Saturday, September 23, 2017

Add it up

The yard signs for November's election are starting to pop up. In my opinion, the school board race is the most critical.


Consider who is asking for more transparency in the Post-Gazette's Debate continues over Mt. Lebanon schools' capital campaign. Mike Riemer and Stephen Strotmeyer

Who have been to known to make personal attacks, roll their eyes, and be disrespectful toward their colleagues and inquiring residents? Birks, Cappucci, and Remely

Who is under investigation with the PA Ethics Commission? Birks

Who had to resign because of the nepotism policy and for the hiring of her son, a Mt. Lebanon School District teacher? Cappucci

Who is running to replace herself on the school board? Cappucci

Who hired Timmy? Cappucci and Remely

Who was part of the team that negotiated the current Act 93 agreement for our District administrators (Jan Klein)?  Cappucci

Who is a Century of Excellence Capital Campaign chair who originally claimed that $1.5 million were raised, but then back peddled when we learned that the campaign had more expenditures than revenue and pledges combined. Her bio now claims that "the Campaign has raised nearly $1 million." Caste

Which candidates are endorsed by their political committees? Riemer, Strotmeyer, Diamond

Which incumbents were excluded from the Timmy Ticket? Mike Riemer and Stephen Strotmeyer

Whose yard sign is going in my yard?


Anonymous said...

Which candidate is requesting an outside of audit of the fundraiser...... Riemer!

Anonymous said...

I'm in with Strotmeyer and Riemer! We can get the transparency we need from them. I really think Diamond needs some actual education experience in Lebo first. Maybe she'll be good in 10 years plus or minus a few.

Anonymous said...

With the ability of candidates to cross party file on top of the duplicate candidates on two-year and four-year term ballots, is my best bet to get Riemer, Strotmeyer, and Diamond elected to select just the three of them for the 4-year term and then Riemer again for the two-year term? And DON'T pull the straight party "lever" because of the cross filing even if I am a Democrat?

Lebo Citizens said...

3:35 PM, here's the thing. By not voting for Diamond, you are helping the Timmy Ticket. The balance of power will still tilt in Timmy's and Jan's favor. I have been at this for SEVEN years. I have seen the lies. You got a taste of it at last week's meeting. It will be another four years of the same. With your strategy, it will still be five against four. Do you want that? I sure don't. It is time to get the Timmy Ticket out of there. The lies and the corruption has to stop. Every vote counts. In this election, the popular vote wins.

Anonymous said...

Its clear reform and accountability will NEVER happen with the Birks crowd running the show. Vote for Riemer and company. Its an easy choice.

Anonymous said...

Elaine can you or one of your Readers capture the video clip of Dr. Steinhauer and Mrs. Bonjorno going back and forth for the date of the School Board vote for the Capital loan ?

Lebo Citizens said...

You mean when Timmy was flat out lying to Paula Bongiorno? I can't, but perhaps someone will. It is priceless. Well, it's not priceless. It is costing us $205,492, with Timmy getting a SIX PERCENT raise next year. Oh, the power of compounding. ugh.

Timmy has Cappucci, Remely, and Birks to thank for that amended contract.

Anonymous said...

Think about this parents and taxpayers.

The administration and board - loaned, invested (whatever they want to call it) - $923,530.02 in a fundraising venture that has apparently (hard to tell by the bookkeeping) that has done very little to enhance the kids education.

While the district ran this fiasco, Lincoln parents begged for smaller classrooms and parents across the district asked for more special education initiatives.

How did the board react? They claimed there were budget shortages each year and would need to raise property taxes. They claimed Harrisburg needed to send the more money! Trouble is Harrisburg doesn’t have any more to send! Just ask the governor and the state rep and senator.

So, with all these issues what would you have done? Spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on fundraising firms and employees or would you have invested in teachers and special ed experts?

Nah, better to pass out big bonuses, hire people that have nothing to do with education... that’s the ticket, right?

I won’t tell you who to vote for, I’m not re-electing the ones that raised my taxes and ran this absurd fundraising campaign.

Anonymous said...

But wait there’s more...
These incumbents seeking re-election are the same people that had to implement student parking fees (to park in a lot your taxes paid for) that somehow managed to find enough money to dole out lush bonuses to administrators and a 6% raise to the super super.

These are the same people that planned into the high school renovation project the repacking of a church parking lot but didn’t plan for the recovery of the practice field the project used to pile up mounds of diets.

One of these directors promised that the project would never exceed $100,000,000 on his watch. How long did that promise last?

So voters, what is that famous Einstein quote on insanity? Something about doing the same thing over and over again and getting the same results. Yep, keep on voting for the same people over and over again.

Anonymous said...

Corrections @ 6:22

These are the same people that planned into the high school renovation project the repaving of a church parking lot but didn’t plan for the recovery of the practice field the project used to pile up mounds of dirt.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a fan of MS. Diamond,, she was around the neighborhood a few weeks ago,, shejust blew her horn about herself,, she seemed very upset that she has all her education and she just sits at home...I kicked myself for allowing her to talk about her self and not ask what is her vision for Mt Lebanon Education..