Friday, June 14, 2013

Another lie, Mrs. Cappucci? UPDATED

Remember this? Updated List of High School Change Orders 01/22/13

Dan Remely mentioned at last night's meeting (which was televised this evening) that "the blogs" have lists of numbers for change orders. Just numbers, with no explanations given. In the small space that is available, that is all I can do. I post the agendas which provide the explanations. Dan spoke of a detailed list that will be on the School District website. When he questioned the availability of that list, President Cappucci replied that the list has not been developed. So I guess we are just stuck with a list of numbers.

How about this one from Mary Birks? New change orders added UPDATED 02/16/13
Pretty funny how Mary Birks asked about the list of change orders at Monday's meeting. She was surprised to hear that there is no list published on the School District website, not even under "High School Renovation." Mr. Marciniak said that they were waiting for a list from the architect. Meanwhile, a complete list is sitting in "The Book of Klein" that is displayed at every meeting. Not only do "the blogs" have a running total of change orders in the sidebar, "the blogs" provide a photographed copy of Jan Klein's change order list. Shouldn't Mr. Marciniak know about Jan Klein's list? If the list exists in the book that is not allowed to leave the library, why can't that file be posted on the District website?

This was after I posted The Book of Klein on Lebo Citizens. 02/12/13

Fast forward to June 10, 2013. I filed a Right To Know and got this list. Change orders 061113 There has been a list all along, but it has not been shared on the School District website, available to us. I compared what has been shown on the agendas to this list and see that Jan Klein began rounding up or down. A couple of change orders have been combined.

Looking at the list of change orders to be approved on Monday, a change has been made since last week's list.
h. EL-31-110 to Farfield for $23,395 to add low voltage wire to all scoreboard equipment and to add power to three time clocks and four pace clocks in Athletic Building,
That is a reduction of $1,857.  I will update my list after Monday's meeting to reflect that change.

So to Susan Morgans, Cissy Bowman, Laura Pace Lilley, Mary Birks, Elaine Cappucci, Mike Riemer, and anyone else out there who trash talks this blog, you are stuck with Lebo Citizens for getting up to date information.


Anonymous said...

It takes a lot of mustard to try and stay ahead of Lebo Citizens

Anonymous said...

The one thing that has always been consistent with your blog, is your hatred of certain types of women. Regardless of what you are complaining about, you always have a list of women that you pillory. The classic misogynist is usually a man, but there are exceptions, usually a woman who is incredibly unattractive and insecure. At first I thought your rants were focused on the school board, but when you started on one of the Mt. Lebanon Commissioners, I then realized that you hate a particular type of woman. You obviously hate women who represent everything you are not. The women you vilify are intelligent, well educated, articulate, well groomed, exhibit leadership qualities and, above all, are interesting people. None of these thing apply to you.

Lebo Citizens said...

Thank you. You are too kind.
And yes, I do have a list of women that I "pillory." I forgot to add Josephine Posti to that list. Suprisingly, I have a list of men who I complain about too. All have something in common. They are liars and/or bullies.

Let's get back to the subject at hand. There IS a list of change orders that is not available to the public.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone remember how the change orders were handled for the elementary and middle schools renovations? Which I will mention isn’t paid off yet.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous June 14, 2013 at 3:39 PM:

A letter from the PA Auditor General’s Office of Special Investigations dated December 14, 2006 was sent to Mr. Joseph Rodella, President, Board of Directors, Mt. Lebanon School District as a result of a complaint alleging improprieties in connection with the elementary school renovations.

The gist of the allegations made in a complaint (it is not known who originated the complaint) was that a fairly substantial cost overrun was attributable to improprieties in the use of change order procedure, a standard feature of construction contracts. The investigation concluded that the district had failed to exercise control in areas of the contracting process.

The conclusion was that the Board should adopt a written policy that is acceptable for designated district officials to approve change orders during the course of a construction project. The policy should include, at a minimum, which official or officials are assigned the authority, the dollar limit that each official is authorized to approve, how change orders must be reported to the Board, and the process for submitting change orders for payment. The policy is to be revisited with each new project and new members of the Board should be fully informed of the process. This recommendation was made so that all change order transactions would be more transparent to the entire district community. The Office of Special Investigations requested a copy of the new policy after the Board has adopted it.

-Charlotte Stephenson

Anonymous said...

The change orders must be reported to the Pa. Department of Education on an interim basis using the Plan Con Part I form. You could file a RTK request with PDE to find out how up to date the PlanCon filings are.

Hint to Mrs. Cline, Plan Con Part I needs to be filed during the construction process.

Anonymous said...

