Sunday, June 16, 2013

Two hours and fifteen minutes later...

Remember this post on June 11, 2013?

I posted it at 1:26 PM. Two hours and fifteen minutes later, Tim Steinhauer updated his blog with this.

Examples of the new water fountains being placed throughout the renovation.

That's it. That is all he put on his blog. Is Timmy showing us the water fountains that were referenced in #6 of the anonymous letter? Is he telling us that they have chillers? I can't tell. I don't have the construction training that our superintendent has.


Anonymous said...

I don't believe they have chillers, but they sure are nice and shiney... now.

Wonder who is going to clean and polish them on a daily basis?

Anonymous said...

Are these it, Elaine? They're labeled Non-Refrigerated.

Anonymous said...

2 fountains accounted for - only 146 more to go.

Lebo Citizens said...

Yes, those look like it.
Since there are no more pizza lunches until after Labor Day, Tim can blog about water fountains 73 more times. I am looking forward to pics of his private bathroom. Any guesses if his water fountain has a chiller?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it would be best to call 412 344-2077 or 412 344-2092 and ask? Either Dr. Steinhauer or Mr. Marciniak should be able to provide any caller with the answer to 12:05's question. Be sure to ask if ANY new fountains in the administrative or athletic areas provide anything other than tap water. Otherwise, the community may just have to wait until the first day the public is allowed in the building: whenever that is. Does anyone know when the new area(s) will be placed into operation? THAT is the bigger question!

Anonymous said...

Elaine, The super Super only had a $28,800,000 cost over run to spend, then he ran into a referendum, so he could not put chilled water in the high school water fountains. Besides cooling water uses energy and the ESB might frown at him for not saving the planet so we have these shinny new water fountains for a couple of years and when the shine wears off we are left with a costing decision that denies our teachers cold water during the work day. Maybe we can put the energy savings toward the teacher grievance.

Anonymous said...

In the construction update they said the new gyms won't be available before November, in response to a question by Mr. Lebowitz if they were on schedule for the first day of classes.

Anonymous said...

4:25 PM Do you recall that PJ Dick prepared and the District made what are known as Gantt charts - project time schedules - available for the entire project, building by building, trade by trade, from beginning to end over the 46 month or so project period ?

If you or others can find and retrieve those schedules, you will be able to determine precisely where and what is and is not on schedule when construction updates are presented.

Bill Lewis

Lebo Citizens said...

Bill, is this what you are looking for? MTL HS Construction Schedule

Anonymous said...

Gannt Charts are the bain of every government entity!
Constance Spicuous Consumtion

Anonymous said...

Just 16 months into the project and they are behind schedule by 25% -- 6th floor bldg B was to be ready for occupancy by mid-Feb. 2013.

Center Court-
"16 of 41"

"Yesterday, I had the opportunity to join the police and fire chiefs, Steve Feller and Keith McGill on their first high school project site tour. The project is now 16 months into the 41-month schedule and there is significant progress in both the new construction as well as the renovation portions. Here are some photos from our visit."


Anonymous said...

11:31, it's bane not bain use your brain! Too much mustard for you?
Haven't you seen Batman?

Anonymous said...

Yes Elaine, that's it !

While marked "Preliminary", the District may have revised some line items in the project schedule or even all of it. If so, they should explain why. AIA contracts with each of the multiple (rather than single) prime contractors likely contain and specify monetary penalties for certain kinds and causes of schedule delays.

It might also be well to find and post the District resolution to PDE advocating single prime contracting before they switched to multiple prime because of alleged cost savings. We may be at or fast approaching the point in the project where a delay caused by one prime can cause real scheduling and cost-adding problems with the following primes. If & when this happens, all hell can break loose and claims and even lawsuits result.

Bill Lewis

Lebo Citizens said...

Bill, much has been written on this blog about multiple prime vs.single prime contracts. Here are two posts.


Lebo Citizens said...

Bill, here are the meeting minutes from the meeting where it was decided to go with multiple prime contracts.,%202011%20board%20meeting%20summary.pdf

Anonymous said...

Read JoPo's doublespeak here:

Lebo Citizens said...

Oh yeah, I remember that now. I loved how Tom Moertel was able to leave her a comment.
There it is, because the CAC recommended single prime, they decided to do just the opposite.

Anonymous said...

148 water fountains in 74 pairs with what seems to be only a 6 to 8 inch height difference between water dispensers? The lower fountain seems to be for K-5 school ages (it's a high school!) but not likely accessible for those in wheelchairs? Are there chillers for each fountain or pair ? Embedded and inaccessible inside the wall behind?

Please don't tell us this is another example of a Celli ready-fire-aim !

Anonymous said...

If the fountains are not designed to provide cooled drinking water, the savings are significant in the following areas. First, initial purchase and installation costs should be less. Second, water consumption will be less due to lack of interest in a less desirable product. Third, since they won't be used as much, cleaning and maintenance labor should be less. From another perspective, Potential revenue derived from the sale of bottled water may become a bonus funding source. Finally, if this choice proves less than desirable, they can always be replaced with traditional water fountains purchased with capital improvement funds.

Anonymous said...

Apparently these type of fountains can be supplied with chilled water from a remote location. Are they, who knows?

Anonymous said...

The water supply is from the Wisconsin Glacial Flow.
The only problem is, when students take a drink, the Point Park fountain dips.

Anonymous said...

Dear 1:12, The phrase "the bain of my existence" is an old saying that basically means you are the source of my misery. It is really not used so much in the present. You would use this phrase when describing an irritating person or thing. Sounds like a description of you. Thanks,

Anonymous said...

Connie, 1:12 here.
The correct spelling is bane, meaning something that — maybe slightly melodramatically — ruins one’s life. Bain, on the other hand, is a French word for bath.
Take a bain it will help your brain. Pass the mustard!