Friday, July 8, 2011

This struck me as very funny

In today's Trib, Violations of Sunshine Act to cost more:
Elected officials will face stiffer penalties beginning in August if they're found to have violated the state's Sunshine Act.
Gov. Tom Corbett on Thursday signed an amendment that will increase the maximum penalty to $1,000 from $100 for officials who hold violate the law, which broadly requires government officials to hold meetings in public.
Mt. Lebanon Commissioner Joe DeIuliis was quoted as saying:

Mt. Lebanon Commissioner Joe Deluliis said the measure's strength could also be its weakness.
A $1,000 fine for a first offense, even if it's unintentional, is "pretty big," Deluliis said.
"I know the governor's intentions are positive, and I know the intent is for greater transparency, but when you start increasing the penalties, it may have an adverse effect on people's willingness to get involved in government," he said.
Why I find this funny is that Joe DeIuliis was the only commissioner against televising the commission meetings, as well as the discussion sessions. Of all the people to ask about this new amendment.

Read more: Violations of Sunshine Act to cost more - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review


Anonymous said...

I can't remember - didn't Joe side with Jo Posti, school board president to hold private discussion meetings?
- Giffen Good

Lebo Citizens said...

Joe was participating in the Joint Steering Committee Meetings last year, in Dan Miller's place and was prepared to go again this year until the Commissioners stopped attending until the meetings were open to the public. Yes, Giffen, you are correct. Now I am laughing even more.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand Joe's logic. Good, honest people won't get invovled in government for fear of a $1,000 fine for doing something that is against the law.
Is he saying that they WILL get involved if they can afford a $100 fine?
Weird rationale! If officials do what is right they don't have to pay $100 or $1,000 fines.
Cy "Nic" Diogenes

Lebo Citizens said...

I love your name, Cy "Nic" Digenes. I published your comment because of your Greek roots. B>)

I also happen to agree with your comment. I have a hard time following his logic too. We're in for quite a treat next year if he wins and goes on to be president.

John Ewing said...

Who needs a sneaky commission president?
Grace should be smart enough to pull Joe out of politics - so should the Republican committee.

John Ewing

Lebo Citizens said...

Any attorneys out there willing to look into this for me?

Under the new amendment to the Sunshine Act, are court costs in addition to the $1000 fine for violations of the Sunshine Act?
