed by a Pa Dept of Agriculture certified processor. The only one certified in Allegheny county is Kips. Has it been verified that Kip accepted the deer?
Does anyone know someone that lives next to Kips by chance, in Carnegie?
8:28 am Did Josh say he had received any venison this week?
6:47, it would be nice if these people would submit photos of the twelve deer on their lawn and a deer struggling up Sunnyhill with two broken legs.
It's not like smart phones can't record the event instantaneously.
I just called Kip's and they said, in reference to Mt Lebanon's deer cull, that they are "NOT PARTICIPATING, NOT COMMENTING AND WE DO NOT WANT TO BE INVOLVED". 9:20 am, 3/12/15
Can people call these places? I called Kips and that was enough for me today.
Doug Peffer’s Deer Cutting and Smokehouse, Ellwood City; Elluinger’s Meats, Zelienople; Jim Landis, Elizabeth Township; Hoffer’s Ligonier Valley Packing, Ligonier; Mamula Meat Packing, Aliquippa; and Vic Novak’s Choice Meats, Perry Hilltop.
If you call one, post results online so no one else calls.
Thanks to the PIO, this info won't be available to public because only "some" people want it. Interesting how in 2015 Mt Lebanon chooses not to be an inclusive community.
Calling businesses needlessly would be so unnecessary if only our commissioners and PIO were upfront and transparent.
Provide proof of actual kills and a signed receipt of delivery to processor and charity.
He'll if you donate to Goodwill, AmVets, Salvation Army they're glad to give you a receipt.
What's the problem, commissioners, Ms. Morgans?
I really do not understand all of this. I think the method that is being used to cull the deer is ineffective, unsportsmanlike and just plain dumb; but why all the emotion over the deer? Hunters (and I am one) shoot a lot more than 3 deer in year. If we did not hunt deer they would be everywhere as they have essentially no natural predators. Get over it.
March 12, 2015 at 5:43 AM
Elaine, there is a state mandated 150 yard safety buffer zone. Mt. Lebanon applied for and received a special permit to suspend this buffer zone in Mt. Lebanon. However, that permit does not suspend that state mandated safety buffer zone in adjacent communities. So while the killing corral located in McNeilly Park is in Mt. Lebanon, it is only 300 ft. behind the CITGO and less that far from homes on Donaldon and Highridge Dr. in Baldwin Township. This is in violation of their 150 yard safety buffer zone. WS were able to shoot next to your house, because that did not violate any adjacent communities safety zone. Just because they are killing deer by bait and shoot and not hunting does not automatically suspend this safety zone. It's the special permit that suspends it. And this special permit does not apply to adjacent communities home owners rights. Only they can give permission to violate their 150 yard safety zone, as long as it doesn't impact their neighbors 150 safety zone. Anyway, that's how I interpret the special permit and safety zones. I'm not a lawyer; however, if I'm correct, then the McNeilly Park killing corral is illegal, because Mt. Lebanon did not get the permission from homeowners within this safety zone on Donaldon and Highridge Dr. in Baldwin Township to violate their safety buffer zone, and this violation should be reported to the Pa Game Commission.
How did we get from a controlled hunt with bow and arrows to a savage slaughter with assault rifles?
No permits for the archery HUNT but no problem with baiting, trapping and assault rifle slaughter!?
I'll bet the same people that approve of this are the same ones that would love to see assault rifles banned!
Saw this tweet this morning from the Post Gazette's excellent high school sports writer, Mike White. Classic.
Mike White
Must say most creative chant this season: By Allderdice fans vs. Mt. Lebanon last night. "Stop killing the deer ... stop killing the deer."
The problem 10:40 is that we have no honesty in our local government. It is not archery hunts or corral & kills, it is the fact that WE DO NOT HAVE A FIRM GRASP ON THE FACTS REGARDING DEER.
In 2013 it was determined that we needed a survey of the deer population to evaluate the problem and to find solutions for it if one existed. The survey found 342 deer and the commissioners instituted a No Deer Feeding ordinance while they explored other options.
They then determined they needed another survey in 2014. It found 197 deer, a dramatic drop in the population.
But Commissioner Linfante suddenly declares their own survey faulty and clings to an exploding deer population.
So what do they do, propose an archery hunt. It fails due to incompetence or bad planning.
They then institute a costly corral and kill to reduce the deer population by 150, achieving a 50% reduction in deer incidents.
How they came up with a 150 kill number and a 50% reduction is anybodys' guess.
There in lies the prloblem.
Personally, I wouldn't oppose archery hunting in very strictly defined zones and times, though people must accept that wounded deer may run through the community.
Couple that with a South Hills deer control plan, more feeding bans, gardening strategies and More road sign alerts and traffic/texting controls.
To understand how we got to this divisive point you have to look at all the roads that lead us here.
