Friday, June 21, 2013

Big deal. Ours gets a $1,000 bonus!

Upper St. Clair High School principal named principal of the year
The Pennsylvania Association of Elementary and Secondary School Principals named Upper St. Clair High School principal Michael P. Ghilani its 2013 principal of the year.
Big deal.  Don't they have their priorities straight? Our school board certainly does. Our high school principal got the coveted Award for Construction Excellence.  Can Upper St. Clair make that claim? Hardly. People move to Mt. Lebanon for the schools.


Anonymous said...

They should have called it the Deaf, Dumb & Blind Bonus.
They turned a deaf ear to taxpayers and the CAC.
The were dumb to ignore the initial soil surveys
Then they're obviously blind not to see that floors don't meet, walls aren't plumb, pumps and scoreboards have no electrical feeds, chillers and boilers have no water lines.
Than than those few "incidents" our five are doing a bang up job riding herd on this project!

Anonymous said...

They are the high school palace guards each named Sgt. Schultz reporting to Herr Dr. Prof Gruppenfuhrer Steinhauer along with the platoon of magic frogs.

Anonymous said...

The trombone professor is the pied piper of the high school fraud cabal

Anonymous said...

USC gets it, while MTL gets theirs

Anonymous said...

"A district press release today said his "open door policy" has helped to foster communication ..." (PG Story)

'nuf said

Anonymous said...

Two items.
#1. PAWC issued a conserve water alert because of a power outage for the South Hills.
At 2:30 the high school is washing the dirt off Horsman Drive.
#2. the athletic wing is four months behind schedule, but they doesn't seem to be any activity showing on the exterior on camera 2 on the district renovation page.