Sunday, July 24, 2011

Rover ate my homework.

The following letter from Bill Matthews was sent to Dr. Steinhauer and the School Board today.  Thanks for sharing this, Bill.

Bill Matthew's 7 24 11 Letter to Dr. Steinhauer


Anonymous said...

What an incedible letter...and with the attached documentation, makes the SB, Administration, CM and architect look like a bunch of donkeys.

Bill Lewis

Anonymous said...

Wonder why Baldwin after working with PJDick and multiple prime contractors on their high school project is requesting a waiver to use a single prime on their next project?
Elaine has their request in pdf format for the waiver in previous post.
Better not though, then you'd have to ask PJDick why the change in thinking and that'd be extremely difficult for them to answer.
Dick Saunders

Anonymous said...

Dick :
I've never understood anything the PJ Dick representatives have said or tried to explain since day's very difficult to comprehend when they're speaking out of both sides of their mouths at the same time...couple this with the butchering of English by our highly-paid and under-educated administration and you have a clearer understanding of what is meant by the term "edubabble", a language exclusively practiced by those in and associated with public education.

Bill Lewis

Anonymous said...

I'm always interested in following topics Elaine post here and this is somewhat related to "Rover ate my homework."
The school board declared that it wants as much public input as possible-- correct?
So after a few basically softball questions to the CM on the matter of single versus multiple contractors, why didn't they ask for input from the community?
Why wasn't the topic posted on that evening's agenda?
Obviously PJDick's and Celli's reps were in attendance and 'prepared' for the meeting discussion!
As for wanting public input, as of this writing Elaine's poll on the matter shows 83% of respondents favor single prime! Why the rush to vote that evening, would a week's delay hurt?
Guess the train left the station without us -- again.
- Giffen Good

Lebo Citizens said...

Full disclosure: I have not listened to the entire SB meeting. Was there an explanation as to why Brennan was there instead of Celli?
I have been watching the video archive of the June 13 Architect's Update on the District site.!4
There is something wrong with it and will not play all the way through. I need to listen to the podcast on lebocitizens. Why wasn't there an architect's update last week? Giffen, good questions. How did they know to come to the meeting? If it wasn't on the agenda, there could be no residents' comments about it. They are not interested in input. The poll is now showing that six people support the SB's decision. Which SB member hasn't voted yet? ;>)