Thursday, July 21, 2011

Trib correction in order?

This appears on the District website:
Trib Article Reports Inaccurate Information About High School Project
In a July 21, 2011 article in the Tribune Review written by Matthew Santoni, it was inaccurately reported that the School Board had approved the removal of the auxiliary gym and tennis courts from the High School plans. The incorrect quote reads, “So far, the board has given Celli the go-ahead to…remove an auxiliary gym and tennis courts…” The correct information is that the auxiliary gym and tennis courts remain in the plans for the High School project. A correction will appear in the Trib.
Aren't the tennis courts supposed to be gone for four or five years? The Mt. Lebanon athletic director asked Scott Township to use their tennis courts for 3-5 years in this letter.  (We got turned down.) This is a perfect example as to why Dan Rothschild and many others have asked to see "The List."  If the School District would publish "The List," corrections in the newspaper would not be necessary


Anonymous said...

Don’t miss reading this email letter boys and girls. First, Scott Twp should be capitalized in the heading. Second it is a girls’ team, not a girl’s team, and a boys’ team, not a boy’s team. Third the Athletic Director wants to talk to "however." Did the AD mean talk to whomever?

Can you imagine the impression the AD made for Mt. Lebanon when the Scott Township Commissioners read this email? Can you believe we are giving the AD an expensive athletic building? It is obvious the Supervisor of Athletics didn't exercise any oversight over employee correspondence; how embarrassing!
Bill Hook

Anonymous said...

To Bill Hook :

Wecome to the growing community realization that our highly compensated & supposedly highly *educated* MTLSD administrators have a serious inability to correctly spell, punctuate and expess themselves with proper grammer in written English...presumably their 1st. language.

Secondly, a person who attends Scott Twp. public meetings regularly advises that Scott officials were not at all impressed with the manner in which the MTLSD A.D. approached Scott as a *to whom it may concern* e-mail instead of a phone call, referral to the proper staff person to meet with and request permission to personally appear before the Twp. officials, etc.. As a result, Scott did not even formally consider or act on the matter.

To Elaine :

My guess is that the 3rd., or "auxillary", gym and the tennis courts will remain in the plan but will be classified as last resort "delete alternates" to be removed if bids are high once again.

The 3rd. gym is not needed or required for school day educational purposes....remember that phys-ed is no longer required for 11th. & 12th. grades. The 3rd. gym is really for "the community", with no data provided to support or cost-justify it.

The current tennis courts, if not replaced at the HS site, would likely be constructed at some other as now unidentified site after the HS project is completed... and not be accounted for in the HS budget or expenditures for PlanCon purposes, and financed separately with existing Capital Project Fund dollars.

This is how the *game* is played in public education. Hope the children don't learn it.

Bill Lewis