My son and I were invited to attend the festivities in Carnegie Park on Forsythe Road, the new home of Pitcher Park Memorial Skatepark. Since Joe designed the logo for Pitcher Park, he was presented an autographed poster from Tony Hawk. There will be skate decks made with his logo, but in the meantime, shirts were passed out to all the attendees of the event. What a thrill for Mom!

We were hoping Mary Pitcher would choose Mt. Lebanon, but as it turns out, the enthusiasm from the residents of all ages, the council and mayor of Carnegie was overwhelming. It is a sweet deal. 85% of the $600,000 cost of the skatepark will be donated. 15% has to be raised initially in order to receive the donation. Here in Mt. Lebanon, Dave Brumfield said at the Pitcher presentation that it should come here because we're Mt. Lebanon. As soon as Mary heard that, she crossed her legs and turned her back to him and said,"Here we go." It is that kind of attitude in Mt. Lebanon that gives us a bad name. You know, that sense of entitlement and arrogance that I have been writing about here on the blog.
Carnegie deserves this park. I am so thrilled that Pitcher Park will be built there. In this town, it is all about turf and forget about anything else.
Here is the press release:
It's been four years but when Dormont turned the opportunity away, Mary Pitcher did not have to go very far to find three communities that welcomed the idea of a memorial skatepark.
The Ken and Carol Shultz Family Foundation challenged Pitcher Park to reach out to the communities surrounding Dormont to see if there was interest and offered to donate 85 percent of the cost of the approximately $600,000 skatepark. Mt. Lebanon, Scott Township and Carnegie were approached with the idea. All three communities were asked to discuss and then approve the skatepark. Open meetings were held in each community to give residents a chance to voice their opinions. Every community approached approved and welcomed the project.
The lead designer, Micah Shapiro from Grindline Skateparks of Seattle Washington then came to Pittsburgh to view each site allotted by the various communities. Mt. Lebanon offered land in the Main Park above the basketball courts. Scott Township offered two tennis courts on the lower level of the park by their baseball fields. Carnegie offered about six different locations within their park.
Many factors came into play while making a decision between the three communities.. Among them were: Topography of the sites, location and accessibility, "at-risk" youth factors, ability to patrol and maintain the park and enthusiasm from the communities for the project.
Pitcher Park found that Carnegie made the grade in all these aspects.
The designer came to the conclusion that topographically Carnegie Park land would make for the most interesting design and flow to the skatepark.
The accessibility of Carnegie Park right off the Parkway, close to 79, close to the communities of Dormont, Greentree, the City of Pittsburgh, Crafton, Scott Township, Heidleberg and Mt. Lebanon would allow many different people to use the skatepark.
The skatepark being placed in Carnegie will assist many "at risk" youth and this coincides with the Tony Hawk Foundations Mission Statement.
The Police Chief there is very much in favor of "getting the children off the streets and sidewalks" and we have been assured that they will patrol the skatepark diligently.
The clincher of our decision was the enthusiasm of the "kid & family friendly" Council, the residents themselves and especially Mayor Jack Kobistek, who even requested that Pitcher Park holds competitions there yearly.
It has been a long haul for this organization just trying to donate a skatepark but the people of Carnegie have made the organization and project feel "AT HOME" and because of that we are confident that this location is the "right place" to erect a skatepark to honor Vincent and Stephen Pitcher.
Carnegie is the future site of Pitcher Park Memorial Skatepark and we will be announcing the location and holding a brief unveiling of a sign on Thursday August 23 at 7:00 PM with much over due....EXCITEMENT! :)