Friday, June 14, 2013

Administrators getting average increase of 3%

The June 17, 2013 Agenda has been posted on the MTLSD website. In a previous Lebo Citizens post, Annual salary adjustments? percentages were not shared with the public. Monday's agenda shows:
(2) Approval of Annual Salaries for 12-Month Secretaries: RESOLVED, That the Board approves the 2013-2014 list of contracted salaries for 12-month secretaries as listed effective July 1, 2013, reflecting an average increase as negotiated of 2.89% over the duration of the contract.
(3) Approval of Annual Salaries for Custodial/Maintenance Employees: RESOLVED, That the Board approves the 2013-2014 list of contracted salaries for custodial/maintenance employees effective July 1, 2013, reflecting an average increase as negotiated of 3.0% over the duration of the contract.
(4) Approval of Annual Salaries for Administrative Assistants/Supervisors: RESOLVED, That the Board approves the 2013-2014 list of salary adjustments for administrative
assistants/supervisors effective July 1, 2013, reflecting an average increase of 2.8%.
(5) Approval of Annual Salaries for Specialists: RESOLVED, That the Board approves the 2013-2014 list of salary adjustments for specialists effective July 1, 2013, reflecting an average increase of 2.8%.
(6) Approval of Salaries for Head Custodians: RESOLVED, That the Board approves the 2013-2014 list of salary adjustments for head custodians effective July 1, 2013, reflecting an average increase of 2.8%.
(7) Approval of Administrative Salaries: RESOLVED, That the Board approves the 2013-2014 list of annual salaries for administrators effective July 1, 2013, reflecting an increase in accordance with the Act 93 agreement of 1.7% plus merit for an average increase of 3.0%.
This does not include the Superintendent. Timmy's raise should be announced next month or so. His contract runs from July 1-June 30.


Anonymous said...

Dr. Steinhauer's raise should be voted on at the June 17th meeting effective July 1.

The first-year Peters Township Superintendent will be making $160,000 as of July.

Lebo Citizens said...

Not true. It was not on the agenda. Last year, it was approved on October 15, 2012. That is when Timmy received a 4% raise. He received his 2011 raise in August of that year.

Anonymous said...

I bet she has the muster to know what mustard is and is not

Anonymous said...

Elaine, I said Dr. Steinhauer's raid SHOULD BE approved June 17, effective July 1. I didn't say it would be on the current Agenda. At any rate, it will be and should be effective July 1 when the raise is granted. I'm sorry I can't control Mrs Cappucci's or Mrs. Posti's inability to do things in a timely manner.

Anonymous said...

4:49, do you think the new Peters' Superintendent talks to magical frogs?

I mean by all means, because the Peters' Super is hired at $160k that is certainly a justification for raising our Supers salary.

Anonymous said...

I should have said raise not raid. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

5,49 the issue is Dr. Steinhauer's salary and the Board granted 4.54% and 4.59% raises to the teachers for 2013-2014 and 2014-2015. If we pay him a lesser percentage raise than the teachers we run into the issue of Salary Compression. In other words the teachers salaries get closer and closer to the Superintendent's salary.

We all know the union doesn't keep their word or play fair; first they take the board for all they can squeeze out of them, then they take advantage of their political-payback clout in the legislature, then they run to the courts or arbitrators or mediators to take advantage of the residents for a third time through grievances. Everybody but the teachers know this is bullshit but they don't say anything because they know there is retribution from the union and their p**ps for their children.

So until somebody is willing to kick the union in the ass and fire some teachers, cut some classes, and close a couple of buildings we are going to have to pay our Superintendent a competitive salary rate that avoids Salary Compression. That number will exceed $160,000 regardless of public opinion. Dr Steinhauer was hired on July 1 and his salary should be increased in a timely manner.

Anonymous said...

9:40 you make a claims, but you don't fill in the blanks with why?

So, if the teachers get more money the superintendent must automatically get one of equal or greater value too? Why? So what if there is salary compression?

If Crosby or Malkon make hundreds of millions of dollars, Coach Bylsma must make more, is that your logic?
How about to make more, you have to make more?

Seems to me the number one school district didn't concern itself with salary compression when the super and finance director accepted freezes on their salaries.

Anonymous said...

2:04, that would be leadership.

Something money can't buy.

Along with respect, integrity, and smarts.

Anonymous said...

Ah c'mon 8:22, how many districts have Supers that talk to magic frogs?

Now if we could just get the finance director to spin straw into gold everything would be just ducky.

Anonymous said...

'Ah but she can. She just absorbed a significant insurance premium into a bare bones budget that could be cut no more. No talk of dipping into reserves, just making some adjustments.

Did it take all she could mustard or is there more? Maybe the frogs know, but they are not talking.

Anonymous said...

Wow, thanks... didn't even consider that point... It was a bare bones budget wasn't it, we absolutely had to have a .54 mill increase. There was no more fat to cut. R-I-I-G-H-H-t-T-T!
How does she keep finding money?

Anonymous said...

These automatic contract increases for municipal and school district employees has got to stop...unless these entities get some really good financial investment advice.

Taxpayers cannot keep footing these constantly inflating bills.

Anonymous said...

2:04 A. M., Maybe we should fire some hockey players too. But I don't have to pay a hockey player If I don't want to.
Does that fill in a blank or do I have to explain that ALL teachers get an "S" rating every year regardless of their contribution to your child's education.
Merit Pay? Sure the union will take that and one or two contracts later they will want to give the same elevated pay to the slackers in the system.

Anonymous said...


It was such a bare bones budget that the school district spent money to LOWER the deductibles on their insurance premiums according to an article that ran in last week's Almanac.


But you don't live in Ms. Klein's fairy tale.

Lebo Citizens said...

Are you talking about a deductible buy down?
I was always taught that a higher deductible means a lower premium.

Anonymous said...

*Superintendent Dr. Tim Steinhauer assured the board that safety training programs were already in place. He said the administration would review those programs to determine whether improvements could be made.* Don't run with scissors, eh Tim?

Anonymous said...

I am talking about a deductible buy down, and that is expensive. But we did it in a bare bones budget, right, Jan?