2:32's post is extremely interesting, they've formed an opinion, applied some amateur psychology, looked up some big words... and that's that!
Whomever they are addressing apparently doesn't meet the criteria of the desirable MTL woman in their eyes and will never adorn the pages of MTL's Seen Column.
They've defined for us all what the acceptable, intelligent, attractive, well-dressed woman should be. Either you meet their benchmarks or you're a woman-hater.
No, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, no IQ test results, no resumes. You either belong to the clique, or you don't.
Unfortunately, apparently they believe plagiarism is an indicator of a brilliant mind, but to each their own.
There are people in this community that have open minds, accept people for what they look like, how they dress and relish the opportunity to engage in conversation and discussion. 2:32 just doesn't happen to be one of them. Sad!

Anonymous said...

The way to be featured in the MtL magazine SEEN article is to appear at the podium, in a public meeting, and tell folks you support a project the is $28,800,000 overpriced even though you are incapable of citing any facts to support your opinion. "What the Kluck," you might even be cover material, Anon. 2:32.

Lebo Citizens said...

Susan, I updated this post. You can thank 2:32 PM.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it the philosophy of the MTL beautiful, intelligent woman to only surround onesself with people that think you?

Anonymous said...

Isn't it the philosophy of the MTL beautiful, intelligent woman to only surround onesself with people that think [like] you?

Anonymous said...

2:32 you might want to think about this quote by Oscar Wilde....
“I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.”

Not only don't you understand what you are saying, you're so full of yourself you have no idea or care to understand anyone else either!

Anonymous said...

2:32 should be thanked for so clearly pointing out why bullying (especially among our girls) is out of control in our schools.
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
2:32 thinks the discussion here are so critical because (she believes) Elaine and others are jealous of her "intelligent, well educated, articulate, groomed" women.
So very sad, this is this woman's hole universe, this is her big contribution to the conversation here.
It all boils down to protecting her id!

Richard Gideon said...

Trolls post here for the express purpose of yanking chains to see who barks.

Suggestion: Don't bark!

Anonymous said...

It is too bad Susan Stroyd Morgans doesn't have the moral standards to do anything better to do with her time but play back-stabbinbg politics with the editors at the Post-Gazette. If she had a solid moral compass she wouldn't have to back-stab this blog and pester the Post-Gazette editors.

Get lost Susan! Take the garbage magazine and the garbage fee with you.

Lebo Citizens said...

Thank you, Richard. I heard from a few more and am not posting them. The people I have difficulties with, are bullies and liars. It just so happens that we have some elected officials, not all, who are bullies. The PTA meetings have sent women home in tears. It is a major problem here.

The issue that I am trying to address here is the lack of transparency coming from our bullies and liars on the school board. I can't get a detailed budget. I can't get MTLSD to publish a list of change orders on their website. I spend my days trying to find legal documents concerning "The Grievance." It is difficult getting a straight answer concerning raises. And it is happening with the municipality now since I never got them to put up the Sports Advisory Board video where they bullied a WOMAN because she wanted money to be spent on something other than turf. We have Susan Morgans and company bullying everybody, including the PG. I removed personal information from that RTK I filed. It didn't pertain to me, so I redacted that part of her email. Cissy Bowman responded to her too, which I have not shared.

The situation in Mt. Lebanon, as I see it, is that we have both men and women in leadership roles who are abusing the system. Call it vitriole. "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn."

Lebo Citizens said...

The question everyone should be asking is, "Why isn't the District publishing the change order list?" It is available, just not to us.

Richard Gideon said...

No problem - my "Don't bark" comment was generic in nature.

Small town (or small city) politics is the worst. Residents are reluctant to take-on those that constitute the local government, and those that constitute the local government are usually not afraid of their constituents. In both cases the reasons are the same: everyone is close and known. But sometimes things change for the better. Here's a case in point from our neighbors in New Jersey: "Attempted Land Grab Ends With Voters Booting Entire City Council."

Locally, although the Commission has its problems, the District is by far much worse. Its lack of transparency is stunning, and it has taken the art of obfuscation to new highs.

Anonymous said...

Note to 2:32 PM: You forgot to add that the women you describe are stuck on themselves, too. ML would be better off without them; they think they know everything and that their opinions are the only ones that count.

Most taxpayers don't appreciate such attitudes. Making the hard decisions is one thing; acting like know-it-alls is something else.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Richard while usually agree with you on most topics here, there is something scary and sinister about people like 2:32 and they best not be ignored. History is rife with examples of where such self-perceived superiority leads.

I hear 2:32 and her accompanying gaggle with their penchant  for fairy tales possess a magic mirror which they  asks every day: "Magic mirror in my hand, who is the fairest in the land?". The mirror always replies: "My Queens you ladies are the fairest, smartest and best dressed in all of Lebo land. It is your destiny to rule over those less fortunate than you."

Anonymous said...

6:35 a.m. I have a girl at Mellon and I am wondering what you are talking about when you say that bullying in Lebo, especially re: girls is "out of control". What do you mean? Is there evidence, or is this just rumor and conjecture?

Lebo Citizens said...

5:56 PM, this is another one of those situations where specifics cannot be given. I will not publish names of students who are bullying. I am reasonably sure your daughter could name names. Ask her.

Anonymous said...

