Saturday, January 12, 2013

We're not talking about coffee UPDATED

Totally off topic, but with all the news about Java, I had to wonder if people knew how to disable it on their computers. Here is an article that helped me understand the problem.

To disable Java in Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and Opera, go to this link.

January 13, 2013 8:11 AM What You Need To Know About the Java Exploit is an easy to understand article about Java, including the difference between Java and JavaScript. Also when it says to "open the browser and type ALT
+ T to activate the Tools menu. From there, select 'Manage Plugins,'" don't 'type' ALT, but hit the ALT key, then hit the T key. This is important, Folks. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security urged computer users to disable Java. I hope our very well paid IT guys in the Municipality and School District take note.

8:44 PM  Starting with Java Version 7 Update 10, a new security feature has been added to Java. Some web pages may include content or apps that use the Java plug-in, and these can now be disabled using a single option in the Java Control Panel.  It is very easy to do on a Mac too.


Anonymous said...

If you hear of a fix will you keep us informed PIO Elaine!
Thanks for the alert!!'

Lebo Citizens said...

I sure will, 9:44 AM. Be mindful of what you are disabling. We're after plug-ins, so Java, not Java Script. You want to still be able to view Timmy's YouTube video.
PS. Wish I made the salary of a PIO.

Anonymous said...

Java update is already up to ver. 11