Friday, June 7, 2013


You knew this was coming...

Once upon a time, there was a super Super named Timmy. On Graduation Day, Timmy spoke of a challenging day that he had at the beginning of the year. He shared his tale with 450 of Mt. Lebanon's finest students.

The graduates were sitting on the edge of their chairs in anticipation of the super Super's words of wisdom.

Timmy began his Commencement speech. He started with a story about an incident that occurred at the construction site.

Super Timmy told these students about a group of frogs which showed up on the job site. These were not ordinary frogs, but magical, talking frogs.

The children in the stadium were spell bound. "In our land of unicorns and rainbows, Mt. Lebanon also has magical, talking frogs," they whispered to their parents and grandparents.

But the grads stared in disbelief. "Oh no! Our super Super is giving the wrong speech," they proclaimed. They were horrified that Timmy was giving his kindergartner speech. 

The next day, Timmy was the talk of the town.

But here is the rest of the story. Timmy's magical, talking frog jumped out and was immediately hit by a construction truck.

This story does have a happy ending. Timmy gets a huge raise and lives happily ever after.

The End


Anonymous said...

That's what happens when you spend your days conversing with middle schoolers.

Anonymous said...

This is a commencement speech for graduating seniors about to take their first steps into the real world and the Superintendent it telling them about magically frogs.

This inspiring message could have been topped if he handed each a magical bean with their diploma and told them to grow their own beanstalk.

Anonymous said...

It appears that the graduation took place, once again, on the still new artificial turf at the stadium.

Apparently the Administration and Board are either ignorant of the fact or possibly just don't care that this misuse is gross abuse of the turf and will likely void any warranty undoubtedly purchased. And may very well increase the annual maintenance cost and reduce the useful life of the turf. High heels, hundreds of metal chairs each with 4 legs digging into the turf, tables, podiums, chewing gum, etc. Have they no common sense ?

"Damn the turf and likely cost, the show must go on" is the impression given the taxpayers !

Anonymous said...

I think the Super is in dire need of medical intervention. Is he off his med's ? I just cannot believe that was a commencement speech by a MTLSD superintendent to a high school graduating class. More like a principal to 5th. graders

Anonymous said...

When I heard it I wondered if it was for the graduating seniors or Ms. Cappucci.

Think about it. The story revolves around the construction project and two frogs fall in (a money ?) pit.
One, presumably the male accepts his fate after listening to the frogs our of the hole.
Biut, the female frog, keeps jumping and jumping and ultimately succeeds despite the frog communities group resignation that see should accept her fate.

I love the symbolism of "the rest of the story"! Exhausted, lying in the middle of the road, construction equipment comes along and eventually flattening the poor little frog.
What we don't know... What happens to the other frog. Does Nello add rain water drains to the hole and the frog eventually swims out after a heavy rain?

Anonymous said...

6:28, How big is the change order for adding rain water to the money pit?

Anonymous said...

The doctor also apparently does not know the difference between "imminent" (meaning about to occur) and "eminent" (meaning prominent or important) --- he spoke of the frog being in "eminent" danger....add that one to the fact that School Director Cappucci ("let them drink latte") didn't know the difference between the NHL and the NFL when speaking of Boston Bruin, Matt Bartkowski (a Lebo graduate)....

Richard Gideon said...

Although I am no fan of the MLSD, I am going to give the good Doctor the benefit of the doubt and say that he probably had the best of intentions when he wrote his speech - although I think that a guy with a Ph.D. should know the difference between "imminent" and "eminent." I wonder what the graduates thought of it?

I did find his choice of the following words rather interesting:
"Although we can’t prevent people from making discouraging comments – We can decide for ourselves if we are going to listen to them and whether or not we are going to let them dictate our actions or control our destiny." Good advice in the generic sense, but I wonder if it was meant for the students or for certain segments of the community? At least he didn't advise the members of the class of 2013 to surround themselves with people who agree with them.

Lebo Citizens said...

This was emailed to me by a student.

"Did you listen to the commencement speech by Timmy?
Horrible, talked about frogs, it sounded like a speech that would be given to kindergarteners."