9:26. The same Mt Lebanon PIO that is stonewalling taxpayers and citizens wrote how much she looked up to Ben Bradlee at the Washington Post, not to mention namedropping Woodward and Bernstein and Watergare as if proximity to REAL journalists was a feather in her cap:
Well Ms. Morgans, YOU are being as selective, secretive and deceptive as the people Ben Bradlee loathed and exposed.
You aren't worthy to wipe deer poop off Ben Bradlee's shoes.
PIO should be changed to P.O.O.
Public Obstruction Officer.
Motto: "All the News that's fit to Hide"
Susan Fleming Morgans, P.O.O.
9:46 If you don't understand why shooting corralled deer over bait, at night, in a residential area, with centerfire rifles in Allegheny County, so far out of season that does are dropping fawns, then I really must question your claim to be a sportsman.
I am a hunter and find this officially sanctioned debacle 1000 times more offensive than poaching, which I despise. Even some poaching is done by broke hungry people, so one could imagine remotely justifying some of it, I suppose. This is slaughtering 150 deer over flowers.
11:14. Very well said.
11:06. The commissioners should be proud that now Mt. Lebanon's children are being ridiculed over this.
Thank you 12:31.
The commissioners and public employees are deaf and dumb to how they've this community's great reputation. But they won't step back and look at the big picture. They'll dig in their heels, grow even more secretrative and divisive.
10:54 AM and 11:51 AM, the link that 10:54 AM posted contained this quote:
"Mt. Lebanon officials declined to give information. Susan Morgans, a spokeswoman for the municipality, said officials might release data by Friday.
“I'm not positive that it's something in the community people are very interested in. I think it's something that some people in the community are very interested in,” Morgans said."
To quote a resident from the last meeting, "how dare you, [Susan]!"
to all you ProKill residents(.. you may of won this fight.. but when you try to sell your house..(judging by the age of he speakers,, it say 5-10 years.. you will take a HUGE HIT on the selling prices of your pristine homes because NOBODY wants to live in this horrible town anymore...
11:14 is spot-on. The lack of transparency and meaningful forethought is incredible. There has been almost no legitimate attempt to acquire data to show that problems exist. This leads to solutions that cause more larger and/or more expensive problems than existed before.
We saw this in the newcomers tax (solution is either for the county to assess more regularly or for town to consider EVERY property). We saw this in the artificial turf project (where is the actual data that we need more fields? Where is the proof that the town properly maintains the grass fields? Answer: there is none).
As much as I hate to give the commission a free pass in responsibility, it is incredibly low odds that you can find 4 commissioners with this much incompetence. I don't believe we see it in other communities. It is much greater likelihood that the other common denominator in these projects is to blame: the town manager.
If the commission is not getting the data they need to make informed decisions, that's the town manager's fault. If the town's staff are so neglectful to not know about federal laws prohibiting gunfire within 1000' of schools, that's the town manager's fault. If the PIO refuses to share pertinent and important information with the public because "only some" want to know, that's the town manager's fault.
If the commission wants to begin to repair this town and maybe even some of their own image, they will fire the town manager and some of his cronies.
3:24 pm it ain't ever gonna happen unless the people get active and vote.
Hell, the last commission might have as many out of towners as residents protesting the cull. It should have wall to wall with residents considering the amount of TV air time allocated the the Lebo cull.
The town manager serves at pleasure of commission. All it takes is 3 to get rid of him. Getting rid of him would buy the the commission a chance to start getting things right in this town and perhaps get us a manager that has a conscience and the town's best long-term interests at heart.
Even outside the 3 projects I mention, there are plenty of shenanigans that go on - take the ridiculous trash service we have, the incredible road maintenance we enjoy, the $4+ million pool, and the always-padded budgets that just happen to magically lead to ever-increasing "unassigned" funds. That is the definition of mismanagement.
You are right, more folks need to vote for real change. But these commissioners aren't going anywhere until election time. They could improve their chances of returning by starting the change now. It'll give them a fighting chance of saving their reputations and future political prospects.
3:24 pm I hate to break this to you but the town manager conspires with some of the bad commissioners to intentionally deceive the public. They are in it together.
8:38, from gathering information and doing some research on my own in addition to paying attention to what other bloggers are putting out there especially in the area of how much money this little town of ours is hemorrhaging and being told only half of what we should really know, it's quite worse that what one would think it is. Yes you are correct, the public is being deceived.
Nick M.
The longer this deer massacre continues, the more bad press accumulates.
Even casual searches for Mt. Lebanon bring up hits for deer. This will continue long after Benner is gone.
The damage to Mt. Lebanon's image is very real. Potential homebuyers will see Mt. Lebanon as a petty, inhumane community and look elsewhere. Properties get turned into rentals instead. Rentals are not known for being well-maintained. Property values will be impacted. That affects tax revenue. Taxes go up to compensate. The cycle continues. All over flowers.
10:23 a.m. ...This is going national and also international. :-)
11:56. Yippee! Mt. Lebanon's 15 minutes of fame will be for blowing deers heads off.
USC is snickering
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