Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Celebrate Fiscal Responsibility Day

Here is an idea for the School Board, for what it's worth.  Change the April 28, 2011 Groundbreaking Ceremony to "Celebrate Fiscal Responsibility Day."  Show the community that we are all in this together.  We're not fear mongers, hijackers, anti kids, obstructionists, anti sports, or naysayers as we have been called in the past year.  We want what is best for the community too.  Let this be a wake up call and turn this into an opportunity to unite the community.  Come up with a good plan and let's get the high school renovated at a cost that is more in line with our economic situation. We can't say that we didn't see this coming.  I still have the link to the August 9, 2010 presentation on  This would be a good start.

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