Anonymous said...

I too expect a superintendent of Mount Lebanon School District to know the difference between "imminent" and "eminent" but you must remember he didn’t know the difference between “Internment” and “interment.”

Anonymous said...

Gee 7:14, your guess is as good as mine.

We do know the cost for this change order for storm water piping for an athletic building they knew they were constructing and would need to drain the storm water somewhere.
v. GC-58-123 to Nello for $85,495 to add storm piping at west end of Athletic
Building on a time and material not to exceed basis,

So, I'd imagine an unexpected competition swimming pool for a magical frog could run into the millions.

You know if they don't save the poor little guy the MTL Environmental Sustainability Board will be all over the district. Sort of like the EPA saving the snail darter.

PS: do they need to add a drain on the west side of the building because it already sinking on that side? Or is the whole building out of plumb in that direction?

Anonymous said...

And site and cite.

Anonymous said...

Is this guy stuck on himself or what?

He posts pictures of himself like he's a Kardashian or something.

Anonymous said...

I always thought one of the lessons of the Story of the Two Frogs was that encouragement make people do better. Apparently those voices and encouragement to do better feel on deaf ears on the Master Design Team Before the HS project went to bid.

Apparently the female frog thought jumping only so high was sufficient and figured Harrisburg would save her eventually.

Anonymous said...

“I thought you were cheering me on and shouting words of encouragement. “That’s what lifted me out of the hole.”

$113 million dollars later, unable to pay for student activities and teachers, the superintendent should have listened to the taxpayers, because that may be all he leaves behind, a hole

Anonymous said...

A big hole and growing... in the community's pocketbook!

Anonymous said...

The storm water flow from the western side of the athletic building was to go to a very large underground storm water retention system to control water flow from the high school site, down Morgan to Cedar. There is a massive stormwater flow chokepoint at the Cedar/Morgan/Greenhurst itersection that cannot be fixed.

Anonymous said...

Where did the stormwater from the old tennis courts (asphalt), building C and A go?

Anonymous said...

12:21 AM The water went directly down to the main 52" diameter storm water sewer pipe system along Cedar Blvd. During heavy storms, major flooding would occur at the Cedar intersection I mentioned, because this also pipe collects and conveys water from the entire Rec Center / main park plus residential neighborhoods across and along Cedar.

For the high school project, the Municipality required the District to include a large retention system to be able to better control the overall flow from the site.

Lebo Citizens said...

I see that we are getting away from the topic of the edjamacator's commencement speech, but I want to add to 8:45's comment.
Don't feel sorry for the District. The Municipality is giving the District educational credits on the stormwater fees. Timmy was just fulfilling this year's requirements when he spoke of magical frogs stuck in wells.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Steinhauer could've spoke of the perseverance and achievements of famous Pottsburghers like:
H. J. Heinz
Andrew Carnegie
George Westinghouse
Mary Cassatt
Andy Warhol
Stephen Foster
Henry Mancini
Billy Eckstine
Rachel Carson
Nellie Bly
August Wilson
Fred Rigers
Gene Kelly
Joe Namath
Gertrude Stein
Jonas Salk and on and on.

But he draws on two magical talking frogs.

I understand he's hard at work in next years speech-- The Three Little Pigs  Hold Off the Big Bad Wolf.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I think Dr. Steinhauer should emulate that famous "Pottsburger", Fred "Rigers". Some of these comments could probably be taken more seriously if they were written in English.

Lebo Citizens said...

Here we go again. The 11:13 AM troll (yes that is the official name for someone who lurks on blogs specifically to derail blog postings) is more critical of commenters than of the $157,000 a year superintendent who gives lame commencement addresses.

Lebo Citizens said...

While we are talking about magical frogs, we might as well go with trolls too.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes magical talking frogs... serious stuff there!
Focus on minor key board fumbling errors and not the big picture.
Of course "Pottsburghers" and "Rigers" completely befuddled you and detracts from the conversation, but a doctor's misuse of mminent and eminent... hey no big deal.
One stands on a pedestal as the leader of the MTL education system. The other an unpaid stakeholder critiquing the superintendents commencement address.
Yep, you've got your priorities in order.

