Friday, May 18, 2012

Now on to Numero Uno Change Order

According to the Construction Manager's Update, there are a few "Construction Challenges To Date" listed.

Existing Utility Interference with Foundations
Rerouting of Fine Arts Theatre Sanitary Line To Outside Science Building Footprint
Storm Line Relocation To Allow Drilled Pier Construction To Continue
Installation Of Water Line North Of Athletic Facility
If we only knew someone connected with the Water Company.  Has anyone ever heard of PA 811 Call Before You Dig, the Pennsylvania One Call System?  They break it.  We pay it?

Requirement to Import Materials
The moisture content of the excavations currently stockpiled on the practice field is too high to properly compact for use as structural fill. We are in the process of working out change order language with Nello Construction.

Remember this? We knew back in 2005 that the soil was wrong based on the soil borings. From the podcast, I got these numbers.

The cost of the new materials for suitable fill is $350,000.
The amount of voluntary credits for the old fill is $125,000.
The net amount of the change order is $225,000.

What is interesting is that $225,000 is approximately what we have spent so far on the Public Safety Building, another Nello work of art completed ten years ago. That was never right from the beginning.

So on Monday evening, the board will be approving its first change order with Nello Construction - you know, the company who was $8 million cheaper or 20% lower than the next bidder.  I believe they were able to save the project from going to referendum.  Pick up the phone, folks.  Make the call.


Anonymous said...

Gee, maybe we should pay closer attention to some of those anonymous post!
This one on Bloglebo was quite the soothsayer...

 Anonymous said...
If you think the.. what is the current amount spent on the pool to date - $245,000? a sad joke, wait till the spigots open for the high school remodeling/rebuild.
It is ironic that a majority of residents seemed to feel that this project should have been a part of the H.S. project. Let see the boar ignored the people on Sablegate, then the pool, perhaps they'll listen when the new members come on board. We can only hope.
OCTOBER 27, 2005 3:49 PM

So what did the new board do... planned to put the new high schools pool in the exact same expensive spot! Do we ever learn?
Giffen Good

Anonymous said...

Let's tally the waste of money.
Twin Hills purchase: $1,000,000
McNielly purchase $1,500,000
Sablegate $550,000
HS parking lawsuit: $28,000 legal fees
Natatorium failed design: $245,000
YSA missing contributions: $50,000
Poor HS soil: $225,000

Nearly $4,000,000 sucked out of pocketbooks for what? We have lousy fields according to some, need to borrow to pave streets and implement a fee (really a tax) to handle rain water and what are people upset about... whether Gif is a real person!

Our elected officials come and go, none of the SB that planned the failed natatorium are still on board, the commissioners are fairly new and we still have decision like selling signs with no clue as to who will manage those sales.

Then you have a commissioner, Linfante proclaiming: "we're not reinventing the wheel here". Well Ms. Lindante thus anonymous poster is suggesting maybe it is time to reinvent it because the current one isn't working very efficiently!

Giffen Good

Anonymous said...

Forgot, when the school board was creating it's list of cuts and revenue generation ideas, why wouldn't number one be collected YSA money we're suppose to be collecting?
Giffen Good

Lebo Citizens said...

You forgot the part about the Public Safety Building. It was never built correctly and WE are paying for the mistakes. Nello Construction was responsible for that fiasco and if that name sounds familiar it is because they are doing the high school project. We have had police officers out of service to due accidents from the faulty construction. It is either too hot or too cold. Now, the school board is going to approve its first change order for Nello.
Yet, I am the hypocrite. Josephine Posti said that I have hate in my heart. Franklin said I have alienated myself from the SB and now the Commission. I have Chip coming to my door saying that everything is paid in full. And YSA has a plan even though their IRS Form 990's don't match Jan Klein's numbers. But I have people wishing ME good luck (Franklin)and are praying for me (Posti). What a world!

Lebo Citizens said...

Giffen, I wrote to the commission and school board and advised them to pick the low hanging fruit-the outstanding YSA contributions. I never got a response from any school board members. For the record, Matt Kluck and Kelly Fraasch were the only elected officials to acknowledge my email.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what to tell you Elaine, I can only make observations and offer suggestions.
I think Ms. Linfante's wheel makes for a good analogy, except that her only solution is to throw money at all our problems.
We've been adding more and mire grease to the wagon wheels for years. The problem though is that the teamsters and old horses are demanding more and more feed and needing more and more healthcare.
Couple that with people throwing more and more freight on an old wagon with no more space and desperately in need of routine maintenance.
So yes, Ms. Linfante while we may not need to reinvent the wheel, it's high time we reevaluate whether it wise to keep throwing more and more money into keeping the old wagon running or examine getting a new one.
To do that everything needs to be looked at. What do we NEED it to do? How much carrying capacity do we forsee? And do we really want a surrey with the fringe on top?
It's obvious that the commissioners that voted for the sign amendment weren't looking at the whole wagon, otherwise they would've or at minimum worked out where the money was going.
Giffen Good

Lebo Citizens said...

More on the Public Safety Building problems:

*problem with heat and air-conditioning; the building is either too hot or too cold because there are no computers controlling the systems (the
commissioners know about this during their retreat and called Tom Kelley to complain about the heat). My information suggests both units are operating continuously, which results in unneeded utility costs.

*windows still leak and damaging plaster and wood; there is a concern about potential mold problems from this.

*the building's barrel roof blew off and had to be redone. There also were no snow guards originally; at one point the ice got so bad that it tore the lights off the sides of the building.

*the building needs to be painted

Some believe ML has up to 12 years to go back to contractor with problems, but the solicitor disagrees!

On a related matter, there is a 3-year-old fire truck that was delivered with the wrong axle. The manufacturer is Precision. Should the taxpayers
have to pay for the replacement axle, too?

Lebo Citizens said...

I have been told that Mt.Lebanon had two years to report any problems after taking ownership of the building. After that,there was no warranty.