Thursday, July 21, 2011

Newsflash: The School Board needs as much public input as possible.

The Trib wrote an article this morning about Dan Rothschild's new blog,
"He wants to play a role; he wants to help. ... We should and we will take advantage of that," said school board member Larry Lebowitz, who had not yet been appointed to the board when the advisory committee made its original recommendations. "We need to obtain as much public input as we can."

Tom Moertel was quoted as saying, "Right now, after having been stung so badly by the bids, the school board may be receptive to reconsidering its previously unshakable beliefs."

I am not seeing it, Tom.  I also don't understand why there aren't any links to where one can also hear podcasts of architect's updates on Dan's new blog.  My email went unanswered.   I am also confused as to why I get 400 hits a day on this blog and only get a handful of votes on the polls.  Maybe people are worn out trying to give input to our local government.  As Giffen Good had stated, "It really doesn't matter that the board's decision doesn't sit well with us."


Anonymous said...

I voted, Elaine. I am suspicious of blogs which are approved by school board members or have any connection with Dr. Steinhauer and his key communication group.
~Therese McDowell

Lebo Citizens said...

Yeah, Therese, there is no chance that my blog would ever be approved by school board directors. And certainly, I am no key communicator!

Anonymous said...

"He wants to play a role; he wants to help. ... We should and we will take advantage of that," said school board member Larry Lebowitz, who had not yet been appointed to the board when the advisory committee made its original recommendations. "We need to obtain as much public input as we can."

Where have I heard that tune before? Notice he didn't say anything about using any of the public input. Listening is good Mr. Lebowitz, implimenting the suggestions is better!!!

Mr. Lebowitz is sincere? I always heard actions speak louder than words. Read one of the first comments submitted to lebodesign under the post "Right to Know":

"Bill Matthews
July 16, 2011 at 2:26 pm · Reply

As “The List” was being reviewed it was referred to as a “pre-deliberative” document. This is not so secret code for: Don’t bother to make a Right to Know request for “The List” – your request will be denied as the document is “pre-deliberative” – not subject to Right to Know requests – and as such is none of your business.

Dan you are absolutely correct, “The List” should be posted on the web site. Actual $$ per item could be removed so as not to compromise the bidding process and $$ ranges could be used ($1 – $1,000) ($1,001 – $100,000) ($100,001 – $500,000) etc…"

So until I see some real indication that they are listening or changing their MO I'll remain a skeptic.

This board continues to remind me of the 3 monkeys. Hear no evil, see no evil, say no evil [at least not about our plan or ourselves]!

- Giffen Good

Anonymous said...

Elaine & Therese -I think the board is behind the new blog. Why is Mr. Taylor being ignored? Jeff Coyner

Anonymous said...

Mr. Rothchild used the word DESERVES a $113,000,000 high school. DESERVES makes him sound like a part of the problem.

Bill Hook

Lebo Citizens said...

Giffen, remember - Don't ask, don't tell. I asked Jo Posti at a school board meeting for the list of 197 changes and was told no. A few speakers after me, Dan Rothschild asked for the list. He got a pleasant response, but I guess he hasn't gotten the list either.
Jeff, when Dirk Taylor wasn't being ignored, he was being insulted by Board Members. Not sure what is worse.
Bill, I caught that too.

Tom Moertel said...

Does anyone have anything to offer, other than their personal prejudices, to support the idea that Mr. Rothschild is somehow under the influence of the school board?

I met Mr. Rothschild prior to his setting up the blog, and it was evident to me that he was interested in changing the school board's beliefs, not conforming to them.


Anonymous said...

You met Mr. Rothschild before he set up his blog? That explains alot. Susan Talley

Lebo Citizens said...

Tom, I'll answer your "loaded question." I find it odd that is not listed as a useful link. It contains valuable documents, podcasts, and links. There was a nice article in today's Post Gazette written by Kaitlynn Riely.
Kaitlynn has the reputation as being the school board's reporter. Remember the Posti Gazette? Maybe that is what is going through people's minds.

Anonymous said...

Now there is some beautiful investigative reporting.

Ms. Riely wrote:
"But as president of Rothschild Dyno Collaborative, an architecture and urban design firm, he has design experience -- some with the high school project."

Could she have possibly minimized Mr. Rothchild's professional resume more???
Here's a brief on Mr. Rothchild from the lebodesign blog site: "The site is operated by Dan Rothschild. Dan has lived in Mt. Lebanon for eighteen years and is President of Rothschild Doyno Collaborative an architecture and urban design firm He has also served as President of the American Institute of Architects Pittsburgh Chapter and has taught urban design at Carnegie Mellon."

President of an architects organization and teacher of urban design at one of American's most prestigious universities and Ms. Riely points out "he has design experience- SOME with the high school project."

Oh yeah, I'm going to 'rely" on the PG for in-depth reporting.

- Giffen Good

Lebo Citizens said...

Giffen, that is why I think the School Board is continuing to pay lip service, this time to Dan Rothschild. He'll find out soon enough that they aren't interested in what experts have to say. Or constituents.

Anonymous said...

Lip service is precisely what is occurring.
The purpose of is to help you play an active role in the redesign process from the comfort of your own home (or portable electronic device) for this important project that will affect our community for a long time. Another purpose is to assist School Board members in getting more input from their constituents."
Elaine - you have had your web site for a year or more. It is most convenient. You have had polls and comments on your blog. Has school board member Larry Lebowitz taken "advantage of that"?
~Therese McDowell

Lebo Citizens said...

Thanks, Therese. The website has been up since April 2010. We have podcast classics that go back further than that. I started the blog November 29, 2010. It is really a lot of work maintaining both. I am getting help from readers who send me documents or articles. I bet the School Board Directors would be delighted if I went away. I wish Dan Rothschild the best of luck with his efforts "in changing the school board's beliefs, not conforming to them" and helping the public "play an active role in the redesign process from the comfort of your own home (or portable electronic device) for this important project that will affect our community for a long time. Another purpose is to assist School Board members in getting more input from their constituents."
This blog has gotten hits from 44 countries now. There have been 1,164 comments. How much more input does Larry Lebowitz need? They didn't listen to Dirk or Dan or any of the others from the CAC. I guess they will start today.

Anonymous said...

Larry Lebo-Lips likes to hear his own voice. He won't change his vote. Sarah Morris

Anonymous said...

It is very interesting to compare the Post-Gazette's reporting on Mr. Rothchild credentials-
"But as president of Rothschild Dyno Collaborative, an architecture and urban design firm, he has design experience -- some with the high school project."

vs. the Tribune's -
"One of Pittsburgh's most accomplished architects is trying to make his mark on Mt. Lebanon's high school renovation project, and he wants the public to help."

If you've been following the reporting by the two papers on the district's activities the links become obvious.

- Giffen Good