Anonymous said...

While speaking of priorities, I misspelled Rogers.
Celli forgot to add water feeds to chillers and boilers in bid drawings. power to pool pumps, misaligned floors by 30", solicitors and teachers union muddle contracts and the nonsense in your opinion is going on here. Ha haha ha ha.

Anonymous said...

11:13 a serious question.
When did taxpayers surrender their right to critique and criticize our public officials and civil servants?

Did I miss an important event and we've returned to those pre-Revolutionary days when we bowed to kings and queens and paid homage to the noble class? Those days when if the government wanted more taxes, more servitude -- just took it and devil to anyone that questioned why!

When there are penalties for making false or misleading statements, filing obtuse financials reports I suspect there will no longer be a need for blogs like Lebocitizens, but that day isn't here yet.

Anonymous said...

Steinhauer wrote, "The other frog somehow mustarded the strength to continue"
Mustarded? Seriously?
Here is a definition I found:

Adj. Progression:
brain dead-> vegetable-> mustarded-> retarded-> slow-> average-> intelligent-> genius

Of seemingly average intelligence but in fact so mystifyingly stupid that even retarded individuals comment. Often accompanied by the hubris of thinking one is God's gift to everything; A certain path to a Darwin Award.

This from our PhD superintendent?
The word better describes Timmy than the frog he was discussing.
How much is he being paid again?

Anonymous said...

Occasionally when I am not reading about UFO abductions and just missing Big Foot, I turn to this thing for entertainment. Since it seems to be, at the most four people, ranting and raving at everything connected to the Mt. Lebanon school board it does get stale, hearing the same drum beat over and over. It appears as though a state legislator in Washington County, has been posting comments and blogs under a number of different names. I have always suspected that Eileen does the same thing. Sometimes she uses fictitious names,like Giffen Good or Sam Adams, but I have no doubt that she is the author of 90% of the drivel that makes up this thing. Considering the fact that none of the members of the school board and most of the members of the city council completely ignore this thing, and particularly Eileen in person, one has to wonder why she bothers. This thing has absolutely no influence over anything of importance. Recently, this thing supported some people when they ran for the school board; they all lost. If anonymous bloggers were not allowed, I am sure that we would see about 4 comments a week. Oh well, it is entertaining.

Lebo Citizens said...

3:14 PM, looks like I have to starve the troll.

My name is ELAINE, not Eileen. That is your first dead giveaway, buddy. You never seem to remember my name.

Second, State Rep. Jesse White admitted to doing what a MTLSD school board member was caught doing when she spread an email using the name William Zellers. She gets caught doing lots of things, but she is made of Teflon. Nothing sticks.

Third, you had me up to ten people "blogging," but now I must have lost readership, because I am back down to four. Or did you forget that you gave me that much credit at one time?

Fourth, ALL of the school board directors and school board candidates read my blog. They may tell people at First Friday that they don't, but they do. I have the stats that prove it.

Fifth, "city council" (I guess you mean the commissioners) read this blog and up until recently, have listened to my podcasts. It has been acknowledged at the meetings.

Sixth, the Central Office checks my blog daily - sometimes ten times a day, with the most visits being after I posted the grievance dockets, that was 13 times.They are my best "customers."

So nice try. Your next one won't be published.

Now, let's get back to Timmy and his inspiring commencement speech that costs us $157,000 a year (until next month when he gets his annual raise), shall we?

Anonymous said...

3:14 you are, or should I say Elaine?, incredibalbly funny. Are you one of Elaine's fictitious characters, 3:14? If not you must be one of the other four that regularly appear here.

Of course, though you never enter or contribute to discussions, just snipe amazingly like the democratic state legislator. You're anonymous just like him.

You were asked a simple question at 1:37, cat got your witty anonymous tongue?

We do agree on one thing 3:14, it would be easier to take Dr. Steunhauer seriously if he and his staff had a command of the English language. snicker, snicker

But you keep jumping in here 3:14, you DO make it entertaining!

Anonymous said...