Short memories? From bloglebo:

Officials report that every seven minutes a school child is bullied nationwide, but most parents don't know how serious the problem is.

All parents from around the southwestern Pennsylvania region are invited to join host Sally Wiggin of WTAE Channel 4 Action News and Highmark Healthy High 5, an initiative of the Highmark Foundation, for a town hall meeting on the issue of bullying.

The event will be held Tuesday, Oct. 7 at 7:30 p.m. at Mt. Lebanon High School.

A distinguished panel of experts in bullying prevention will share compelling information about children who are bullied, those who bully, as well as those who are merely bystanders to bullying. The meeting will be open for questions from parents. The meeting will offer tips on how to talk to your children about bullying.


Anonymous said...

No need to name names... Just do a search on the local blogs and the districts attention to the problem of bullying. Certainly a lot of space given to the topic.
Ask SB candidate Reimer if there is a problem or not.

Anonymous said...

There's been an intense bullying atmosphere in the District for a long time! My oldest graduated in 2005 and was bullied from grades 6-12. A certain administrator made sure the "Bully," was scheduled in at least 2 of my child's classes EVERY semester. This is one of the ways the district gets rid of "less than perfect kids", that don't fit into being a Mt. Lebo kid robot that is different. Not every kid is "Bubble" in the district. My second daughter said she wouldn't come back here to live in a million years. My two kids can think for themselves and recognize narrow mindedness when they see it!

Anonymous said...

To get back on topic.
In the construction update it was said the the contingency spending for change orders is on par with the project completion rate. I took that to mean everything is about on schedule, spending is fine and expected and then Mr. Lebowitz ask if the new gym will be ready for the start of school in the fall.
The response was no, it won't be ready until November at the earliest.
So how can project spending be on the time table and the actual project be behind schedule?
Another question, supposedly the old gym will be still available, how about the old pool?
And if you can't close down the old gym, you can't convert it to that new cafeteria, so the old cafeteria have to stay open. Meaning Building C doesn't come down.
But not to worry, our Super will be providing us with pictures.

Anonymous said...

Deja vu?

John David Kendrick said...

Wow! That comment at 2:32 is unbelievable! I am going to file a RTK and see what websites various municipal staff were viewing around the time when that post appeared. It would be interesting to see what web pages are viewed and for how long while on taxpayer time .

One of the cool things about Fox News is that they showed the world that you can be a stunning, drop-dead gorgeous babe with conservative views and Christian values.

Please hold your head high Elaine. There is nothing sexier and more attractive to a man than an intelligent woman who stands on her conservative convictions.

Lebo Citizens said...

I'm not going for sexy, but thanks, I guess.
Anyone can file a RTK about Ms. Morgans. Word on the street is that she has even taken issue with the PG for having Mt. Lebanon in the same paper as McKeesport. I know that her partners in crime have also harassed the Trib over little things too.
This may be the appropriate time to pass on this LeboAlert.

This is an important notice from LeboALERT.

Please help commissioners set priorities for the 2014 budget by completing a short survey:


Anonymous said...

Here's a suggestion for the commissioners. Government shouldn't be in the magazine or news media business.
Not at the federal level, state level, or local level!

Anonymous said...

Hate to break it to 2:32, but in one guys opinion the women on either governing body aren't all that stunning, all that fashionable and show little evidence in my opinion of being all that intelligent. I'm pretty sure we won't be seeing a Playboy pictorial of "MTL's Governing Bodies" (pun intended) any time soon.
I mean can you see the typical bio now..
"Hi I'm Buffy. I enjoy fine wine, music, good books and building new schools and parks. I love to spend money and hang with my gal pals creating a sense ofcommunity. I hate people that delve too far into my business and question me and have no problem telling them so!"

Of course, all of the above are a matter of personal taste which makes 2:32 so absurd. They think THEY are the judge that determines who is lovely.
Should they have any special influence in governmental affairs, that makes them dangerous.

Lebo Citizens said...

1:20 PM, I certainly don't like them trying to control the media.

Isn't this when someone writes into say that I have unhealthy obsession with Susan Morgans and the magazine and that I need counseling? If anything, I think Susan Morgans has an unhealthy obsession toward anyone who appears to be a threat to her little empire. She is rude, back stabbing, and needs to be reminded of our constitutional rights. She is not queen of Mt. Lebanon.

But I digress. This is thread is about change orders. Our school board will approve all the change orders tomorrow. All I can do is hope that another anonymous letter comes through to expose these clowns, I mean, articulate, well groomed, intelligent leaders of our community.

Lebo Citizens said...

*in to, not into.

Anonymous said...

The problem with a muni run publiction is that the editorial content is dictated by people on the muni payroll. Hardly unbiased information.
Let's take for instance someone wants to turf fields and the Rec Dept supports the initiative.
Then you have a possibility where the PIO scratches the Rec Depts back, expecting the Rec Dept to return the favor at a later date.

Anonymous said...

The Rec. Dept. Director had his street paved recently.
He also got s $5,000 raise last year.