Monday, June 10, 2013

Imagine Pittsburgh

I am spreading the word of a new Pittsburgh initiative:

It's a one-stop, interactive resource for natives, newcomers, and boomerangers looking to advance their career and build a life they’ll love in our region.

Live. Work. Play. WOW!


Anonymous said...

Imagine Pittsburgh Schools to educate your children !

Anonymous said...

Maybe the process families that live in Mt. Lebanon can move to Pittsburgh for a FREE college scholarship paid for on your UPMC health care bill.

Lebo Citizens said...

I had received the following email from the PR firm that is handling this account.

"I'm reaching out to local bloggers and prominent Pittsburgh social media outlets asking for you help to spread the word! We're launching a social media teaser to promote the launch of the site- posting photos of Pittsburghers with official signs.
If you could share the photo on your blog/social media pages on Monday June 10 or Tuesday June 11 it would be a big help in spreading the word."

I forwarded the entire email to Susan Morgans, Laura Pace Lilley, and Cissy Bowman while cc'ing the school board and commission. I was hoping they would also participate in this initiative since our tax bills arrived on June 1 and residents might be needing some assistance in the area of employment searches. I never got a response from any of our PIOs.

Anonymous said...

The PIO's are not worried about their cushy jobs, so why should they care ?