Monday, June 17, 2013

What will they think of next?

How about construction merit supplements? This one is new to me.  On tonight's personnel report:


To be awarded to the following:
Ronald Davis
Janice Klein
Brian McFeeley
Richard Marciniak
Jeffrey Kaiser

This would never have been made public since the personnel report shows up like this on the agenda:

*(1) Monthly Personnel Report: RESOLVED, That the Board approves the June 6, 2013, list of personnel changes, as revised June 13, 2013.
Both Timmy and Elaine discussed the reason why this merit pay was given to the five employees. All five have been working extra hard saving us money on the high school project. You can listen to their explanations at approximately the 29 minute mark on Lebo Citizens.

Is this where the $5,000 increase in student parking fees went to? According to the budget reduction concepts pdf, student parking was increased from $50 to $75 for $5,000. 

Folks, what does it take to stop this Board?  


Anonymous said...

OK... show of hands whose going to be writing checks or volunteering long hours to the PK fund raising campaign?

Its all for the kids-- doncha know!

Anonymous said...

In a way you have to admire Jan Kline - she's as clever as Michael Dell when it comes to crafting a deal that'll fill her pockets! The problem is what happens to the rest of us who have to pay for it.

Anonymous said...

Correction- who's not whose in 10:48 comment.

Anonymous said...

"The amount of time and energy that organizations invest in an attempt to make performance measurable for merit pay, including developing competencies, measurements, base lines for performance, and so forth, is better spent on delivering service for customers."

Anonymous said...

C'mon, step right up to the microphone Mike Crossey, PSEA president, and tell us how Gov. Corbett needs to send MTLSD more money for education.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Just wow!

I would have thought we were paying these people nice salaries to do their jobs!

Granted $1,000 is not a huge sum, but these people are paid SALARIES to work the hours needed to do their jobs. Their ain't no overtime in salaried jobs. And certainly, taxpayers should NOT be on the hook for bonuses paid to employees who are simply doing their job.

Good point about the parking fees, Elaine. Not only did the Board decide to charge fees to the kids parking to get their education, but they are turning around and awarding those fees to salaried administrators who get paid to do what they have already been doing.

Who comes up with this stuff? I wonder who sat in an executive session and said, "Hey, you know what would be great? Why don't we give bonuses to some salaried employees who have been working on this high school project?"

If I was on the Board, I would have said, "HELL NO".

And you just wait, Tim will get his bonus and bump real soon. The board thinks he is doing a wonderful job.

Anonymous said...

Just what are these people being rewarded for?

The project is at months behind schedule, nowhere near the under $100,000,000 they said it would cost. We have misaligned floors, walls out plum, unlevel gyms and these stewards of our interest are being rewarded.

Anonymous said...

Taxpayer 1: These are the dedicated employees that were able to take thousands of square feet of unnecessary new construction and many other unnecessary items out of the project when it was over budget.

Taxpayer 2: OK, these are also the dedicated employees that put in thousands of square feet of unnecessary new construction and many other unnecessary items which took it over budget.

Taxpayer 1: Good point.

Anonymous said...

An observation.
Why didn't senior assistant superintendent and veteran of several MTLSD renovations get a bonus?
Is she just a vestigial employee bidding her time and padding her pension plan or is she not a Steinhauer team player in this train wreck?
Her absence on the ist is curious.

Lebo Citizens said...

6:20 AM, I thought about that too. I think it may have been too obvious for an assistant superintendent of ELEMENTARY grades to get a bonus for a high school project. Or it could be what you said. Or all of the above. :)