The correct word would be "mustered."

verb (used with object) 1. to assemble (troops, a ship's crew, etc.), as for battle, display, inspection, orders, or discharge. 2. to gather, summon, rouse (often ..."

OK class that is the lesson for today and Lebocitizens won't be raising your taxes .54 mills (2 pizzas).
See in the real world a zero mill increase is zero dollars.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Elaine to offer an invittation to your blog to the troll.
I find them rather amusing, but it is your blog and it isn't my place to invite them.

Anonymous said...

Is it "waive her off" or is it "wave her off"?

Lebo Citizens said...

Here is one. "Carefully and liberally adopted from the Story of Two Frogs" or "Carefully and liberally adapted from the Story of Two Frogs."

Anonymous said...

You know what would be hilarious? Wouldn't it be great if a couple of MTLSD English teachers graded Dr. Steinhauer's speech or adaptation as they would any other student's work? 1. We'd get to see if our educative can tell good writing from bad, and 2. How they'd grade one of their own. I doubt they'll take up the challenge. I've yet to see a teacher that likes to be evaluated. Just listen to the union opposition on teacher evaluations and merit pay.

Anonymous said...

Well, 6:20, you apparently are not acquainted with any teachers of high standards and/or quality. Teachers who do their jobs well are proud of their skill and they welcome observation, constructive criticism, and evaluation. Many would love to see this as a means to weed out those who are not performing up to expectations.

Dr. Steinhauer's speech was not lost on deaf ears as far as the staff and faculty go...imagine having to answer to him everyday! They have my sympathy.

Do you have what it takes to grade your employer and put it out there for all to see? I imagine you would do what most did in this situation...listen in disbelief and then have a good laugh about it behind his back.

Anonymous said...

7:48 actually believe it or not, I just did an online evaluation of my boss. I wasn't required to identify myself, but I suspect since each employee logged onto the same computer and the supervised set up your session... they knew who you were.
Was I as critical or negative as I could've been... No. Was I honest... Yes.

No one was asking for the teachers to identify themselves. Just a simple of grading of a speech or paper as they would any students.

But, any way I think you gave us the information we and Dr. S. need to your second paragraph. Hope the Super and the Board takes it into consideration.

Of course, your comment is heresy, hopefully it'll raise some flags.

Anonymous said...

Oh, by the way 7:48 I am acquainted with some very fine teachers - in my opinion and by legitimate education associations and publications.
You are right, professional that take pride in their work and are always striving to do better love constructive criticism.
That what I fine so strange about the unions aversion to eliminating collective bargaining.

Anonymous said...

Sorry that was suppose to be heresay, not heresy.

Anonymous said...

7:48 I will agree also with you on this.
Any Lebo teacher would be a fool to grade Steinhauer's speech here and sign their name to it.

Lebo Citizens said...

Why ask teachers? Put the Board on the spot tomorrow evening during the school board meeting. Timmy works for them, I mean us.

Anonymous said...

Let's be careful about criticizing the doc because they will go out and hire a speech writer and that might cost taxpayers more lattes and pizzas.

Anonymous said...

Oh heaven forbid, with no more $$& for pizza those "clapped put" elementary schoolers will never have the esteemed privilege of lunching with the doctor when they get to middle school.

But thankfully the board nor the administration have figured out an acceptable fee to charge them for attending.

Although, taking a cue from the major political parties they could institute $100 a plate lunches and fairy tale story times with the Superintendent.

Lebo Citizens said...

Clapped put?

Anonymous said...

8:07....hearsay, hmmmm. Red flag?? The powers that be don't give a flying fig about any of this. He is a puppet and they hold the strings

Anonymous said...

Clapped out apparently at some of elementary schools is a procession where the younger students clap for the 'graduating' fitb graders. See the right hand column of the district site.
Never heard of it before.

Lebo Citizens said...

I see that "clapped put" was a typo. Here is the link to the last day of school tradition at Markham also known as a "clap out."

Anonymous said...

9:50 looking at the superintendents blog he always has a personal photographer, so why not a ghost writer?

Anonymous said...

He may very well have one. Maybe he needs a proof reader?

Anonymous said...

I know I do, but I'd have to pay them out of my own pocket if I hired one.