Sunday, June 24, 2012

From a long silent voice

Elaine, Would you please consider publishing my email (below) to you? Good luck and from the silent majority, thank you.
Hello Elaine,

It’s been a while. I would like to thank you and the others who have sacrificed so much of their time, experience and insight to inform our community about so many of the problems in Mt Lebanon. One thing that is very clear is that our community has a number of very serious matters that need to be corrected by competent leadership and qualified management.

Something else that has become very clear is that the battle has now come to you. Have you noticed that “the other website” stopped posting comments? Have you also noticed that actors from all of the factions in the community are chiming-in on the colorful commentary on your site? The simple truth is that they all fear you Elaine. They know that you and the others who are contributing to your cause have the means to end the madness and permanently change the direction of Mt. Lebanon. If they didn’t believe that you have this power in your hands then they wouldn’t be here, they wouldn’t be listening and they wouldn’t be trying to define the rules of the game – their game, that they want you to play.

Please don’t play their game Elaine. Instead, focus your energy on developing new leadership for the community. Form a leadership that has the vision and the strength to appoint qualified management who will translate your vision into a meaningful strategy that will restore the founding values that made Mt Lebanon great for so many years.

You’ve communicated the burning platform and established a sense of urgency. You’ve energized the silent majority who share your values. Please plan, organize and get out the vote. Both parties have fragmented leadership and very little infrastructure. Nobody may have told you that you hold the destiny of the community in your hands Elaine, but I just did.

God bless you and from the silent majority, thank you.


John David Kendrick


Jack Mulliken said...

I agree.

Anonymous said...

Really, the destiny of the community is in one bloggers hands? While he wrote a nice letter to you, Mr. Kendrick, tends to the absurd!

Anonymous said...

6:43 if you study history you will find that media can play a very big role in influencing public affairs.
Perhaps you missed William Randolf Hearst's role in the Spanish American War. Sometimes referred to asthe "Media War."
Now while I doubt we'll be seeing Roosevelt or even a Delano charging up Stadium Drove Hill and could possibly see changes in the make up of the school board and commission come next election.
Don't forget what also recently happened in Wisconsin.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Elaine couln't figure where to put this because parking issue isn't front and center.

From AOL:
"New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg proposed an interesting idea for discouraging speeding: Public shaming.
[Maybe that the way o collect on unpaid parking tickets!]

Bloomberg, frustrated with the state legislature's unwillingness to vote on proposed speed-cameras that would be placed in the city's most dangerous intersections, voiced his idea on his radio show on Friday in order to slow down speeders and keep residents safe.

"We'll put up their names and pictures someplace," he said. "Maybe we can shame them, and we should look at that, because if Albany is not going to let us do this stuff, we've got to save lives."

Lebo Citizens said...

Hopefully, the parking ticket issue will be front and center soon. Steve Feller has until June 29 to deny or grant my RTK asking for the names.