Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Castlegate Development Project Update

From their Facebook page:

I know some of you have been wondering what is happening at the site. Not a lot. Debris continues to sit waiting for whatever toxic removal or grinding up that is coming. Meeting has yet to be scheduled with neighbors and developers, mt leb commission, and other interested parties as far as I know. Hard rains continue to carry mud saturated with 100 year old building crap into public sewage system, yards, and homes. Today's photos. Same old, same old.

There is no storm water management in place on the demo site. The mud from the demo site (carrying whatever it is carrying from the demo-- lead? Mercury? Other heavy metals? Asbestos? Who knows?) comes out of the demo site and pours down the hill and into nearby properties, homes, yards, and public sewage systems/ maybe public waterways? This did not happen pre-demo. Not at all. They took out half a hillside, a giant tree, a drainage ditch, and pipe. Then this started. Neighbors have been putting up with this in homes and yards since January.

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